The Signal, 1935-1-24, Page 5jr.W THE SIGNAL — GODERICH, ONT. TUMEEZ The new advertised ,preparation is now in stock Wedded Fifty Years Ago in Goderich CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Phone 90 22 The Square Goderich OBITUARY PORTER'S HILL Tuesday morning at the home of ner daughter, Mrs. Frank Duna, corner El- gin avenue and Victoria street. Mrs. terey, who was In her eightieth year, was itulte active until a week ago, when she was confined to her bed after a heart attack. She was born in New Brunswick, a daughter of An- drew and Nancy Quaid, natives of Ire- land. When ten years ot age she moved with his family to Ashlield township, where she was married ARP -eight yeafs -ago. With her hus- band she .Ured on an Ashlind farm u ntil his death fourteen years ago, and In 1225 she came to live with her daughter lp Goderieh While her inalth permitted she was active in the work of Victoria street l'olted church, ID both the W.M.R. •nd the Ladies' Aid Society. She la survived by aro children: Mrs. Frank Dunn. of Godertch; Mrs. T.J. lachardeou, of Igmendville; Msrs. G. Carey, of Wolse- ley, ellasti.; Harry C., of Exeter, •nd William A. C. of Norge, Sask.; also by three sisters, Mrs. Wm. Vrooinan and Kr.. Mathilda Quaid, both of God - of Olympia. Washington. Four daugh- Sera predereased her. The funeral ser- vice was conducted this (Thursday) afternoon by Rev. F. W. Oralk, of Vic- toria street United church, with in- terment in Dungannon cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Alexander of Port Arthur Celebrate the Anniversary Fifty years ago, on January 15, lea 1 In (&oderk'h, Miss Margaret MgeDeg aid, daughter of Angus Mac and Henrietta Morrison, of Storno Isle of Lewis, Scotland, was united lu marriage to Audrew Alezauder, sou of James Alexander and Isabel Cralgle, of lOgllabay, Orkue Iolanda. The ceremony was conducte� by ltev. '1311.'011, Or' Kninir' c'iaiiilef!' iethe bM9d7 and groom were attended by Capt. Jas. lnkrtter and Miss Bella McDonald (sister of Mrs. T. thwarts, Waterloo street), both of whom are still living in Goderich. On Tuesday of last week, January 15, the couple, now of Port Arthur, celebrated the golden Jubilee of their wedding In their home at 263 Angus street, surrounded by the members of their family and their grandchildren. A reception was held for Mr. and M+s.• Alexander at the bonze of a daughter, lies. Thew. E. Grieves, 54 Crown street, Port Arthur, on the evening of their anniversary. While In Goderich Mr. Alexander was occupied aa a commercial fish- erman. On April 25th, 1!389, four years after his marriage, he made a hazard- ous tenday trip in an open sail boat from Goderich to Port Coldwell, on the north shore of Lake Superior. His wife Joined nim there and the next few years were spent ftJackflah and Niplgon. On May 1•t, 1897, M.r. Alex- ander was appointed In charge of Iamb Island light statics, and he held that post fur thirty-four.and ahalf years. being superannuated November 1st. 1931. Lr. Alexander, who 1s seventy-seven years of age, is said to be the only retired lighthouse keeper In the Lake /Superior district to possess the Im- perial Service medal presented by K.Ing George. He received the medal, for duty well done In the tlghthouse service of Canada, on February 0th, 111(12. Accompanying it was a letter signed by John Anderson, Coder -Sec- retary of State, u behalf of the Bac Mr retery or State of the British Home and Mrs. Department, in which the pleasure of His Majesty In ordering the presenta- tion was expres-ed. The medal was presented to Mr. Alexander on behalf of the King by D. J. Cowan, M.P. for Port Arthur. Mr. Alexander saw and chatted for, a few minutes with King George when he. as Prince of Wales, with the Prtnee<s, now Queen Mary. , passed through Port Arthur in 1901. The children are Mrs. Grieves t Rita), Mrs Robert Robertson (Jean), Mr.. Milton Tuer (Palsy), and Donald Alexander, all of I'ort Arthur. Cap- e tatn