The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-04, Page 3• yvErNmAx; 444..NUARY4., )97.8 4 I • i • ' • . • : t, • • . • •• • 0' a • THE EUCKNOW SENTIN.Erl LUCKNOW, • •r . . . - • • T JV • „ PAPE THREE f 9. MAPLE LEAF 12 OZ. COOKED MEATS BOLOGNA, LUNCHEON MEAT . MOCK CHICKEN, MAC & 'CHEESE • 89c ONTARIO •FRESH SPARERIBS 1.39 b a' MAPLE. LEAF OLIN. COIL_ • .• - • 4,0.0)49W' • .. FANCY SLICED,CIIUNK,-CRUSHED clioim FREESTONE PEACH VES,, FRUIT COCKTAIL, PEACHSLIC .14. 9,Z. TIN , "••,, AYL#IER FR. •DOLE PINEAPPLE COOKED, CANNED 1¼ La. TIN SWIFTSHAMS ' SWEET MIXD, YUM YUM' 32 OZ.,JAR • RICKS PICKLES FROZEN 12". PEPPERONI 20 ,OZ. PEGt MKAIN PIZZA' BLUE BONNET 3 LB. PKG, C OURED MARGARINE SPLENDER READY CUT 2, LB. PKG. IVIACARONI_ SPLENDER ..2 LB. PKG. WESTON'S REG. '65c 59c19 OZ. TIN 41LISBIJRY HOTL OAF 49c $3.59 9. a V 1 9 • S. f9 BREAD DOUGH 450 G PKG. 69c 69c 69c SCONEROLLS " 2/1.00 :jAM, FILLED REG. 73c •WkSTQNS, 11U NS RUPERT COD 20.0Z. PKG. FISH AND CHIPS 59c $1.29 • ;DOZ. • RED & WHITE EFRUIT 6/78c • BANANAS 19c'Ib, ••• 101B. i• •• •• . COOKING ONION 78c • 5 LB. .CELLO 2 LB.. PKG. . PARSNIPS.18c .xt 1 P17:1:....ON'f• 42.8.3'901. • 9' South Kinloss BY MRS. RAY BUCHMEIiR • Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Heb Bucktott were Dr, and Mrs: WM. Buckton, George and David of Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs,. John Mciwbray. and Duncan' of Mhfield and Mrs. Janet McCon-- nell of Mildmay. • Mr. and Mrs. Jinr MacKinnon 9. r• of Gue4ph visited..with Mr. and ,Mrs. 'Fraser MacKinnon and Murray. • Mr. and Mrs. William Dickie • and Mr. and Mrs, Jim Millen of Kitchener went skiing tip at Blue ' Mountain in Collingwood for a couple of days last weelc. • Mr. and i Mrsfflarold Howald 'anctgirls spent Christmas with ' her brother, Mr. 'and Mrs. ,Ar:nold Read of Elmira. - Mr, and Mrs. Ron Baker of • Shelbortte, were dinner guests • with Mr.- and Mrs. Clarence Allan. 1 ' • Mr nd Nri• ran Wallace and • family ofLOiftlOrvisited With her parents, Mr. aid Mrs. Philip 'Steer 'and all were dinner guests • 0. • with and Mts. Don Bell and family •Mr. and Mrs. Ted Collyer and MaryMaclntyre spent Christmas with •Mr. and Mrs. Graham Pinkney of. Ajax( Mr.. and Mrs. Bob Rank and family of Hieldeberg were visitors with Mt. and Mrs. Earl Stever and Doug.