The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-04, Page 18• WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1978 Whitechurch Mr. and:Mrs., Carman Whytock- and Jack were Saturday evening guests with Mrs. Jessie McGlynn • and Bill of ,Teeswater, _Richard Moore playing in the tournament with Wingham Ban- tam A team lost\to Brampton with a. score 12 to 2. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Emerson and Mr. and ° Mrs. George Webster were Saturday evening . guests with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Jamieson, West Wawanosh, Mrs. Osborne, -Laura, Bethany -and' Anna accompanied Mr. Osborne to Toronto on Monday where he attended Knox College' till Thursday, land the others visited friends and relatives with - all returning home on Thursday. On; Friday Mrs., E. W. Beecroft and Karen .and ' Hugh Sinnamon visited their sister. Mrs. Archie. Hertel and Mr. Hertel of Kitch- ener. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald ,Beecroft, Kevin, Shannon and Heather of THE LUCI NO*SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO• PAGE NINETEEN . BY MRS. VICTOR EMERSON Guests during the holidays with Mr, and Mrs.. Bob ,Adams were David Adams, Windsor, Mrs.. Jim Smith and Robbie of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart and • Pauline, of Blyth. Rev. and -Mrs. Allan Hobbs and family of Bath visited Wednesday and Thursday with his sister Mrs. Harvey • Osborne, Mr..Osborne and family. Mr. . and Mrs:. John Jamieson, George, . Bob and Dale spent Christmas holidays in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs.. Eldon Emerson, Darlene,' Sharon and Brenda. "of St. Catharines were holiday, visitors Thursday to. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs'. Victor Emerson.. Miss -Clara Milligan spent the holidays in Streetsville with • Mr. and Mrs. Pat Donnelly ' and family.. ' Mr. and Mrs. Keith Humph- rey, James and Christopher of Bluevale were Saturday visitors. with Mr. and. Mrs. Harvey Osborne and family. • -Boxing- Day, guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Milligan were Mr. and Mrs. Brian Falconer of Wingham were New .Years, guests with his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. W, Beecroft and Karen. Mr; and Mrs. Whace Milligan spent the weekend with Mr.� and Mrs. Pat Donnelly -and family of Streetsville .and Clara retuifrad home with them on Sunday. Clarence Wybenga"of Bowman- ville was a holiday visitor..... with Mr. and Mrs, Bob Adams and family. ' New Years guests with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rintoul,. Steven and Scott were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul` and Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Campbell' of ,Kitch- ener. a New Years guests with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott were Mr. ,and Mrs. Paut•Elliott of Brussels, Mr. and. Mrs. Paul • Laidlaw • of Windsor, Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. L. Galbraith of Wingham. Mr. and. Mrs. -Paul - Laidlaw left - for • Windsor Sunday afternoon. • The. Presbyterial is being held in Wingham January 16. Visitors - during the holidays with Mr. and •Mrs. Russel , Chapman were Mr. and Mrs. TO Gary Chapman, Lisa and Aaron of Sarnia, Mr. and• Mrs. Pat ii►i� FOR �0u Wingham. • - Donnelly and family of Streets- vil_le Tn the family gathering, of4Mrs. Doris Willis were Mr. and Mrs. - Gary Willis, Carolyn, Robin and Jarret of Newry, Mr. and Mrs. John Willis, George and Jeffery; .- Kincardine, Mrs. Bill Willis and. Lyle. ` Mr. and Mrs. :Eldon Emerson mere Friday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John McKenzie and family 9f Teeswater. . Whitechurcli Play, the Wacky • Widow, is to be presented at Holyrood January 14 • Mr. and M"r"s. John Willis and family of 'Kincardine were New Years guests Sunday . evening with Mrs. Doris Willis. - Miss Janet ' Sleightholrn of IrA-1,1,71 I DRIVE CAREFULLY INTO '78 1978 GRANADA, 2 door 1978 GRANADA', • 4 door ' 2'197,6 FORD F1,00, pickups 1978 FORD CUSTOM 500, 4 door 1976 FORD 1/2 TON, F 100, 8V automatic with• power steering • 1976 DART. SWINGER, 2 door,.6 cylinder automatic 1976.,CHEV IMPALA, 4 door hardtop 1976 PONTIAC ASTRA, .2 door 1975 PLYMOUTH, GRAND FURY, 2 door 1975 CHEV IMPALA, 4 door hardtop, with air conditioning 1975 CORONET STATIONWAGON 1974 DODGE CORONET STATIONWAGON , air conditioning 1974 .DODGE COLT STATIONWAGON 1974 DODGE MONACO, 2 door -hardtop with air conditioning - 1,4 1974 GMC VAN 1974 FORD GALAXIE.500, 4 door 1970 DODGE,. 