Wm. Alrxrnder, s son, died -- Port Arthur in 1920, of Influenza. He enlisted In the Naval Reaarve during the war and on arrival overseas trans- ferred to the Royal Engineers. There are three grandchildren. Billy and Peggy Tuer and Bobby Robertson. Neil MacKay. Goderlch's munleipal assessor, Is a nephew of Mrs. Alexan- der. Onleses of Mans Cbsb,—The ad - 100101111 -Malirtin,rs 4e. Xises-Mou's- was held on Tuesday evening of tlds week. The following officers were elected for the new year : President, Fred Elliott ; vice-president, Allen Betties; pecretary, Jas. Stitling; treas- urer, Glen Lockhart It was decided to hold a contest on February 11 IA- tween the married men and the single men The captains are, for the mar- ried men, Allen Betties and Jas. Stir- lieg; for the single men, Glen Lock- hart and Ray Oox. There will else a plod variety of musical numbers. AUBURN 23.—Mr. Arthur Yungblutt has returned to Detroit atter a month's visit at his home here. Mrs. Jame. Howatt is visiting her daughter, Mrs.'Percy !tanning of Lon- desboro, this week. Mies Martha Adams of Kitchener s'Pent the week -end with har...mother. Mrs. Thos. Adanzs. Miss Eleanor Andrew accompanied her aunt, Miss itae Andrew, to Tor- onto last week. Miss Norma Coutts of Wingham visited her friend, Miss Maegagot lirer- Mr. and Mrs. W. Wiliam ot Detroit have been visiting his slater, Mrs. George ['smitten. The MacEwan Garage ANNOUNCEMENT up my present premises snd ara taking over the Miller Garage, which la being enlarged and remodelled, where It will ghe Ise pimiento to MIT* the automobile public en and after February 1st, with that Mortars which 1 hope hes distinguished nts toesiates-M-4166-1111*------- The Royal Bowling Alleys WEST STREET — GODERICH Leagues have been formed and schedules drawn up for the winter for men and women bowling fans. Men will bowl on Tuesday and Thursday nights, ladiet on Monday and Wednesday. JOHN PARSONS Lessees LAWRENCE MUMBY J Telephone 89 ommercial Prinfin We can give you prompt and satisfactory service in Financial Stateineas Booklets Pamphlets t'""' Reports ,- Folders Fine Stationery Statement Forma Factory Forms &ounces Forms Cheques Receipts Envelopes (all kinds) flintiness Cards • Personal Cards Wedding Stationery Funeral FOldere Shipptng Tags Posters Sale Bills Window Cards ,Auetion Sale Bilis Printed Forms Save Time and Simplify Many Otherwise Tedious Tasks Better Printing is our aim Prices Reasonable The Signal Printing -Cosi Ltd. Thursday. January 24th, 1935-1 ANNUAL -BANQUET BOAT SINKS AT MIDLAND Of Arthur (Areli a N'ell-attended Mantadoe, with Grain Cargo, Settles Event et llbday Eteyelttgin Fourteen Feet of Water The annual banquet of the Arthur Midland, Out., Jan. 21 --Elevator Circle of Knox Presbyter hen church, officials were silent today on the prop-+ held In the lecture room of the church oil Monday even4tli. was otteuded by nearly one hundred,11's of the Circle and their guests. Yellow tuhlr decorations, In numerous sther baskets on the snowy spreads, torussl 0 Kett) setting for the affair. 1hul,, lila and ranee,trite"! AS" fed Lord or scheme. At the heed table with the president, MAI Eva Somerville. were Mr.. W. u. MacEwan, past a ut ; lice. D • J. and Mrs. Lane. /leve T• W. and Mrs Taylor, Mrs. J. H. Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Weir; WA Albert Tey'ler, president of Me W. ' M. S. nitxlllary ; able cause of the sinking of the Pat- terson Lane steamer Mantadoe which last week settled in fourteen feet of water while tied up at the Aberdeen elevator duck with a storage cargo of 230,000 bushels of grain. The Ate! 