The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-04, Page 15PAGE SIXTEEN On Tuesday, December 4, 27, 1977, Mrs. Ethel. Munn, passed away in her 92nd year in the -Bluewater - Rest Home in Zurich where she had resided for the, past five years since leaving her Ripley home where Don and Anne McCosh now live.,, Mrs. ° Munn was the'daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, William Knightand was born in Ripley on June .4,"1886. She is survived by her two sons Gordon of :Stoney Creek and Murray of Waterloo and three grandchildren, Barbara and Rob- erta, daughters of. Mr,. and Mrs. Gordon Munn and Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Munn. The funeral service was held last Thursday afternoon at the Mc- LennanMcCreath Funeral Home here and ' thence to Ripley Cemetery with Rev. Jim Bushell . of St. Andrew's United Church in charge. Sympathy .of the Ripley' folks is extended to the family at this time of bereavement. Before moving to the house mentioned above, the late Mrs. Ethel Munn with her husband, Bob and sons lived in the Main home just east ' of the former Ripley Public School, the one where Mrs. Grace Peet now lives. ,:Her father, was a carpenter and built at least two houses on the main street west - his own home where, Mrs. Annie Scott now lives and Bill and Helen McCreath's home where the funeral parlour is * , * •* •. *. * * Attending the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Ethel Munn; was Dr. John D. Munn .of oronto,. also a family ,friend, . David Robin- son, C.A., of Wo dstock. Dave,, a recent, graduate- of Ripley ' District` High .School operates an. account- ing firm in Woodstock and operating: in Western Ontario. *. *. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reid (Donna :Mead) and children of Stroud visitedwith her mother, Mrs.Arvella Orr and her sister Miss1 Pat Mead for Christmas in Ripley. Also with her sisters Bev and Gloria - Mrs. Bill Peterbaugh and Mrs. Bob Rutledge .and their families before returning home to Stroud the middle of last w"eek. *. * .* * * * Mrs. 'Mary (Donnie) MacDon-- ald and Mrs. Effie . Sutherland both of Ripley, spent Christmas in Brampton' with their son and daughter. respectively Farquhar and Mae MacDonald and family. * **•* * * 1 TItE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO is Week. in RipleY r BY AB WYLDS . Miss Judy Hodge of Windsor interesting . visit was the late Roy With Mr. and. Mrs.. John Scott was home to Ripley with her McGuire, mechanic at the Ripley on the, 10th of Kinloss were' their parents Howard and Marje Hod- Sunoco Garage. sons and families - Mr, and Mrs. ge and brother Brent for New - „ Bill. Scott and Mr. and Mrs; Btib- . Year's weekend. * ,,,* * * � * *. , Scott of the 4th of Huron; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott, Jim, Bruee, Bev • * •* " * * Robert. Campbell presently at-, and Murray of Ripley and Miss' . tending the Agricultural College . Bernadette Keiffer of Teeswater, Sympathy of the Ripley area at Centralia, spent the Christmas Mrs. Elizabeth Fair, Mrs. Mary folks , ig extended to Mrs. Albeit vacation with his parents. Mr. and R. MacDonald, Mrs. Margaret Tout on the recent passing of her Mrs. Donald Campbell-. on the Blue, Mrs.. Annie Scott., Frank father. fourth concession east s the Edgar and Margaret Scott, all of Ripley. Watson farm. ' * * * *,* * " * * * * * * * .* * * * * Last Wediesday morning the Miss Katherine Murray of fire whistle sounded in Ripley Christmas visitors with Don Toronto was with . Haipilton and calling the local fire• department . and Anne McCosh were Mr. .and Annie MacKinnon forthe Christ - with its engine and tank truck .to " Mrs. Jim McEwan and Sandy of mas holidays. .the Point Clark area. • Kinloss, Jamie McEwan of Wat- erloo Univeristy, and Kenneth McEwan ofWestern University in London, their son Richard Mc - Mr. and Mrs. George MacLen-, Cosh of Purple Grove, Mr. Edgar nan of Agincourt visited for New Watson , of Lucknow and Mrs. Year's with her int "' Miss Gladys. Arnold of Ripley. 'Florence MacDonald in Ripley. * * * *, • * *. * *.•* * * * q . With Mr. and Mrs. Ralph - Able' to returnM.mP home train' • Hunter at their home east of the Ripley post office were Linda Taylor and Heather of Hanover, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gladys and ° Gordon Robertson; Scott and family of Huron, Mrs. Cindy .and Kenny of ,Calgary and Margaret Blue and Mrs.' Annie Mrs. W. J. Mackay Of Huron. Villa. Kincardine and • District Hospital the latter part . of last week. was Mrs. Mary Fludder: `Mary Thad been .a. patient there for the .past two weeks: -All wish her well. * *' * * * * ,* * * * ..