4 'door sedan 1/2 TON TOPPERS IN. STOCK SEE THESE AND OTHERS ON OUR LOT SEVERAL OLDER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM'. . NOW TN STOCK . - 1978 Polaris Snowmobiles nr'..Aldir/ Arr#mIoAisor wo4w# '#flour .o.w. Ii CAR SATES LTD BLYTH 'PHONE 523-4342: Lochalsh BY MRS. OLIVER McCHARLES May the New Year be_a Happy' ' one for you and make an effort to keep Lochalsh,news in the paper by giving me a call. Thanks to all those who have been helpful with the, news in times past." • -- - . Spending the holidays •w'ith Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacKenzie are daughter Gayle of B:C. and son Ian, of Thunder Bay. ` . Mr. Ken Farrish of Boston - is holidaying with his parents Mr. and.: Mrs. Duncan Farrish. . Mr. and Mrs. Ron,. Brooks and family spent BoxingpDay with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Moulton of Tiverton. . Mr. and Mrs. Doug'Martyn and family attended the annual -Boyd family reunion in Ripley Legion Hall on Monday evening. e Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles spent Christmas Day in Oakville with Mrs, Allan McCharles and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Mc Charles of Petrolia and Mr. and Mrs. Don McCharles and `family of Chatham also visited at the same home. •- Visiting with Mr. and Mrs.- D. A. MacLennan were Miss Katie Sutherland of London, Mr. and Mrs, Ted Heffernon and Mr. -Finlay MacLennan. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elphick were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'Stobo, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Donaldson - and family of Port Credit. ` 4 Miss Lynn Elphick attended Toc Alpha in Toronto during the holiday period. • Mrs. Emile . MacLennan and Sandy entertained the family on Sunday and Monday. Mr. and- Mrs, Jim . MacKenzie anwith Christmasin Ripley 1 fa Mr. nand Mrd Oraen Rock, Toronto • spent the weekend, with her` parents Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sleightspolm., berry. Myer,. Taver,. the family of Mr. On unday afternoon at Turn • - and Mrs. Robert Mowbray, toot them out to.the restaurant where Mr., • and Mrs, James Wilson (Catherine Mowbray), Mr._, and Mrs, Ronald Seddon: (Roberta Mowbray') of Brantford . and Mr, and Mrs, Angus Mowbray cele - brated• their father Robert .Mow= bray's 89th birthday with dinner and all the trimmings and "''presented him with a beautiful. dressing gown. ' Holiday guests for Christmas. and New Years with Mr.. and Mrs. Joe Tiffin and Mrs. Orville Tiffin were Mr. and Mrs.. Bi11. Snowden and Billie Jr''. of fxoderich, and Mr; 'and Mrs. Dave McGlynn of Kitchener. 1+� Public Works Travaux publics • Canada Canada • ONTARIO REGION - LONDON OFFICE QUOTATIONS " SEALED QUOTATIONS addressed to Head, Tenders, Contracts and Administrative Services, Department of Public Works, Canada, 457"1ichmond St., P.O. Boz 668, London, Ontario,N6Y 4Y4•and endorsed "QUOTATION FOR PROJECT. NO.•'L642382 CLEANING CONTRACT, POST OFFICE,.LUCKNOW, ONTAR IO", will be`received until 16:00 hrs. TUESDAY, JANUARY 17 , 1978. Quotation documents can be obtained through the office of the Read, Tenders, Contracts,. and Administrative Services, Department of Public Works, Canada, 457 Richmond St., P.O. Box•668, London, Ontario,, N6Y 4Y4' and may be seen at this office. To be considered each quotation must be submitted on the forms supplied by the Department and must be prepared in accordance,with the conditions- set forth therein. The lowest or any quotation not necessary accepted. Enquiries 519..679-4435 LONDON, • Ontario A. F Jackson, Head, Tenders, Contracts and- Administrative Services, Try .A.00,1.1.. of ti Carhartt" Eorduroy Pants REGULAR QR • D E" LEG FLARE . AND.• b : PAINTER -PANT STYLE . WE, . CARRY 'A FULL LINE OF 'WORK CLOTHING. INCLUDING 'OVERSIZES LUCKNOW PHONE 528=2526 OPEN MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Need'. Replacement Parts? •Drop into Garrys 'Auto Service - Mt IRknov y ° Replacemnt parts -available for car, truck •troctor, recreational vehicles, etc. AutoServicear yis Lucknow Phone 5.28-302.2 .....a.•. 1 . "Johnston.Broi. - ' (Bothwell Ltd.) ,,Dungannon, Ontario . • Sand, Gravel,:trushed Stone, . Cement Gravel and Road•• Contractos $y• $ ' . P�ickedLtJp.and Delivered 0' $ ippon Daily 7 a.m. - 8 p..m.. .. • e Phone:Dungannon , r , 52907947. ,, t" , 0 ,• • • =• f. 0 o , , 0 A. ... swmn•osaw.a,►a..w..w....... ..wa••.I.p►e..iwo`+..%.v. ♦ a 4 • 1