The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-04, Page 111NEDNESDA►Y, JANUARY 4, 197$ D:gaiuin Mr. and . Msl Alex Chisholm spent Christmas in • Toronto with Lynn's mother, Mrs. Alice Clout- ier, and family. •. Mr.. and. Mrs. Don.. Nicholson and boys were part of a family group'o f forty who shared Christ- mas dinner with.Helen's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wilmer Rutledge, Nile. The Nicholsons joined Don's par`enj s, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Nicholson for the evening meal, on Christmas Day. Mr: ' and Mrs.' Chester Beattie of Goderich Township visited their• daughter and. family, , Mr. and Mrs. Ian Mabon, Jennifer and Ianthe, on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Olson spent a few days over Christmas in Stirling and visited, Bertha'sa mother; Mrs,. Blanche_ .Hay, who has been ill for five weeks in Campbellford Hospital. The .01 - sons also received word from the west that Freeman's mother, 1' ` Mrs. Runa ,Olson of St. Pierre, Manitoba has been hospitalized: Terry and Betty Ann Olson of Listowel,. Rennie Olson and friend of Kitchener, spent New Years at their parental. home. Mrs. Edith Phillips and son ,Albert from near St. Augustine had dinner with -her brother and sister-in-law.; Mr;' ,sand" Mrs. Dynes Campbell; on ° Christmas" night, Mrs. Phillips observed her $5th birthday. recently. Present for Christmas with Mr. and ,Mrs. ; Beni Mole were. their family, Bob acid Betty Mole and family, Ashfield Township, Jack and Nancy . Phillips: and boys, Point Clark, Mrs. Jeanette Junip- er, Lisa and Darlene, Kincardine, Don and Lois Walden and family; Kincardine., Walter Mole, •Kincar- dine..... . Mrs. Margaret Mole won a' Christmas cake in a_I raffle at the Post Office before Christmas. Sue and Glen MacDonald of Kitchener spent Christmas week- end with Sue's. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard,Godfrey. Ed God- frey returned to Kitchener with them on Tuesday as he is working there. Howard Godfreywas admitted to Goderich Hospital on Tuesday and was given oxygen.' He was still in hospital on the weekend. Mr; and Mrs: Bob Stothers visited on Christmas , Monday with Helen's sister and' her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred in Kincardine. Jim Stothers returned to 'Wat- erloo on Monday to begin another ,four month study term at Waterloo University..He has jus finised a Work term.' Mr. and Mrs. ,Rod Jervis (nee Jean Stothers) moved into Goder- ich -last week as they have purchased., a home there. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin. Smith retu'rne'd last Tuesday after spending Christmas at. Stoney Point with their daughter ,and 'son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lauzon. Mr... and Mrs. Bill McKay and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lauzon, all of Stoney Point spent a few days with the . Smith's and enjoyed some snowmobiling. Mrs. Wm. Garten, Leaming- ton,' and Mr. and Mrs.. Marvin Smith spent New Years day with Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Gamble and family' in Ripley. Mr, `and Mrs: John. Park, Wayne and Glenda, Mr. and. Mrs. Wnr:. Petrie, Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. John :Stanbury, . Goderich visited. Mr: -and -Mrs,_ -:_Ken Kincardine last Monday. after- noon. They started out in the morning but found visibility very poor north . of Kintail and other cars in difficulty• so they turned back and waited untilthe weather cleared somewhat in the after- noon'. Mr, and Mrs. Don Pengelly and 0 THE LUCKNU. W SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO BY MARY SERE family visited', v,vith Don's sister and family, Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Mather at their newly purchased farm near Belgrave on Christmas Eve, On Christmas Day, they visited Sharon's parents, Mr. and ,,Mrs. George Broughton, Monk= 'ton. Visitors with the Pengelly's on New Years Day were Sharon's sister an. d husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bill 'Burkholder of Blyth. Donnie Carmichael. received a cut on his cheek last week while playing hockey in the gym at school. The wound. required four stitches. Mr. Bert Maize, Huronview, has been in Goderich Hospital for the last few w'eks ,since breaking his leg in a fall. New Years lay visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Nels Pearson were Mr. and Mrs.' Scott Pearson,,and • family,. Goderich, Mr,. land Mrs. Gerry Egglestone And , Ken, Goderich, Mrs. Pearl Congram, Mr. Maurice •Ivens, Mr." Bert McWhinney, Mr. Lorne Hasty _and Brock. • .<a Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reed of Toronto spent a few days last. week . at their home in the former h lh us h Congratulation/Robert and Claudette Sherwood on the` birth of a daughter, in Alexandra,. Hospital, Goderich on December 31, 1977,"a first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sherwood ° A Christmas family gathering. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick lark . includ Sharon and Dave Dawson and fancily,. Diane -and Rick Park and family, Nancy'and Greg Park, Sue and Doug Brown and family,. Heather and Gary bauphin and girls. Greg Park had the misfortune to run into a fence on Saturday while snowmobiling, and his upper jaw was broken. His jaw had to be wired an his face. stitched, 'It will be a liquid diet for Greg for 'a while!. ° Marybell and Dwight Aldham and familyof Inglewood- visited her mother, Mrs.. Mary Bere on Sunday. ' Mrs. Gertie Park spent Christ- mas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Park and family: Other callers and visitors at the Park home during the holidays 'were Mr. Arnold' Bartz and friend of Toronto, ",Walter Shiemann of Belfast, Michelle Good, Goder- ich„ Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lawlor, Auburn and Tammy Schiemann, Kitchener who spent the week with her friend, Wanda ,Park: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Irvin and -family and Elizabeth Ritchie of Lucknow spent New Years Day with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Irvin. T. ' ucknow Firemen respond- ed promptly to a call to come to a chimney, fire at the home of Mrs. Mary Bere early Saturday. morn- ing (in the wee small hours). Fortunately the fire subsided without damage but the firemen ascertained that both pipes and chimney were full and advised a thorough cleaning before starting the furnace again. This condition is apparently unusual . with oil heat and makes one wonder as to the cause, whether it could be the fact that the chimney is on the outside of the wall. Both Mary and Jamie were thankful to neighbours who noticed the fire and. alerted' them or it might have gotten out of -hand. Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston, Kiln -and -Bert; of-Toronto;~.Mrs: Kate Miller and Ken Johnston of Lucknow spent Christmas week • with Mrd Mx.§.tusell ,; Johnston. 4 The regular W.I. meeting which was to have been held at the hone of Mrs. Roy Robson °o i Wednesday this week. had'.to be postponed due to the incidence of flu in the Robson home. oa Dungannon United. Cku•rch Rev; Clyde Westhaver spoke on' the topic, "Hopes and Fears ;of a New Year", at New Years Day service on Sunday morning. The Stewards were asked to meet for a few minutes after the service. ' The Sacrantent of Holy Com- munion will be observed in the, Sunday service on January 8, 1978. An Official Board meeting will.. be held on Wednesday, January .18 at 8.30 p.m: at Nile Church. Dates ' Will be set for the two congregational meetings. The. minister will receive re- ports of the various organizations for printing: as they are ready. They should be in his hands by mid -month or very soon thereaft- er. i3roksidc Happenings _° . At the Concert Rehearsal in December tike Student'„ Council ave out the prizesto those who 'were' Winners -in the chocolate bar •selling campaign. • First prize went to Lauranne King; second' prize, Steve Alton; third prize, Johnny Curran; fourth *prize,' Diane' Jefferson. On the same occasion. 'Joanne Culbert was presented with a free T-shirt as designer of the crest shown to be printed on the. school T-shirts. . Dungannon ,.Christian Fellowship The message on New Years' Day at the Christian Fellowship Church was one of challenge and recommittal - the .message being • taken'" from Deuteronomy, hi the evening a special community `sing" was held in the church. Due to the absence of some from the community and of much illness within the commun- ity was a smaller gathering than anticipated. Karen Metzger and Mike Frey contributed to ' the program by .offering three music- al' fiumbers.with Karen at, the piano accompanied by Mike with the guitar. Because the film, "A Cry in, the Night did not reach us in time, Pastor and Mrs. Lawrence showed slides on a trip to Holland and told of a .Bible Conference which they attended while :there. 4a g'oit're Way Ahetd with Want Ids • t. . PAGE ELEV1faN Walk, jog, run, skate, ski; swim, paddle, pedal ...don, t let fife catch,yo,u with your head down. Fitness' is fun. Try some. • i'aRrir/Pacrion Chain Saws G A GOOD.SUPPLY OF USED CHAIN' SAWS IN STOCK Accessories, repairs and parts for any kind of Chain Saw and Snow Machine lathe Work We can do all kinds of lathe work; cut bushings to any size; also -make a Shaft for anything. Ornarnental Wrought kon R,�iling, Prefabricating on handrai'Iing,farm gates and farrowing pens . for the do it1 ourself nen ready cut kits • • LUCKN,OWMACHINE:. 1 ,: ; AND WELDING: SHOP, • Phone 528-3833` BARRY HACKETT - LES HAZELDEN BILL LICHTI one of our representatives will be at The Bedford__H'otel, GODERICH "on the 2nd. and 4th Tuesdays of each month JANUARY 10 AND JANUARY 24 If you require financing to start, modernize or expand your business and are unable to obtain it elsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions or if you are interested in the FBDB management services of counselling and training or wish information on government programs available for your business, talk to our representative. FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK information call' 271.5650 Or write 1036 Ontario Streof, -Strafford.