The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-04, Page 6#t " • 1' 1. PAGE SIX IVIORR4Y , MOFFAT Electrical Contractor , • LUCKNOW t 4 PHONE 5284913 CiR 392-6041'. • BRAY • CHIROPRACTIC. OFFICE 197 JOSEPHINE ST.. WINGHAM , PHONE 357.1224 • PETER GERSTER" , MASONRY and RENOVATIONS. .R. 5 LaKNOW •'PHONE 395=5311,, , • . . INVESTMENT THE STERLING TRUST CORP. INCORPORATED lNr, 1910 Prevailing Interest -Rates Retirement Savings Plan Your Representative •ALEX MacNAY ALEX •WM. A. (Bud) HAMILTON .AGENT FOR BP OIL LTD. • Gasoline Heating Fuels. Burner Service and Furnace Installations Trucks Radio EquipPed. ,•For Better Service • Dial 528-3006 •Res. 528-3616 • Wholesale and Retail nix!,FmNowsENTINimotugoTomr,oNputio . . 7111011117INOIMINSIMINiM1/0.01.111..':, 4" the co-operator HOME UTO • COMMERCIAL INSURANcg, ,Arte AGE JEAN WHITBY Luch:Npw • WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTEItiNo4 REASONABLE PRICE?. Rep.: MacKenzie Funeral Home •Bus. Phone 357-1910 Res, Phone 357-1015 •R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST — GODERICH The Square (Phone 524-7661) • VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST CO. , For information on '`TRUST CERTIFICATES • INCOME AVERAGING • REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN. BRAD'S PLUMBING AND HEATING' 4. • Repairs and Renovations Industrial. - Commercial and Residential FREeESTIMATES 395-5771- ' Standard -"Premier Call Their Representative LLOYD (Hap) HALL 528-2045 KARLC...LEOTZ • CHARTERED • AtCOUNTANT • . . . WINGI1AM, ONTARIO • TEL. 357-1087 • INSURANCE AUTO. - FARM,.- HOME- • COTTAGES - COMMERCIAL INVESTMENTS R.R.S.P. and Trust Certificates Victoria and Grey - City WM. R. NELSON .CARPENTRY. Area Representative For- — • .TRALEE - KITCHEN CABINETS • AND. VANITIES Free,Estimates • No Obligation LUCKNOW 'PHONE 5212949; Trust COnipanies J.A. McDonagh •,NVEDNP/jAY;JANUAR'y 4, 1978- NOW TO BECOME EXTINCT .IN JUST ONE EASY LESSON! Don'? Advertise • Being an essential and effective part of retailing, promotion is nexessary. The basis of success is simply keeping your name and what you do,. in front of the public. Repetition builds reputation. Let us help you. ' The Lucknow Sentinel' z 4 Telephone 529-7848 R. R. 7 Lucknow, Ontario .e1.01-414•Gft • ,' SALES SERVICE - INStALtrATION •• , • COMMERCIAL- INDUSTRIAL - RESIDENTIAL , . „ sacs Agency BARRY= ROD ciA Phone 528.3423 or 528-2031 •• ihicKENZIE find • MeCREATH •' FIINER41, BOW CHISHOLM FUELS . HEATING •OILS SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS • •LUCKNO%V. • ?Mile 5204524 Or 1311. SERVICE ProdUtt8Vor iartn; Mane and , Today al. thew isrtaitay is )tio iteethiiilt •f he .cabt get more fi AMEMBEItOF • ASSOCIATED FUNERAL• DIRECTORS SERVICE rEJNERAL SERVICE Seryice8 Conducted according to ydttr wishes at your twine, your Chin& or at our Puneral Home at• no additit71 charge. Luclinow, Phone 528.3432 •Ripley; Phone 395.2?49 • Day or Night Wilghain Memorials • cro gthti tor • amami•uns• amirnimal• iaissaisrsoitim • • • • • V ' cc •••. Co • Brampton 1VIontreal Toronto Hamilton CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS • St. Catharines • 380 WALLACE AVE. —•PortColbarneListowel • LISTOINEL ONTARIO •291-1251 • Winnipeg. Calgary 40 'THE SQUARE •_ „. Edmonton GVall0deerlievher— GODERICH, ONTARIO, 52i122921 • Reid POterS011 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Winghani357.1522 J. A. PETERSON, C.A. t • , PHONE 5284016 P.O• : BOX 29 LLICKNOW. ONT. NOG 2HO ta), Pitilaucts dea• DitostoN or. MIKE SNOtiELEN FARMS: LTD• . DEALERS IN ALL1YPES OF GRAIN 5•191.528-3203 A nth NotsiOto •• MiKt SNOBELEN 395‘.15167, E1ARIVE WYLDS :395;5914- • .1" • • • PJR7aP3O7Off Foit'srghL • YES!-. 'people Do read small" YOU ARE • ClOsifted'ods • .. FIRST. •• 4tV ••