The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-04, Page 4• • • '1)AGE FOUR • • -r • eArr ,31. ) 4•4A4'". Itot.•,... • ' • ' I Sniall MS... FURNI Big Results! Av. RII ,e6jato Occ 961.1200 • 444infa;»,,,•• • . A4 • THE 141.081f9W StirINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • A rfatt."6•11 •,••M411111,11 14,...4 • *RI". MOM, •,un FOREST HILLS ARMS $210 • •Fr."..;•9411?1 :VC MP,r, ••••* • Al4 P n• { ,..,WARRINt;TON. tc",f ""'• , . . WEDNESDAY,, JANUARY 4, 1978 SSIFIED AD • , FOR , SALE FOR _• FOR SALE • OFFICE DESK, .top size 35"x 60", swivel office chair_ with Shepherd castOrs: Lloyd Craw-, ford, phone 529 -7211..1f -1 - DRY AIR Try 'an Electrohome 'Humidifier from Greer T.V. and Electric, phone 528-3112, Lucknow... We also have filters and Sanitaire fbr • your Electrohome humidifier. •• —44ar MaeDONALD SIGNS • TRUCK LETTERING . BANNERS SHOWCARDS, SILK SCREENING' *Phone 395-S347 • . - —40tfar •. RENOVATIONS - See uslort your renovations. For renovations to/ your home, new stairs, vanities, cupboards, etc. The Woikshop R. R. I Dungannon Phone 529-7205 —48rtf. SLOOP SLEIGHS and bench sleighs. Bill MacPherson, Phone '392,6028. •••1,4x. ' APPLES FOR SALE Contact Alex Andrew, pone 528-30f9t • • • , LIVESTOCK FOR SALE - 25 bred! gilts, some dtie soon. otttact Roger 1316 -Man, R. R. 2 .Lucknow, • phone 357-2957. FOR SALE - cOnsole stereo, A.M. P.M. radio reconditioned. Greer • LICENCED TRUCICPTG-, Grain, corrt, to eleVator or storage; ,all . livestock. Seeds cleaned and treated? bought and .T.Y. and Electric, ,phone 528'-...: sold. Grain storage available. :`31I2 --Slat • ELLIOTT'S SEED 'MILL • LUCKNQW • 528-3500 — 38tf4 '• e • FOR SALE .- 19 and 20", portable reconditioned black and white dreer. T.v..and Electric. Phone..,528-3112.. --48ar ; , EXCAVATING AND TRUCKING . sand and gravel. Phone Robert Symes, Lucknow 528-3047: , • • SEPOY STATIONERY can fill your printing needs from 'envelop- •- es, • to wedding' invitations, to • continuous forms. We'd be pleas- .. • . • • . .!.. 90„ ed to • discuss anything in the • . ••-•••••.4"...— • NIAWHINNEY - LOTTERY TICKETS Whitario, Provincial, Loto Canada, Cash For Life Arid Loto Group Buys at $1. . a., share, Sepoy Stationery, Lucknow. —49rtf YORK BOARS, ANti Duroc Boars, 'phone 887-6477, Wayne * Fear. —5221 REYNOLDS AND APPLIANCE SERVICE Repairs to all makes "land models, call 357-1085 Wingliam. —40tfar PICTURE FRAMING - Choose from 500 samples, also art array of' coloured matting.' Snyder Studio, Witigham, phone 357-1851. • —40tfar . • ••••; LAYING HEN5," one year old, " approximately 120, $1.00 each, Phone 529-7890. —1,2. , i9'7- FORD • MUSTANG II, low mileage, like new condition. Phone - EAVESTROUGHING •528-2071 after 6:00 'p.m. " AND SIDING M. & J. ROOFING Will roof your new house or re -do ' Free -Estimates All work guaranteed Phone 528-3815' • ^ SEWING MACHINE SALES AND SERVICE - repairs to all makes and models. Sales on used and new zig zag and stretch stitch •• your old roof We 4Iso do w,elcome. • ••• A**/i,.*inpS .1••• 41,,A. ,F5f . . '4 $ dtmteig It4,4 4944 3 ACT PLAY The Whitechurch VrOmeti"ssInsti-'° tute will present their 3' Act„ Play, ,The Wacky Widow,, in .Holyrood Hall on January -14th, at 8:30, Sponsored by the Kinloss ReCr- ation Committee, with proceeds_ to go to. hall renovations. —1,2 **It land.1 lure. I IIPIV 41, Ay/7S r11'6 MA fr."---;777.• • • • CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank my , • relatives, friends and neighbours 'for cards, flowers, fruit ancl, gifts while I was in University Hospit- al, London and since .rcoming' home. Special ithanks toTrinity, ' U.C.W.; 'also to Dr'. Corrin, Dr, • Maim and Dr. Bradley. All was deeply aPpreciated. . SNOWMOBILE CLUB MEETING Si. ,-Helensk, Sn0wmobile Club will hold a meeting \4on Friday, January 6 at $;30 p.m:, • at the township -hall. Everyone wel- conie; —1 ' ' • . • 4-11 REGISTRATION: Any girls 12 years of age or over by. January lseho are interest ed in the. 4- club, "Consider Ydur Clothes", please contact Elizabeth 'Ritchie 528-3101 or Deanna Reavie 5282028 -, by Jarman', 6th. —1 • • FEDERATION OF • AGRICULTURE MEETING The Bruce County Federation 'of Agriculture will hold their Janu- ary meeting in the Ripley Legibn 1. Hall on January, 10th" at 8 p.m.. Guest speaker will be Dr., D. J. •Hodgins,•with a film* on Diahorea and Mastitis in cattle. Everyone aluminum sidi• ng and steel; we B • I I d, 'President. apply ice cable on houses. Free Estimates. We now have an answering , service. Phone 396- 2144. —49eow 'machines. Phone Ripley 395-5341 • • • „ only Thursday evening and all day Friday and Saturdays for appointments. Gerald Courtney, Courtney Crescent, Point Clark. --40t(ur . • printed line, phone 528-2919. • , clotrbie snowmobile trailer Good 1973 BOA SKI, .399 c.c.. and • BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT • Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders; Farrowing Crates, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Paneling. Contact' Lloyd John- ston, R. R. 3 Holy,rood, phone 395S390'. —40tfar REFRIGERATION SERVICE Stonehouse RefrigeratiOn and air-conditioning. Repairs to all makes, commercial and domestic and milk coolers. Phone 528-2449. — 40tfar 70 _YAMAHA 433 s.s.. rebuilt condition. 'Phone 528-2900. —1 • ' BACKHOE AND BULLDOZER WORK Boa Ski Snowrnobil • Wayne Bushell, R. 4 Kitic rdine. Phone 395-3320 ° --40tfar THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL - is • for sale in Lucknow at Montgom7 s. • • . .• Lost . , LARGE REWARD . for informa- •tion "leading to the return of a • large black and -tatt male. German - Shepherd wearing a silver choke chain. Answers to Max. Reported in the Lucknow rural area.. Call 395-3434 or collect 273-2671 or. 271-4761. —50,51,52,1 * _ • BE CHARITABLE A report may be -true, yet should never be re.p$ated if it helps no- body and hurts somebody. •., ery's, Sunoco, Umbach's Pharm- •NOTICE acy, H' and 'B Discount, Lucknow Service Centre, Sepoy Drive -In, Sepoy .Stationery and Printing and. Becker Milk Store. motor, new carbs.pia ellaftsiotr- • PINELODGE REST HOME -41 . 4.2_sufiervisp_d.......retiremeht home •• :aring for your crersonanteeas 24 hourS a day. Lucknow 528-2701. —50tfrar • • . • ; NOTICE RE HOG SHIPPING chambers,' 2,240 miles. . Asking • ' POLLOCK MUSIC CENTRE 400:0075-29:79q=1 IN RIPLEY • Agent for Heintzman Pianos and Panasonic Sound Equipment. Reconditioned pianos for sale; used pianos wanted. For piano TOWER KING, Pressed Stave Silos with complete cement plaster lining ,and self storing dOors. Suitable for storing insil- age, haylage, or high moisture corn, Representative, Francis Boyle, 395-5088 Ripley. —49tfar LYNN LOWR ARM SYSTEMS. • LTD. • AMBERLEY PHONE 395.5286 CLAY Silo. Unloaders, Feed- ers, -Cleaners, Stabling, Leg Elevators, Liquid. Manure Equip- ment, Hog:Equipment. ' BUTLER -• Silo Feeders, Conveyors,' ' FAliMATIC Mills, Augers, etc. ACORN , Cleaners, Heated Waterers. ZERO - Bulk Tanks, Pipleline and Parlour Equipment.' WESTEEL ROSCO Granar- B iet 8c I'd.- Hog Panelling. tuning and repairs; call, 395-2982. --40tfar • AUCTIONEER SERVICE • • Grant McDonald, Ripley l!" Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater ° Licensed, Auctioneers Sales of all types Phone RiplOy 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 ' —40tfar --• BEEF .. B he Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING, On Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specifiaiations • „Quick 'Freezing Available BUTTON'S IVIBAT MARKET LUCKNOW Phone 5s.3oo9 • Res. 528-2119 --46tfar —40tfar • •* fr ,• , _• _ • LUCKNOW AGMCULTURAL• . SOCIETY ANNUAL SUPPER Lucknow Agricultural Society will hold their annual supper meeting in the Lucknow United Clturch on. Friday, January 20 at 7 p.m. Memberswishing tickets contact any director or phone 528-6693. —1;2 -- GladysKilpatrick • We • would like to thank our • Kinloss , friends and neighbours, • for donations towards the lovely • flowers we received in ourtime of sorrow., • Thelma King and family • A sincere thank you to those volunteerfiremen from Lucknow who left their beds so promptly to answer. the call to a chimney fire • at our home on Saturday, morn- ing. The fact that.• 'they did not , need to use their equipment .does not lessen my admiratipn and gratitude for - their promptnesS and efficiency. My -fear and alarm was very real. A special thanks • also to' Marlene Godfrey who awoke us and alerted us to .the danger and to Dori Pengelly. who • • came to give assistance. Mary and Jamie Bere • To all my 'ctitorrteri; I wont like • to thank them for their thought- fulness. this Christmas and I - would like to wish them a Happy New Year. • ' . Star Carrier, Danny Pritchard —ix• EXPECTANT PARENT • EDUCATION CLASSES ) The Huron County Health Unit invites you to *attend the Expect- ant Parent •Education Classes; being held in the F. E. Madill • Secondary School, , •Wingharn, , Ontario, commencing Monday, -January, 9,1978 from 7:30 - 9:30 • p.m. These classes will run for 8 • weeks. Pre Natal classes for. the Spring series, will begin April 3, 1978. • Would anyorte who is intereit- ed ' 'please register by calling 1-800-265-4485 toll free or the Health Unit office. at 357-2264. Both husbands and wives are invited -to -attend -and -participate in the discussion. • I am now shipper for U.C.O. , flogs will be shipped Mondays 7 - 12 nOpn. Cattle are,shipped Tuesday.1 will be at the ,yards MondaY morning and Tuesday from 8:30 a.m. -50O p.m. I would apprecia your patronage. William Taylor 529-7310 home 528-3119 yard --War • .404.141.4.•••••• HAVING A DRINKING ,PROB- LEM? "AA -. can help. . Phone Goderich $24-6001 �r WaikertOn »881-3655. —40tfar IILRAY FARM 5 LTD. ABATT0114 HOLYROOlf The best in Home Grown, Dry . Fed Beef. Try our Fresh Home Made Sausage. Custom killing by aPpointment. Phone 528-032 • —40tfar JACK'S PLACE • .m.GHilvAyet •jUST EAST OF.LUCKNOW USED FURNITURE • AND APPLIANCES LUCKNOW 528-2625 come -to Jack's Place if yoii • want to succeed ;„ , • Inping your hoitgehold or . " cottage needs • . WE BUY, SELVOR,TRADE NOW STOCK 11,40., miNits(4)( II • 4 44 , • • To our bcx holders on 'R. R. Lucknow, a sincere thank you for gifts at Christmas and through ' • the past year. Wishing you all a • Happy New Year. -• • Ruth and John Pritchard and family —1 Thank you to all my customers who 'gave me a Christmas tip. Fred Davies, London .Free Press Make good use of your tile and you'll have more to Spare. • BERE BROS. CONSTRUCTION General Carpenters Framing and Finishing ' DUNGANNON PHONE 529-7894r 529-7915 Conley Consiruclion LUCKNOW . • Cement Framing. . . Renovations • FOR, FR!EE ESTIMATES CALL 5282338 ___ • • • . ••" • • . • •• • • • •