'rrdeeies' elsst..boed above' watt'!" when she settled on bottom but it 15 feared between 125,000 and 150,000 bushels of her cargo Is water -damaged. A theory of the sinking is that strong west winds lowered the water level, leaving the ship suspended by the firm grip of the ice. When the Jura, A. D. Meseta, preskleut of the l ice gave way and she fell back Intel, ]▪ ilia . the water,�.j!fliaWd Rte a Qt les pler Alex. Smith, Mit utile cud rr. N. C. Lanaway. T e Circle members erf the Another theory Is that large pieces of fed pounding against Ver aide loos- ened a seam. The Burke Towing and !Salvage Company'. tug Strathtogle Is assisting the Mantadoc', own pumps to Neer her of water. Save on Meats for Cash I'KIME iOt'NG BEEF— Tender Boiling Beef Prime lab Roast Lean !shoulder Roast 'lie 7e Flesh Lean Hamburg Steak 1!3Ie 3 lbs. for tae NATi'iiI % Round 'teak...,2 lbs. 25e Sirloin $teak....2 Ib.. 25r Wing Steak C lbs. 25e Purr fork Sausage 2 lb.. 2:.r Pure Lard Ib.. 2.,c Milk -fed ('Itlekrtts elk Ib. leg iumti _ .«_.. _. il♦¢ Leg t ew1, half or whole lye Breast Iamb lie JrweI Shortening.. Y lbs. for 22e Sauer Kraut rum with eser) fill cent rash order - st.EciAt. 1.W.1111.CICIEON REEF. BY Tin,. QUARTER -- met or the Arthur presented goon, alms Were preeent. A program of Musk Wag presented during the banquet. Mrs 'W. F. Saun- ders, Mrs. H. C. Dunlop and Miss 0. Habit contributing two 'Lumbers and Miss liarnett and Ws- D. Greene a duet. Oommunity singing was also en- joyed. Afterslitoner speakers were Rev. I). Mrs. McLean, Mr.. J. E. Smiths_ sir. G. MacF.wan. The resular Artber (lege ampulla condueted at the (-motile-Ion of the banquet by Mrs. Hold. Biseet. firet viewpreeddenL An intervening letter from Mime Gladys Murphy, of Jamul. was road by Mims Edith Taylor, after which an announcesneut was made by anitary eat ar et Phone 185—We 1/eUver, THOS. LEGG Hamilton SL. Goderieh --CASH PAID SILVER WEDDING CELEBRATED "Neither Nashua, Fascism nor Com- !I 'There is a suopleion that little more The many friends of Mrs. James taunt= as a form of gorentment could :than lip ?service has been peld to the Young•are pleased to learn that she exist for a fortnight in the pure at- ' fund:suicidal principle upon vihich the has returned bellle trilm Alexandra norimbere of intellectual freedom"— ,betigue of Nations was founded."— ORTITITTerbb7Trrt-folfiretrolittelfR4611111-111-161"1"" . de Valens Me, lied Mrs. y .. ng quietly eeleh .reted- -their Alter wedding. tinaliertairi gni January 12th. Mass was offered hy Rev. C. F. Nees.. parish priest: beau- tiful floraUtrlbutes were revelled. and many friends ealled during the after- noon and evening to extend congratte teflon' and partake of the brides , cake. At high noon Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. D. I. Rill that tbe C.G.I.T.-groups Young 'were the recipients of * full C. G. 1. T. week at their meeting on a -surprise, fry rtne-gessoni:eseensklet-Mr.. Tneeday of next week. A fine report and Mrs. John Hussey. (if the %Juror' Presbyterial most ing rhe preending officer. Isehl recently In clinton was given by MEET THE mutx,Ess FAMILY The father of lineeess IS Work. vor to interest other chum!) weathers tu Some of the other boys are St -shinty The oldest SOil Is COOLlill)11 asked that hie members he ,preseut Foresight, Enthusiasm, Co-operation. regularly throughout the year. bewis, who has been visiting her coo- ; sin. Mrs M. Woods, returned to Tor- ! onto on Monday. Announcement phone rang. And b ineenloss,j Angry Feminine Yoke ,cis tor !ins lisehe7or -.No. he's None home." know? dhln't even tell yiot Irk WE take this opportunity—if Inforuthlgur man/ customer* and frielida that on Febnusey lat at the eorner_cf Kingston' and Vidor', streets, form - erly known as the StaeF.wan Garage. We thank - our 'atm(/' for buslieses in the poet. anti in the , ROUSE & BELL met with a very painful necitient when he fell from the haymow on Sunday last breaking hie ankle. Ile was brought from the barn to his home on horseback and wes taken hy 1 father to Dr. Burris' ((thee and had lila ankle set In plaster parbe.-Walter le now renting at home. Ilis friends !wish ger him a speedy recovery. 