The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-04, Page 5e • The orkshop VVIIB HARM, R.R. iDungannon . ANY ITEM IN WOOD • NEW FilltNirtillg BUILT Oth FtIRNITURE' " REPAIRED PHONES294205 ' • 1 1 . • ". • , • • WEDNESD'AYI, JASUAIRY 4; 1978, . . , •..,.. . , . . .- 1 THE LUCKNOW SENTINELTiLUCKNOMI ONTARIO e • t , I ' WANTED TENDERS- Bruce ,,County Farm Report , WANTED TO BUY- refrigerators, freezers, all shapes and an 'models, in working condition. • Phone 528-2625, --40tfar • EXPANDING CANADIAN • OIL COMPANY - needs dependable person who an work without ,„ supervision. Earn $14,000 per year plus bonus. Contact customers. around Lk - now. We train. Write A.. P. bick, Pres,; Southwestern Petroleum, Brampton,- Ont. L6T "116-, .. I .7 • • TENDER BRUCE COUNTY • strOngly that calves innAbe The Huron dounty. Board of PLOWMEN'S. ASSOCIATION • separart0 from their , mothers ;• Education will receive : plainly The -Altnnai „Meeting of the verTSOMM after birth, and housed marked sealed tenders on Care-13ruce • County Plowmen's Associ- in facilities •that 'are isolated • „. taking Supplies required for our ation :was held.in Walkerton -On ;completely from the rest of the • Elementary and Secondary December 20, 1977. New officers adult herd:, This is particularly Schools up 12 o'clock were elected for the coming year traportint for the first 2 3 noon Monday, January 3rd 1978 as follows:, president, Bill months' of, a calf's life, This 2: - • Kay; first vice president, Duncan emphasis on isolation has led in Specifications ,and tender f may be obtained from the Offices, 1003 Albert Street, ton, Ontario•I' Lowest or any tender not n orms Campbell; second vice,,Keside7iii, recent years, to the development Board George -Anstett; secretary treas- ' of interest in two different types • urer, Roland Anstett and provin- nothousing - "cold" units such as „ tial director, Bruce, Parker. • individual calfi hutches with eces- • 1977 was a ,profitable year and inatural environment and "warm" the Association is looking forward units where the environment is +,.another good year 'in 1978.. fairly . closely controlled.. Calf . . • MAJOR APPLIANCES WANTED .4? R. 13. Dunlop, IVIernberships are available now hutches are siniple and mexpen; from Roland Anstett, secretary sive' and with proper management Refrigerators, stoves, freezers, Superintendent of Director, • • etc., any condition. Business Affairs fr of ,Educati " I • • 'Luekirat Appliance Centi,e - .- Phone.528-2946 • ' .1. --446ar . . • • L- . 1, • .., . ...r.raw...aar....are..dari,........r#4. , • OGS WANTED. Standing Timber •• For top prices and instant cash • Call your local Sawmill • -CRAIG'S. SAWMILL, AUBURN BM Craig • Phone 526-7220 • , Craig , • ; 'Phalle 526,7512 ' • °n treasurer of the Association', R. R. carr providelexcellent calf envir- "r.• , - . 1 'Cargill (Telephone, 366-2298). °intent. The main dra*-haek, • Ministry of • All interested • people are invited however, is one of operator labour Housina . , membership is only $1.00. Get during a period of severe winter '• -involved. , conditions. Thus, since winter can Ontario flouSing: •, , . be ' rough in this part. of the • ' to call Roland., The cost of and inconvenience - particularly COrpOrati011 ROLAND ANSTETT, • Province, local 'dxymen Should • Tender Reference, _ i • separate 'Warm housing for their • Number SFT -78-6 JUNIOR FARMER •-• ' - calves. - • . COMING EVENTS AND NEWS . Isolatedquartqrds can-bedevel- Move-out painting required, at . January 14, 1978 - County oped within the inaiii dairy barn, • . Secretary Treasurer. probably be more interested in Varioui projects in Huron County Invitational .0 Broomball rna- but this is ofteirrather difficult to • are " • ment —• Ripley, Dance in pley achieve, coritidtring the need for 1 , • • Complex to follow. Zone 7 JUnior a completely separate air ,supply, Tender Reference , , Farmer, Draw for $400. --- no direct, operator movement NumberSFT 78-7 , ' Winner, Jim Henderson, # • .5 • between areas, completety Separ- M t P inti e uired a • t U 11 various projects_in Perth County . . area '' , 1" - •GRAIN CORN INCOME objectives by bttilding a complete- r.c.d.ro.w.,mr....m. MP' .411W AEI ove-ou a ng q Seaforth, ate manure systems, etosua y it is easierto achieve these, FORRENT • - Tender Reference• STABILIZATION PROGRAMS ly separate unit - a calf nursery Move -out painting required at the Cintario4prograit is .January — small buildings, well insulated, .• a• ONE AND TWO bedroom aPart- ,various projects in Bruce CountY.. 16, 1978 for the September 1, well ventilated, ,complete :.with , • •• . Number SFT 78-8 The 'deadline for enrolment ° in building. . These are relatively • ments, available imniediately, area . . •• . •• • 1977, to. August 31, 1978 corn ,. some form of supplemental heat. Phone Gerrie Glenn, 528-3234. - - . ' 1 • year. • . - ' • Some form of individual stabling —51d52 , ' 'Ontario •HOUsing Corporation-'*' ' . re-. The .. Ontario program will • ,should be provided - at least until quires painters who are willing to stabilize the price _ of corn at - • after weaning,to prevent the ' enter into .a contract for interidr b—etween 90 and • 95% of. the . calves from, sucking one another. '. . . • . IN_ .114EMORIA painting (on a rotational according . to a preset rate . „and will be . -. basis) average price over the past years schedine.