* Mrs. Donalda Gossell of Ripley visited with her daughter Lois and With Linda and Jack -Campbell husband -. Mr. and Mrs. Donald at Pine River for. Christmas were Craig and family in Kincardine Stewart and Clara 'Shiells,; and Township for christmas. Mrs. Marjorie Reid of Ripley and members of the Campbell family. *' . With jack and Betty Scott in Ripley for Sunday Christmas were Mr. and Mrs. Donnie , Blue and family of Toronto,' Mr. -and Mrs." Jim Blue and family of Windsor, Mr.. and Mrs. Jack Blue and family of Windsor,,. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blue and family - of Listowel, Miss Bernadette Keiffer of Tees - water, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scott; * * * * * * Thanks to Mrs. - Gossell for bringing the writer's attention to the obituary notice in ' the Star newspaper of the Mrs. Sam Seiden, once a resident of Ripley many ' years -ago.' Mrs. Esther Seiden passed away last Thurs- day, December 29 in the Baycrest Hospital in Toronto. The funeral service - was held, ,at Steeles College Memorial- Chapel on Steeles Avenue, Monday of this week with interment in Reselawn Cemetery. She is survivedby her .family, ...namely,..Frank.,-._Pauline; Belle, Max and Sheila, all of Toronto, and Rhoda of St. Thomas. Her husband predeceas- ed her.. Mr. and. Mrs. Seiden are remembered as first living in the house where Noreen and Jean MacDonald now live on Malcolm Street and then where 'Ivan and Betty Cook ' and family live on. main street south. A few years ago. Max,, who has a hardware. store on Bloor Street West, visited in the Ripley area. One of - pose with 'whom he had a' very Scott, Mr. Jack Blue of Ripley and son .Eugene Blue of Detroit,' and Mrs. 'Flossie Geddes of South- ampton: ' * * * .* '* *:. With Mr. and Mrs. Allan Irwin and family were his parents Lloyd Irwin of Pine Lodge Rest Home in Lucknow and Mrs. Irwin of Huron Villa and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred. Cerson. - Visiting with Mrs. Gladys Mason in. Ripley were her daughter and husband, Reta and Roy . Webster and their family With Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn from London. Hooey in Ripley for Christmas were Mr.' -and Mrs. Carl Hooey •, 9f* Ripley District School Adult Education- Course "Soils and Crops Updating" • .1:00 p.rr. f'or 10 .Thursdays �. Starting. January IZth__ . For further illfortmation c 11;school 395-2695 BRUCE .COUNTY BOARD O EDUCATION d M• WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1978 .J1,• and son Brian of the 4th of Huron and Mr. and. Mrs, Brian Steele of Downsview. * * , * * ' * * New Years guests with Mrs. Marjorie Reid were Mr, and -Mrs. Harold Hewitson, Owen 'Sound Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lawrie, Port Elgin, Mr. and Mrs, Ed Howe and Audrey, Paisley, Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Harris, Kincardine, Mr. and Mrs, Bob- Harris and family, Huron Township, Mr. ,,and • Mrs. Ronald Harrip ,and family, Toronto, `Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Hooey, Ripley, Mr. 'arid' Mrs. Carl Hooey and Brian, 4th of Huron, Mrs. Ruth Norman; Kincardine, • Mr. and Mrs. Roly Rees, Kitch- ener, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Camp-: bell, Amberley. * .* * * Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Elliott and Lea of • Upsala, Northern Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Elliott - and Ian;, Mr. and Mrs. John, Farrell and Teresa, concession 10 Huron, Mrs. Gladys Mason, Mr. and Mrs. _Paul Greenwood, Jean- Paul and Joe and Mr... Richard McCosh were New Years guests of Don and Anne 'McCosh on Saturday, * *. *. *: '* * Mrs. Adeline Martyn returned home after holidaying with her daughter Bernice , and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Rod 'McLennan, Toronto. * * *. * * * New Years guests of Mr.. and Mrs: Reg Godfrey .were Mr. and Mrs, Reg' Reihl and family of Saltford, „ Mr: and Mrs. Terry Young and. family of Stratford, Mr. and • Mrs: Bill . Godfrey and - CONTINUED ON PAGE 18 Attention Sii�wmobilers! 1 _ GET YOUR PLEDGES. FOR. THE Benmiller Foresters Annual BILE ALL PROCEEDS FOR CANCER RESEARCH' Registration 10 a.m.-12 at Benmilter Foresters Hall SUNDAY, JANUARY 15 -Pledge Formsavailable at local snowmobile dealers snowmobile clubs, Carlow. Store, Benmiller Store, H. Lobb iL Son, Clinton, T.B. Allen & Son, Londesborough. Riders mustbe pledged to enter • -In case of unfavourable weather, . Marathon will be held on frA:riwing g Sunday. ;Listen to CKNX for confirmation. - -Barbecue at completion of run. Bring' your own meat, the res• t provided: Prizes' for riders completing the ,SO .mill run and `' greatest amount in pledges. • -=Machines mint be licensed. turning. in .tit e 4 a s .w i TA' Y .E . . :, o u . , u . ♦• . won . , , t. . , ti,.* 4 a a n a