The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-04, Page 21• d+ 1 o PAGE TWE.ITY.TWO Langskie Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wightman •of Belgrave held #heir family Christi , mas party in the Belgrave United Church basethent on December 17 with 37 members of their family present. Guests came from Brampton,. Rexdale,. Guelph, Wingham, Hanover and Luck - now. Mrs. ,Wightman is the former Jean Young of Langside. Joanne Bongertman ' of Luck - now • who, had. ' been visiting relatives in Holland returned home in time for., Christmas. Robert Bregman who spent the summer working on a dairy farm out west returned home before Christmas. In a former paper when we mentioned the girls who were_ enrolled in the 1st Holyrood Girl ° THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL. LUcKNOW, ONTARIO BY MRS. CLIFF YOUNG" Guides, Heather Moulton's name was. missing: Sorry Heather. Mt., and. Mrs. Jim Young, Marty, Jamie, Karen and Liane. were Christmas dinner guests on December. 25 at the hdme of Mr. and Mrs. '.Bob Struthers, . Sharen and Cindy,, Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young -were dinner guests on December 25 with Mr.. and Ars. Len Coughlin,- Kelly, Kinard Karey. Christmas dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young and William on December 26 were Mr. and Mrs: Jim Young,. Marty, .Jamie, Karen and Liane', Russell 'Young, Ken Young and Russell Springer. Christmas dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Young of KEMP'S GENERALSTORE R.R. 7 Lucknow Lanes — Phone 529-7E48 Moms Soft Margarine Ib..... 65c Green Giant Corn. Niblets 12 oz. .. 49c Swifts Corned Beef, 12 oz..... 115. Do you know anyone here in Ontario who --through. selflessness. humanity and kindness without expecting anything in. return. -has made this a better province in which to live'' That's the kind of person for whom the Ontario Medal.forrGood Citizenship was established. Recipients are seiected by an independent Advi- sory Council of Ontario citizens whose honorary chairman is the Lieutenant•Governor of the province. Anyone may nominate a person for the Ontario Medal. and iiomiriation forms are available by writing: Executive Secretary Adois'ory Council. Ontario'MedaI for Good Citizenship Queen's Park �" • "Toronto. Ontario M7A 1A1 Making.a nomination isitself an act of appreciation for good citizenship. All nominations should be received by April. 15. 1978. Onfa io .Medal for Good Cif ienship Lucknow were Mr. and Mrs, Robert Young, Beth, Jane and Erin of Chesley,. Mr. and Mrs. George Young, Heather, Bradley and Cheryl of. Wingham, •Mrs. Eugene Gardner, . Sandra, Greg and Shelley of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Moffat, Bob and Donald were dinner. guests on December 25 with Mr. and Mrs. Don Stewart and family of Te'swater. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jim Springer, Leslie, Pam and Russ8ll .visited with Mr. and,Mrs. Jim Young and: family on Tuesday evening. St. Helens BY MRS. WAYNE TODD Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon McPher- son enjoyed the following com- pany for the Christmas holiday,, "Marg Black, Dave, Kevin, and Elizabeth,, Lucknow, Private Fred Black of ,Wainwright, Alberta, Mist Joan Currie, Kitchener, Janet Nevery, Wingham, Sandy Orion, Mrs: Ethel Rutherford and Ross McPherson,, Lucknow. 'During the week they visited with Mt. and Mrs:,,Fred.Th.om•pson of. Caledon. z • St. Helens W.I. will' hold' their •meeting January 5 at 2 p.m. at the hall. The roll call is Name one. way in which . progress has changed our lives. Mrs. Brian Gammie': and boys visited with MrS. Anna Rosen.- hagen, Collingwood, - during the 'holiday'. week. Christmas visitors at the home of Isabel Miller were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon • Maclntyre,Rich- mond Hill, Mr -.---and Mrs. Ray Laidlaw and family. of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller' and Larry of London, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Todd and family, and Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Todd and family of St. Helens. Margaret MacPherson, of . Lon- don spent . the holiday week with her parents •Mr. and Mrs. Bill MacPherson. 