• -• . ' - ' , ., .Federal. program which supports , paid in addition to the systeins - a). elevated stalls; and and dry is also b) bedded floor -level pens. • . a , Basically there . are two Stabling ' - • . -• -greater and this is , must for .successful .ealf PAGEFIV:g (7,• I4.•"' have a fa/0404 buyers gm* - Which FIFO . ..in Passifisd" That's whoa" dot club was .wailing Ytfi now (au a borrowed tub. . And must !tails lOoknd Oka quit. a dub, Just 'couldn't hit a' thincil But with !1T4 club, as - you coo so., My games improved • ' ftemendously • Especially my soiling! 1 WITH A CHECK UP AND A CHEQUE SUPPORT THE CANADIAN CANCER • SOCIETY , • GARDNER - In loving a dear father, Lorne who passed away one January 5, 1977. ' . • • to 90% of the' five year • El average eva tedcalf stalls coricentra e Forms are. available at our office. a number of animals in a small Gardner, Details and specifications may be • year aio • obtained by , telelphoning (519) Claim 'forms for the 1976 space, thus saving on, building whichpays 6c er bushel separatiOn; thy reduce contact memory of • • 679-7110, quoting reference num- Fe • deral Corn Stabilization Pro- costs; they provide Positive calf ber as above. Acceptance docu- ramg• p p ments will be received for the ar Dad your presence is ever ne •• us, Your loVe remains with u's yet You were the kind of father, Your loved ones will never forg • • • . f al d i 1Jnder both. programs , the . diarrhea problems; -they provide , • , - - • above until 11:Q0 a.m. local time, ' ... January 18, 1978, by the Ontario m ipmum . is bushels (10• e rl c f observations. owever, they can be quite 39 000 bushels (1000 tonnes) . are also available at our office.withec material, thus re uc ng • • Sadly missed by your daugh Nancy, son-in-law. Jim,, grandchildren Chris and Kim • • tonnes) and the maximum is Housing Corporation,,e Court • afty,- particularly if open -type et. House and Registry ffice, 80 ' Dundas. Street, P.O. Box 5600, , ter Postal Station ':'A", " London, • ' and Ontario, N6A 2P3. YOU'RE WHISTLING IN THE DARK ... IF YOU THINK THAT HEART ATTACK AND STROKE HIT ONLY THE OTHER FELLOW'S FAMILY. Help your Hecut.:. • Help your Heart Fund, • . • . M. RBOLTON, floors are used (a top-notch A ,. . .,... heating and ventilatingsystem is g. Rep. required); unless the manure is - • • removed frequently, a build-up of • • • DAIRY CALF HOUSING • ammonia gas, leading to respira- Mtomtry of if ohe is to have a reasonable tory problems, can occur. Expe . chance of success in the rearing of fence has shown that- a high ousung young 'dairy calves, it is of prime degree of management is requir- Ontario'Housing importance to provide an environ-. .ed t� make elevated stalls work • ment that is clean, dry,, draft -free satisfactorily.. . Corporation, and free of sudden temperature - Floor -level pens require more • cbanges in, addition, Veterinar- building space; the labour and ians and others concerned 'with 'expense of bedding that ' is calf diseases ; e.g. pneumonia, required to keep the calves dean scours', etc. - suggest quite . . • • Tender ReferenceNumber SFT 78-2 ' _Several Contractors reiniired for general maintenance repair work , at various projects in the Bruce, County area Tenders will be received for the above tintil 11:00a.m. local time, January 11, 1978, by the Ontario Housing Corporation, cio Court House and Registry Office,• 80 Dundas Street, P..0., Box 5600, Postal.;4-tation "A", London, Ontario,. N6A 2P5, ' attention Branch Manager, *from • whom details and specifications:may be .obtained •or telephone -;(519) ' 679-7110, qiloting reference num- -ber as abov. The Lowest or any tender not necessarily, accepted. • raising.. However, under normal farm situations, this . type. of stab)ing seems to give good results reduced ventilation problems, fewer health problems, greater, ease in getting calves accustothed to group living, etc. Regardless of the type of stabling • system used, it is essential that t -all calf nurseries be ' vacated SAND BLASTING' , • •, BRICK BUILDINGS ALL STEELWORK ° • AIR*HAMMERWORK BACI0.10EING ARNOLD STOTHERS. PHONE- 5fle,,7463 FOR iSTIMAtES` • Corii Alfalfa SoyBean • in. corn aid SOV bean • ...'HYLAND. SEEDS: .7. Gary .00ophin. Lucknow 39575617. • • • • compltely at least once a year to , • break • the build-up of disease • organisms. This should be accom- panied by a complete sanitizing,of all walls:' floors, pen partitions, feeding_utensils etc. Certainly. the summertime is the -best time to • accomplish this when the calves 'can be housed in • temporary quarters someplace else. Possibly this is when outdoor calf hutches can be used to advantage. _ • • • • H. E. BELLMAN. Guaranteed Service LUCKNOW.APPLIANCE. CENTRE SALES AND SERVICE Box 580 C11. KEN .- 5 8-2 9 46 • Luckriow, Ont. • Oros.' , Custom Itotnes Cottages Additions Pam Buildings - Renovations .1 , .. . RICHARDASIGES.• .., BERT ASKES - OFFICE, LIJCKNOW,,52$4726 ° ,WINGHANI, 357-365 t e • 1. P. ' I ,