The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-12-18, Page 11Six charges laid
against Kinloss man
A Kinloss Township
rriar, appeared in
i1aikerttirl Pruvirlcia)
Court lot a bail laearir)g.
Munday altena>t1on. and
v. as released on his tiv+rl
rt,`Ivrl,tar,ce v4ithout
:.Lret: Ht v4!11 re 1J pear
Jar 2(1
Pt ofi,,ers from
K3n'.ardine Wail:.ert4,r, and
Vr,r gt arr, OPP ietae h-
rrrenta were J;NoititJ ,n a
",truggit to arrest the 4', -
,tar -,rid rrirarJ 4r, iia?Jr':a
after rt'.r>l.r,ir.rlg to a L
�`la4rlt tr,)rr, a rr utont r>(,
haC:(�1.:11td v.Jtri ar,iJ?r.Cr
+tr11C it
St-P,r4!) after .ril.f)r, (.r,
I�tc 4 ;.'(.dict ';t(ipptd
out for
rte 4rea (est '#d
'.,t 1 ir,41 tfl> f/f!j
1,4,1 414.?
)t (.fit:
()PP air, ,1,'.taiir,4tirir
1ht scan, vsl>rrt two eldt:!
1> 1)4.(4,1 lt, P11).1r4 Wrl4
<-144rrr,r.i p1O0 14)t at,
411t'rr(J 294J1 i & t9<,1
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1' }At S1r11 (14'4 tl>r. "),lr.r
Mr.! 4)444 Orr (j 41.44'.4 `.1
114,) '.'i!l,1JdlllO!,D t:f)L
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A 4r..,
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dr;t14.( 41J4i tJt'J 3 pfrit. .1
a41(j it W:ia ap11:ifr:fli '4444
il)()t W4a 1< 4%•lflg •1ht illi tI
usC,(j a ple(.c 4)f Illi W4)ftft
a1)oUt $ 3'), ( JJfflt,t d 4)1114)
1')411. Vvrl< 11'Jctc 1,)1
41)4,01' 11411 .iii how 1
.;(j( (j 1,)1 .atJ'j ft 4 ( 1 /4 4j r,
t 11» ''4,j iS`)(1
..a13t 'i J fl)tr,4'j ,1i41y
14')11' 4 ;,.11 I'it 4,4:1 . r,
IJ 4117 4.4 t Ij ',y fin( 'Jt
.1 1474' :04
( ,)1441!1))1. '111 1,4 ! a 144
114.( 111' it 11i 14/1 vt 4J H,12
J til<'jiul)i 1) fit, h Up
tfut f` W,111 d 4 4114:11 Il, 114)1,
styl< box ()nth( t)a( k 111(
alt o' W111d4)WS Wc•Ic IIJJi<d
114)114 t are asking any
one Wit11 ltitt)inlaIi111i to
c 411 1 ?S}0'S310-11)2
Police also 'advisk' f)(1)
plc to obtain two quotes
fut it:pains. They also rec-
ommend using a local
contractor Never allow a
stranger ruu) your fiorne
Hr hway 86. in Lucknow.
He was driving a 1980
Ford pickup He retuned to
pros ide police with docu-
ments Police followed
film to an area near his
resider1Le where ne stores
his sehit.les
The alcu>ed got into a
backhoe and tried to use it
t(, srnu. h police cars
Police charged the man
V.ltt; tr.reatening to use d
..eaj'4Jn the hac.khuel.
two count-, of dangerous
,yf>erat:l)rr (4 a rn(,tor sehl-
;e lt'.1•,tir,g arrc:;t. talllnt
,:tor, al the scene U1 an
a_ 4Jtn? and failing to
.urner,<jtr hi'; lic•ik,,t
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 18, 1996 - Page 11
Lois Hanna investigation continues,
all information is being reviewed
Ontario Provincial
Police are continuing their
insestig.'tlon surrounding
the mysterious disappear-
ance of Lass Hanna From
her residence at 2146
Nelson Street. Kincardine,
on July 4. 1988.
The criminal investiga-
tion tears made up of four
detcctIvc constables, a
detective sergeant and a
detective inspector from
the ('rllnlnal Investigation
Branch. Vv'estern Region,
London, are presently all the informa-
tion gathered at the time
and since Fianna disap-
Officers are looking at
interview reports, witness
statements and officer
notes. Information provid-
ed by the public after a
media release in July of
1996 is being followed up
by members of the inves-
tigative team.
The review includes
analysis of investigative
tools used in the gathering
of information.
Statements obtained under
hypnosis are being
reviewed to ensure that
the information from the
use of these tools has
hccn fairly
evaluated.Witnesses are
being reintervicwed in
hopes of learning some
new information.
The data from this
investigation has been
entered on a computer
Kase to enhance the
research and availability
of the data collected.
The police strongly
believe that someone
from the Kincardine area
community has a piece of
information which will he
the loose end of a thread
unravelling the mysteri-
ous disappearance of
Anyone who 'thinks
they may have any infor-
mation is asked to contact
the Ontario Provincial
Police Kincardine at 396-
3341 or the communica-
tions centre at 1-888-310-
1122 or Crime Stoppers at
1 -4400 -222 -TIPS.
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