The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-04, Page 14. • * ...it • •••• • ' * , . • • 1 • • 4 41 anadian sheep inchistry'xieecis • "What the Canadian ' $heeP Industry needs is a large source of good commercial sheep and it just does mit havp that," says Woody Lambe, past president of the Western Ontario Sheep Associa- tion.. "..The. farmer can buy Western• ewes and therare good producing,. Sheep With .a superior • ool to mutton sheep usually kept • in arable areas, bilt," says Woody, "they. are not the. whole , answer:" • • Ofteda farmer buying:into the • industry is stung. He j?uys sheep, that are old?, inferior, or •a group. that wak.sulled from the . west becadse they could not keep utrto the distance aspects of grazing of he may biiy into di-seaSel. "For my purpose," says Woo- ' dy, "I would like to be involved in "1r . • ; • * • producing. 'a good "cb•mmer-Cial . sheep which would work for our part of, the country here," - Woody sees the industry': is polarizing about where it .is fl�w and possibly increasing a bit. The. 'number of. small • flocks „ will go down and the number of large flocks will increase so there are fewer- flocks but more sheep in the flocks., • - • "Basically, I would like to ,see more flocks'of sheep Committed to producing Commercial sheep and I would like to see it made 'Viable for. the. farmer, to make this coMmitnent," -say § Woody. • To do that, the farmerhas to - have two breeds of sheep. He has - to maintain kith Breetds, maintain . ewes and rams .for both, and make sure they don't get mixed. For the farmer" to do this; the effort must bemade.'worthwhile, and at the present time, the industry does .. not •. have. the stimulus to pay the extra indney f• or goodcomniercial lambs, . "The sheep industry is lilFe the whooping crane," says Woody, `-tles-cotne to Such small ironbers that g!ttirtg- it back to its -original. • population, or getting it back to - the population you'dlike to see, has all kinds of problems." Like the crane too, there is the situation where there are so few breeds .of sheep- that you can't help but inbreed, . no -matter where the farmer goes to,• buy a ram. • Small numbers and inbreeding areonly .twio of the problems which seriodsly affect the indust - • • 1., • . I ry in Ontario. Two definite OW * Tonto Ethnic • -Market . problems. which are the major has stimulated or maintained a lot ignificance' in this part of the of sheep which might otherwise--- coantry are predators and the have been, dumfied. Sine econ-, Toronto Ethnic' Market:, oinicsdictate that the farmer send "This area is. suffering from ; an his Jai -0s4° this early. market, the • increasing predatbr 'problem 'de- t industry is affected in several spite what the lirolf league of ways. • . ' Ontario says. There aren't less The farmer does not :have the coyotes in this country, now, there tune to select replacemptits. The are more,' says Woody, "There fastest growing lambs are, the seem to .be more wild dog; .and ones which areready for the early more stray dogs as' well." - market and,they are probably the „ "It's like a jiiane crash. when replacements which the farmer dogs$ your flock and, tear them shodld keep for breeding.* up and the ones they don't injure, ' "If the farmer could keep his% if they are in lamb, they'll cause fastest groAring lambs and sell half of them to abort. This is so them for $80 to $90 as breeding depressing when you've worked stock, that's financially cask- , hard to get a good, flock going and able," says Woody, "but if the you. are hit by predators." - industry does not have • the' Because the prices are so high, CONTINUED ON PAGE 13 4. • . • • . . 'A. S107A Year. In Advance S14 To U.S A. and Foreirmi- • '••• • • 411'7. . '• „ •••-7 • • : - .•".•e'!".:k• •...".•••:••• • .*•• - • WELMRSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1978 • Single dopy -25c A' 24 ,PAG -ES • M * • ' '4V •••*,*. Lucknow Reeve George Joynt 4.0d -Councillor Ab *Murray Voted'. 'against a Motion passed bi- LuCknow Village gothic& to hife Robert Symes for snow removal until the spring of 1978 at an increased rate, when they met in. , regular session on December 13, - 1977'.., Symes is t be paid $1.50 more p -.ii • each of last . year's rates ,bringing the rates 'to $16.50 for iraii-r$19.50. for the 2 yard loader, . - county engineer and the Council at a special meeting in. January or #•ebruary, Council agreed to support a • resolution from the town - of. • Collingwood that the death pp.- • - alty be re-iilstated in- Canada by the federal overnment. • • Reeve Joynt said that he voted •• evet against. the . motion because . council vOted ta-pay_Symes more. • _ money . than it cost for. slow - 0 • removallast year and council * ' • should---have-called-,4enders--for_ ' • ' snow rerno'Valr before deciding to , • hire Syines. , • cause some of the councillors . .Some confusion resulted be- -1,-, rap thought that the hiring for snow • . irwiccraii waterlevel-iirthe-tucknoW--------- • ',e....C• the whole year. Reeve Joynt Swimming Pool at Caledonian 'stated that it was from fall to Park was still dropping when Bill . 'spring only. • Hunter- J.ast checked the pool . Councillor Hamilton suggested before the pool's protective cover that .tenders.-sbould-be-called-hr-driftee,didti1 ice an snow. the fall for snow removal. Hunter was recording a 3 -inch •drop' in the water level each $eek 11 dr mites up, .• when he asked local scuba divers, Ken ,Johnstone and Rod MeDon- igh to dive down to the bottom of In other business Lucknow the deep end to clitck the three . Hydro' has applied to Ontario hydro-sitatic valves at the end *of Hydro to raise their rates because Noveniber. . the bulk hydro rate to the town • After the men checked .the has been increased , by Ontario valves the water level was Hydro. The amount of the rate dropping 1 -inch a week. instead of . increase is subject. to approval by the previous 3 -inches per Week. Ontario Hydro * Hunter said that he filled the . " Gerrie „Glenn and Barry; .114c. pool with water and if the pool Donagh asked ,couticil to inform • continues to lose only 1 -inch a them about the Ministry of week, he hope S that spring will, Transportation_and_Cominunica.- come in .„March-before....theLpoor3 tion.standards, that must be met reaches the danger-poith where to construct roads to develop the damage will be done to the pool property ofi Albert Street be.: liner. tween Rose and Hamilton Streets; linker said that the hydro- , Glenn • and Mctionagh require 'Static valves should be checked • grants from MTC tO develop .the periodically and that the, 'Valves in ' property and must meet MTC , the tucknow pool have not been standards to, qualify, checked for two years. ' The Council decided that Glentijand shuation require attention in r • •, 1 4 .1 Sheila•ounby;12., R. 1 1)upgannoit, Uses lOcatelayS as grazes whici vary hi colourlitom light tan to red On. ' her pottery 'Which she niakes in her own."pottery place" hi the basenient of her home. She prepares,a shp ' of the clay b mixing it with water after sieving out twigs and grass. She then brushes the slip, ontO, the pot before the first firing. She has fouid a pure clay where a neighbour built a silo and anothgt clay ,she • uses as a glaze She found iti a brickyar Benmiller. She also digs for clay in gulleys' along Lite Huron. , • • . • .-e; -• 1. • • . - 44 (Stoty. and pidtures on page .1• 2.) McDonagh should meet with the the spriYVUA ng he said.- , . , • 44 6