The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-04, Page 7• VVEDNES nA,Y, ,TANUARY 4; 1978, - • A large "number of chairmen and memberSof the' committees organiling , the International • Mewing Match '78, met with the executive of the Ontario Plow- men',.S. Association in the first of several general intermation meet- ings heldoon Tuesday, November 22 in the Central Huron Second- • 3 • ary School at Clinton. • The meeting was to provide an' opportunit4for everyone on the Huron. Committee ;te participate and: direct questions to the OPA executive.'EaclicoMnittee Chair- ' Man reported on the progress of his committee• and then answered • questions from the floor. • The Huron 'County chairman, . Howard Datars of Dashwood, . welcomed all those who were, pres.ent and introduced the OPA executive as 'Well as the local' executive. Max Steadman, pres- ident of the OPA, congratulated idle Huron executive& its choiCe --site-Jor-_the 1978 match. They. d made a tour of the site in the afternoon and were able to drive• . over the whole area,Because they .• could do this -after all the rain of late, he felt the site was an exceptionally " good choice for 1978. • Mayor Wm'. 'Walden of Wing • - ham, accompanied by ,.Allan Harrison, Bill 'Rintoul and Tom • • Deyell, expressed the desire- of Winghant residents to become 2.1 involved with the plowing. match .1 and Asked for direction in where • they could be of assistance. It was. 1 • „ decided they would be included in future meetings, of the publicity • comms coniitte so they could be -kept • infor ed f the progress. • . • • Robert,Gordon': and Alan ••ge., ,rePresenting the newly -form- ed Befgrave- Kinsmen, were on • hand to obtain inoreinformation about security for the week of the match. The Kinsmen have offered their services to provide security priorto and during the night-time hours of the match. Treasurer„ Earl Iiilderley, Clinton ?stated' that the expected budget for the 1978 match wotild,' • .run between $150,000 to $1/5,- 000. He asked each committee to keep i close eye on its budget and.•-., keep within reascniable bounds. It was:announced there will be a meeting early in the new year. • . for: all- the '.past, present and future committee Chairmen, in order that. they :can discuss past • matches and provide much-need- ed information/to the chairmen involved with „the 1978 and 79 • matches. _Ray Scotchtner, publicity chair- man, • annOtince.d. • hat • ,100,000 • place matS—haVe been —obtairied, but that his. committee • is still • lOoking for sponsors ,for another • 100,000, T-shirts .of all sizes are• Also available and Will be sold • through the schools. , • • , Bob Gibson reported the ban- ' quet committee has rented 1,500 • chairs and 300 tables*Obe used in ' the HoWick Community Centre • for the banquet. • , Ji1Ieting, committee chairman,' George Underwood; reported all ' motel and hotel rooms have been • reserved as far away as Kitchener and Southampton with very fewei left for exhibitors. The committee is now working on building up • list of private homes that would be willing to provide billets,. either by the day or the Week. He • asked anyone who was interested to contact him. . Spencp Cummings confirmed that arrangements have been finalized for,the two buildingS to be used by the county exhibitS. One building will be. used as a • liveSlock building and the other will hold • any other -county,: exhibits such as the fatifittead ate r. tUcl(NO* SENTINEL, LU,OKNOW: ONTARIO and home improvements commit- tee's display and 4R exhibits, RetiortinglOr the flying farm- er's committee, Chris Gosling said that last year over 200 plans flew in 1,350 people to the match, and that his committee has made arrangements for use of the Wingham airstrip and. a shuttle: service to and from the ,Match site. • They, are also making arrangements to provide helicop- ter ••rides _ at the site. He mentioned that his committee is Still looking for radio equipment , to use between the two locations. Mrs; Carol Armstrong, ladies' program chairman, reported they plan to use two large.tents. One of these tents will hold the fashion shows, cooking demonstrations and possibly hair styling, while the other would be considered a •horticultural tent where floWer demonstrations and othershows would be held. The' ladies' committee is responsible for purchasing souvenirs' and has on hand pens, -spoons, trilbies, trays and Tsshirts. The committee is also holding ,a; quilt• compepion. • 1 , • • 1 ' PAGE SEyN Bill Leeming reported for the special events committee and temindedilVIr.Walden he will be asked to challenge other mayors for the mayor- plowing class: Land committee chairman Bar- ry Mulvey explained that all necessary land has been acquired. and plans are being finalized for the placing of the parking lots, ' machinery demonstrations and other displays. • • Any group interested in obtain- , ing. space in the tented city is urged to make application lin- • The Huron County Boar mediately to E. A. Starr, Secret- ary Manager,. OPA • Ontario' Ministry of Agriculture and'Food, Parliament Buildings, Torentel.! Ont, M7A 2132, Reeves Bill Elston •of Morris, Township and Don Eadie, Turnberry Township were prei- ent and: Elstorr‘reported on the progress of the traffic committee. Traffic eormincto the match from • the south will be directed down the first line of Morris and across the new bridge to the back of the, Armstrong farm. Traffic from the north will be directed down the B • CONTINUED ON PAGE 9 ' • CENTRAL ,HURON -SECONDARY SCHOOL • MONDAY NIGHT • itartinilao'.909781 CERAMICS' - d 'weeks 'HAIRDRESSINd' • - 8 weeks • ' • JAPANESE EMBROIDERY - .10 weeks MACRAME.- 10 weeks. POTTERY - 10 ,weeks, "UPHOLSTERY.- 10 weeks.. THURSDAY NIGHT. fstarting Jan.12, 19781 LADIES FITNESS • CLINTON .PHONE 482-3471 TUESDAY NIGHT •(starting Jan.102 19781 . ART - ‘INTING - 10 'Weeks CC iATIONAL FRENCH - 10 • 4- weeks-- , , ,8" weeks HUN] I. SAFETN' - WeekS - • . . • 'INCOME TAX, -.5 weeks" • • INTERIOR DECORATING 7-10 weeks •STREtCH SEWING '(Bask' • & •Advanced) -10 Weeks WEL'DING - 10 weeks STA,RTIA‘G MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13. ,• 1, 19781 GOLF• • WEDNESDAY NIGHT (Starting Jan.11, 19781... clocHETING 10 Vk:c! e k s (ROSS COUNTRY SKIING -.10weeks •". FLOWER ARRANGING' - 10 weeks • FURN111,:kii REFINISHING. 10 weeks' SILK SCREEN -ETHING ° - PRINT MAKING' 10 weeks STEP DANCING - l() weeks • WOOIJWORKING -• .10 weeks STATING TUESDAY, MARCH 28, .1 19781; • .• COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHY - ADVANCED •MONDAY NIGHT (starting .I„an.9 19781 BADMINTON - 10 weeks — OFF -LOOM WEAVING - 10 -weeks SiAFOR'TH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL SEAFQRTH PHONE 527•;9380 • ' . TUESDAY NIGHT , 'starting Jan.10, 1978'1 , , MACRAME. - 10 weeks . • -, WEDNESDAY NIGHT • .istarting Jau.11', 19781 OIL FAINTING , 10 Weeks (ALTING • I() ‘et.-Iss • CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING - Tuesday., January 3 and • Thursday, January 5 from 8- 10 p.m. with 8 Sunday, afternoon sessions to 'follow. F.. MAD1LL'SEqWDARY.scti.poL-:. WEDNESDAY night • IsisirOrti Januar y 11-, 19781 'FIRST AID" STANDARD - 8 weeks •GROWING AS PARENTS - 10 weeks HOLLYWOOD• AND THE MOVIES i0weeks • LADIES FITNESS - 10. weeks • POTTERY - 10- weeks ; ..GENERAL 10 weeks WINGHAIVI - PHONE 357-1800 MONDAY NIGHT (starting April 3, 19781 • GOLF FOR BEGINNERS- 8 weeks • , • • • TUESDAY NIGHT Istarting April 4 19781 STRETCH KNIT FABRIC'S- 10,wccks SOUTH H MONDAY NIGHT [starting. Jan. 16, 19781 KITCHEN REMODELLING & DESIGNING - 10 weeks LINGERIE . SEWING BASIC - 10 • weeks • • LINGERIE SEWING -- ADVANCED - 10 weeks • . POTTERY - 10 weeks FITNP.S & WEIGHT CONTROL • 10 weeks WOODWORKING - MEN & WOMEN - * 10 weeks 4 U,RQR•.piSTRICI:HIG1-1...SCHOOL • EXETER -PHONE 235-0880, TUESDAY NIGHT • 'starting 'Jan. 17, 19781 FIRST AID ( ST. JOHN'S( -'10 weeks WEAVING.-FQR BEGINNERS 10• , -weeks ' THURSDAY Ni Starting January CERAMICS - BASIC DEN:F. LOPM ENTAL. to wechs GUT 19:1978)1 10 weeks 'READING WEDNESDAY NIGHT • (Starting Jan.18, 19781 AUThMOfflLE41MNTENANCE FOR • •WOMEN - 10 weeks • CROSS, COUNTRY SKIING - BEGIN • NERS - 10 w•eeks ('ROSS COUNTRY SKIING • INTERMEDIATE - 10 weeks • FLOWER ARRANGING •5' week's NEEDkEPOINT AND E1ARGELLO •10 %teas • pODERick 'DISTRICT .COLLEGIATE MONDAY NIGHT ' • 1Stlirtittg Jan. 0, -19781 BADMINTON 10 weeks BRIDGE - INTERMEDIATE 10 Weeks GOLF ...)0 weeks OYMNASTLCS FOR • ELWENTARY O STUDENTS 10 weeks • , $PEED 1tEADINO 10 Aveeks GODERICII - PHONE 5247353 • WEDNESDAY NIGHT • Watling Jan, 11, 19781 LADIES' SPORTS NIGHT 10 weeks MACRAME - 8 weeks . MEN'S' SPORTS -NIGHT - I0 weeks a THURSDAY NIGHT 'STARTING Jan, 12, 197$1 STRETCH SEWING - ADVANCED • 10 weeks , • • • , . • • — • •• • TOBEGIN i .IANUARY METRIC (For buliding trades) - weeks 10 BEGIN IN MARCH. -GARDENING 5 week, '.10318.41(NIN..APRIt.TE1%11111S.:- ,A;49eks • /