The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-12-25, Page 20Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 25, 1996 - Page 19 Choirs share their News `gifts' at carolfest from by Mildred Loree Chnstmas is a time for gluing and sharing This act has been demonstrated through man} different programs and services throughout the season. The annual carolfest was rio e s5 L.eptiun as' the choirs of the area portrayed Gods greatest gift. baby Jesus. on last Wednesday in the Lucknow United Churc h Right from the opening presentation by the 13asernent Bras, to the concluding rendition of • The Holy City' by the Kingsbridge choir there was a sense of worship and praise Other choirs participat- ing were ;lie Luckno.:, nd � 1 Pinecrest Lucknow South Kinloss Presbytenan Church choir, the Lucknow United and Tnnity Church choirs, the Sister Act Three and Sunday Sunshine All the offering received was to be divided between the Wingham and Gudench branches of the Sal anon Arrrjy. To the staff at the Sentinel. contributors to the Lucknow news, and all the people that read this paper, may you have a blessed and boy -filled Christmas. FoodShare brightens Christmas for many For sortie in this corn- rnunity. Christens will he a little brighter thanks to all who think of others and contributed to the !Mirth Com rnuflit y HUJ00 FoodShare Last week were busy picking up goods lrorn drop off points 10 be distributed tri 1arrli- lies vvho are finding things difficult right now volunteers The North Huron FoodShare is assisting close to 20 families in the Dungannon and Lucknow area For those who find themselves in need ol a helping hand, the FoodShare will be open in Wingharn on Dec 24 arid 31 born 9 a in 0) 12 pail They'll return 0) regular Wednesdays in January Ivan Lloyd visits with Boyle sisters Ivan Lloyd, of !. 'ndon. was up 0) visit May Boyle of here and Edna who IS still a patient ill Kincardine hospital. Myrtle Percy and Sara Haldcnby til Kinlough. left Wednesday it) visit Myrtle's bt011 Wayne in I;dinontrn for' two weeks Mt and Mr. talc '11 acket went to London 00 Ivlonday for a c)ieck up 00 LW. S wrist The December 'netting ,,f the Kinlough Presbyterian WMS was -held at the borne of Marilyn Reid with 10 members and seven VISI tits present. Maiilyn set ved a delicious desert lo start the meeting. Betty bushel.' presided and opened with a reading !mill. the Glad tidings. and carols were sung through- out hrou h -cwt the -minutes were read and approved. plough Betty tha.rtk:ed everyone for t.}ien help and coopera- tion during the last tw<) years, the °fierily. was received and Betty lcd to pray( -1 Matllyn had 510,ow de vol lot) 110111 (ialanans 4 4 '1 he rollcali was answered by each riinniher giving a number flit the piogr ain 7 lie meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer A gift exchange and cup of tea were enjoyed by all May and Edna Boyle want to wisli all trirnds, neighbors and readers a merry ('hrisinia5 and bright and prosperous new Year. The month of December has been a busy one for Pinecrest resi- dents. Dolly Menary, Dorothy Byrne and Irene Summer celebrated their birthdays. Events in keeping with the season included the Santa Claus parade, tours to see the lights, carol singing, Christmas tours and a spe- cial Christmas dinner and service. Staff and residents wel- come Olive Duquette, Les Mann and Brian Thrippleton to their home. Get well wishes to out to Bea Pollock and. J. Joynt. Everyone misses them. And to the family of Donelda Smith, the Pinecrest family sends condolences. 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HENDERSON (oma wwuwIu cu iw 782 Havelock St., Lucknow (519) 528-3118 fax (519) 528-2814 t3ltoo ewat¢r Ca►rp¢t Til�gfi 299 Bayfield Rd., Goderich 1-519-524-6141 Lucknow & Area Toll Free 1-800-634-2834 OF Pi 1 119 Kevin De Jong Licensed Plumber Well Technician & Natural Gas Fitter 2 FREE ESTIMATES 519528-2409 0