1.; Wi D IESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1978 ' . Mr. and'Mrs. Clifford Young received word of the .death of. their niece, Mrs. Freda Glazier of ,"Oshawa, who passed • away on December 28 after a lengthy . illness. Freda was the daughter of ' Mr. and Mrs, Walter Richardson and as a •girl lived on the farm across from Graham Moffat now owned .by Bill Bates. She attend- ed_ Langside School.. Her husband Mervyn-- was killed in a car livet Miss Nancy McGuire and Miss Joyce Black returned to London and Kitchener this .week. where they attend University, after spending their holidays with their parents. • ... Mr. and Mts. Warren Rich and family pf Wingham visited on Friday with Mrs. Oscar White and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Moore and family visited onf Monday. `Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGuire and family visited on Boxing Day with Mr: and Mrs. Walter Black and family. .: • • Christmas Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Oeds Geertsma were Mr. -and Mrs. Eldert 'Geertsma of .Lucknow' and Mr. and Mrs. John . Geertsma and family. Dr. and Mrs. Milson of Toronto visited on Saturday with Mr. and. Mrs. Oeds Geertsma. m The community ' extends, its deepest sympathy to the family. and friends of Mrs. Herb Huston who passed «away Monday morn- ' ing at „the . Pinecrest Nursing Horne in Lucknow. Visiting over the holiday season with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hamilton. and . family were Mr. and Mrs.' Paul Hamilton and family of Hanover, Mr. Andy Hamilton, Mrs. Norma McDonagh and Rod accident, about eight- years ago, She leaves two sons, Eric and Cameron, both in Osliawa. the funeral Was from Currie's Funeral Horne Wingham on Saturday with interment in Clinton Ceme- tery. •. Mr. and Mrs. • Len Coughlin, Kelly, Kim and Karey left on Wednesday to visit relatives ' in Hamilton, They plan to stay till New Years. • •1 Piz BY MRS. JACK IvMcGUIRE of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Russell - Tout and Susan of „Kincardine, and Mrs. Vera Blackwell of St. Cat ?arines. • " Mr.. and Mrs. Walter Black were very happy when they received_a.phone call. at Christ- mas from their son Jim who is presently in New Zealand. He ° reported lovely - warm weather down there as - this is ' their summertime: Visiting during the holiday season with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Black• were Mr: and' Mrs. Bill Black of London, Mr. David Black of Vancouver and Miss • Joyce Black of Kitchener. • Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vansickle . and ' children visited during Christmas with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Grant Vansickle and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Munch, all of Cambridge. Mrs. Oscar White spent Christ- mas with Mr. and • Mrs. Doug Moore and family of Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. Ron -McGuire and Christopher spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reeves, and family of Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. John Geertsma and giris 'visited for a' few days last week with Mr, and Mrs. Murray Zinn. of Whitby. w��eGIVE... HEART FUND GEORGIAN4-COLLEGE WINTER 7e EVENING COURSES IN HANOVER Personnel IN KINCARDINE Ballroom Dancing Drawing & Painting How to Start a .Small Business.,,. • Terrarium Gardening • IN LIONS HEAD Painting • ' IN OWEN SOUND Applied. Energy. Alternatives Aviation Ground School Ballroom Dancing Bartending Cake Decorating - Beginners Cake Decorating - Intermediate Canadian Institute of Management' Managerial Accounting Human Behaviour ' Chair Caning ' Conversational French (Beginners) Conversational Spanish- (Beginners) English as'a Second Language Fireplace Construction Flower Arranging Gourmet Cooking. Guitar (Introductory) Horseshoeing • Human Relations Income Tax . . - Indoor.Plant Propagation Industrial Maintenance' Mechanic Japanese Embroidery l<ay..ak `Building. r.� IN OWEN SOUND Labour Relations Metric Conversion for Builders Oil Burner Service ' Photography Advanced Planning Your Retirement Pottery (Intermediate)* Reading Effectively Real Estath Introduction - Intensive- Introductionn - Extensive Mortgage Financing Principles of Appraisal Refrigeration Retail Selling • Rug Hooking Shorthand Skiing - Cross Country Small Engines - Sociology Spinning & Dyeing - Level 1 Stained Glass - Advanced Title Searching Transactional Analysis Typewriting • You and -the Problem Employee Welding Wine Making Work Sinplification Yoga Intensive Training IN PORT ELGIN Communications IN TARA Japanese Embroidery For full information on courses contact Georgian College, Box 700, Owen Sound (N4K 5R4) •:or telephone 519-376-0682. Better still, drop into the campus at 1150 -' 8th Street East, any day from Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and $ p.m.- or' ATTEND REGISTRATION NIGHT Jan. 9, t y 10.