The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-04, Page 10rrr 1.. PAGE TEN' • • Ali 4 •• •.; rig LUCKNOW SLENTIM4p, MCKNOW, (11!TARIO • • 4•• • ••W.ks.4 - • • • Lticknoic ties Hol8Prood in first place The Lucknow Industrial hockeyteam played to a 6-3 'decision against the HolyrOod Butchers on Thursday - night to tie the Butchers for first place in the league. The highlight of the game came in the..opening seconds of the second period after the 'two teams had switched ends when Butchers' Gert de Jong scorcril on his own net. In the second 'game, the Kintail Flyers bombed the Flying Dutchmen 12-6. .o • WipmEsDAY: 14SuARY 4; ;1978 ) • Luckno t ke ottr• wins The Luel.9low Atoms closed.oUt 1977 on a winning note as they won their last four games. On December 16th the local lads defeated Wingham in an exhibi- tion game 2 - 0. Scoring for Lucknow were as follows: Grant Murray- 2 goals, Brian De Groote 2 assists and Steve Murray 1 assist. Danny Gilchrist earned the shutotit. • _ • • , 'Playing in Teeswater on Dec- ember 20th the Atoms camehome . victorious 4 - 0. Scoring for Lucknow were: Grant Murray 2 goals, 2 aSsists; Brian De Groote 1 goal, 2. assists: Alex West 1 •goal. Todd Scharlach and Danny • Gilchrist shared the goal 'tending Playing their third game in four " days the local lads beat Belgrave • 1-0 in an exhibition game. Brad Scoreboard Tuesday, December 27, Flea Exhibitione,Ripley 2, Lucknow 1. •ArOnesday7Dec-eniber 28, Pee Wee Exhibition, 'Wingliamt 8, • Lucknow 0. Flea . Exhibition, Belgrave 3, lucknow 3. Juvenile • Exhibition, Lucknow 7, Ripley 4. •ThursdayA December 29 trial'. _ League, Lucknow 6, Holy - rood 3; Kintail 12, Flying Duich. inen 6., . dutie. , * Friday, December Lucknow g On December 21st Lucknow" played the strong RipleY team at. home 'and. handed the visitors a. 3-1 defeit. It v'cras Ripley's first At • ,•The Ripty Tykestook on. Belgrave in. a dose -game -last week. Clint•Tivolen scored unas-, sisted in -the first period, and that held until the third, period when BelgraVe tied up the game. Clint • mor HoCke BY MRS. ELAINE POLLOCK . again scored unassisted to bring ' the final total " to Ripley '2, Belgrave 1. Jeff Godfrey led the Atom "B" squad to victory over Sandy's Fashions 7-4, getting 4 goals 1, loss tof the spason. • "'Scoring ' for Lucknow were , Grant Murray" 1 goal, 1, assist; - Alex -West 1 goal; .Chad' Mann..1 goal and Tommy Gilmore 1 assist. Mitch Twolen scored the lone Ripley , goal. Danny Gilchrist played a strong game in goal. Midgets 7, Ripley 3.. v*#••••••*********4:************M4 A Priestap scoredl with an assist to. Chris Collyetfor the only score of • the game. Todd Shcarlich earned the shutout. ews assist John Forester' had 2 goals. and 1 assist, while David Patter- son slipped the puck past the 'goalie once. Darryl Verbeek, Ross Farrell and Robbie Brooks each • made assists. Ask about our feces on new trucks 00.0•11011,40600.1.11000•41* it000ti•o4, FORD TRUCKS WIT -148 F-150 RANGER LARIAT :Options: • 10 -hole forged aluminum wheels (4) • RWL tires- iolbr,••••••••46.•••••• . . 'n • In Pee Wee "B" play,- the holiday season ,must, have: been too much for the guys; as theylost to Teeswater 12-0. . - • In a close contest the Midget team beat Lucknow 3.2. Steve Simpson opened the scoring for— Lucknow, and then Brian Regier took a pass from Jeff MacTavish to tie it up. Jeff scored the only marker in the 'second period, ma pass from Brian and Murray Coiling. Early in the third period Jeff and Brian again combined to score. Don Elliott, Lucknow, scored right at ;the end, but that was all the time there was... With the holiday season over, regular scheduled play will, re- sume this week. See you at the arena. Midgets lose Lrst game •of season Lucknow Midgets ,went ewer to play against Ripley Midgets for a. final score. of 3-2 for Ripley. This was Lucknow's first loss of the year.. The -goals for Lucknow were as follows: Stephen Simpson, Don • Elliott each I. Assists: Don Elliott, Doug Dorscht, Stephen MacPherson and Stephen Simp- son each 1 assist. On December 30 the very next: night Lucknow proved that they could win against Ripley for a final score of 7-3, at riicknow. Goals ate as .follows:. Stephen Simpson, Doug Dorscht. Kevin Clark; Stephen •MacPherson, Don Elliott 2, Paul Hamilton, Agsistk, Stephen MacPherson, Don -El- liott, Stephen Simpson 2, Larry MacPherson, Danny Londry, Pat iloyie, Patti Hamilton. Come; and cheer the ivlidgee . iteath on te( victory, • 0. Eucltnoinr Arena Schedule WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4 1:30 3:30 p.m. Moms and Pre Schoolers Free Skate •-• 3:45 - 445 p:.m. Brookside Boys THURSDAY, JANUAR'Y 5 ' 7:25 Power Skating ' • 8:30 p.m. Industrial Hockey Lucknow vs Flying Dutchmen Hoiyrood vs Kintail FRI6AY, JANUARY 6 • • 3:45 - 4:45 Brookside Girls 7 p.M. Pee Wee HockeY • Teeswater vs Lucknow SATURDAY, JANUARY 7 House League Hockey 10 a.m. Rangers,vs Red Wings 11 Canadiens vs Blaekilawks 12 Noon Bruins vs Maple Leafs 2 - 4 p.m. Public Skating • • Admission 35c and 50c • 4:30 p.m. Pee Wee Ex. Hockey Belgrave vs Lucknow 7 p.m. Flea Hockey 9 p.m. Exhibition Hockey Old Timers vs Lucknow Kinsmen SUNDAY, JANT.TARY 8 1:30 - 3:30 pan: 'Public Skating 3:45.p.m. Juvenile Hockey. Ripley vs Lucknow 7:30 p.m.. OHA Int. C Hockey 6 Wingham vs Lucknow MONDAY, JANUARY 9 7:30 p.m. Atom Hockey Teeswater vs Lucknow TUESDAY, JANUARY 10 House League Practice 6-7 Canadiens vs Rd Wings 7-8 Bruins vs Rangers 8:15 p.m. Bantam Game Time • _ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11 1:30- j:30 p.m. Moms and • , • Pre Schoolers Free' Skate. 4. 4:45 p.m: Brookside Boys oftimommaimmoimiTinoommillis MA IX WINTER GREAT- • 1 • • ' 4 a