1 -On Frithsy, January lgth. the -Chim- ney of Donald Murray'. hoine took ffre, but with the help of the- , the blaze was soon brought under con- i trot and no daasags.was dose. dance as January ANL The crowd Mr. Charles • Gemeinkardt Is eLsit. Ins his ?sister -in Toronto If he gets a po-ition he intends staying there , annual meet i ng of the Baytii• Ceme-- i• Very Company was held at 11.e town hall ea Monday afternoon, Januery 1 Bachelor- -"Ton didn't neeti to. !When this phone rang every marriet: in the place ma:oust his kat end dnekt II out." TELEPHONE 33 EXPERT REPAIRS TO ALL OARS Altat HOLISS SKATLNG PARTY 21st. wtth a good attendance. The Members of the Benmiller Young following often; an& directors were People's Society, to the number of appointed for 1925: Presideni. Chas. about fifty. held n skating party on Middleton; vice-pre.ident, Ja.. H. Tuesday night anti enjoyed a couple of Reid; secretaryeryliatrer, A. E. Er - hours (on the ice at the West street win ; reeteee--11.. IL -Mt -Naughton, J. We-tlake, Jobe Ebel* W. Svotelomer; NORTH RT. MISSION CIRCLE Robert Orr,.setton. 'rise direc•tors hope The Ills•ion Circle of North street the lot-ownalli *Ill be interested in United clourodo held the first meeting 1 keeAPgriegglanedi "4 the et". oallilienrua. I of Oro year at tloe home of Miss Mary meeting of tbe It;0 field Agricultural Buehanan. The presiderd, Mies Helen Cooper, lead eharge of the meeting. Society was held in the town hall on The group leader. were chosen and Wednesday aftern.,(01, January Itith, plans were made for the year. A :pew% nibetherers. .i1...sisso•wisel at wteansd a tat;e vete of thanks was tendered Miss pothred-esesrnsur --A-w-eurouraging re - Ruth Wark In appreciation of her., port or the year-. proceedings was faithfulness( a. president during the aten_hy the secretar The auditors' past three sfelf11:—Iffrel Lane gin* a on hen -of the Circle. After the meeting closed direetora were appointed for 1935: a dainty lioneh was served.' president, Jam MoOlove; 1st vice - Tete Invited the Mel', To bold..tbeir -president, Robert Penbale; 2nd rice - February meeting (February Pt) at ber home. president, John Rathweal; secretary, directors, T. M. Woods:, Samuel House LADED!' AID BANQITET ton, FA. Foster, Wm. Stephenson, Carl Diehl, Wro. Sparks, W. W. Wise, geemaid E,„ent Held by Bert Dunn, Fred Middleton, T. M. Snowden, Frank Keegan, Mrs. T. linos ('hureh Workers Snowden, Mrs. M. Woods, Mrs. F. A most successful year of devoted meEwan, Mrs. r. Middleton, lire. E. the members of two groups in the FoRter Harold Stln.on, A. Warner. Ftislay night lee, with a banquet held in the lecture room. The banquet and short prografn were provided by of the fair were eer for the lent Wed - the niembers of two groups in. [Society under the convenorship of nesday and Thursday In September. Viee-preeldents Min R. J. P. Waiter As a (special aline lion it was pro - and Mrs'. Voting. Nearlv one P°'"I 1" have " t""11:11,w8a"smeappoovirsnottift- .toprihnaree. the ground. prepared in 'the The long tables were beautifully dee- Heisted at the bend table were Mrs. meeting of Holy Trinity church WAS A. I). McLean, for fifteen year. press. held on Monday evcnligg, January 21. dent of the Moclety, Mrs. Walter, Mrs. The rector, Iter. W. O. Bugler, pre- YOSIng, Rev. I). J. and Mrs. Lane, lteV. rep mein, riport., revealed Dr. 1. IT. And Mrs. Marnett. Itev. T. an advance over that of the former W. and Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. l'ayhor. year, showing a better balance after representing the W.M.S., Miss Era paying the year's ,ounts. The bud - Somerville, representing the Arthur Oliele, Mrs. Wm. Abell and 311r. F. ti. get apportionment aa met Weir. MTN McLean, in /than address, Kahl (het (hiring her fifteen oar term me president the Ladiete Aid will spent Stime0 of $10.1ss) received on improves mentos to the church. ()titer speakers were lir. !termer, Dr. i.tylor, Rev. Mr. Nit*, Mee A. Taylor. Miss Miner- rille. Mrs. Alicti 9114 Mr. Weir. The program constated of V101111 Wee- Doroths• Greene end Msig•rot Harnett. Wolfe Mrs. W. Mas Mb. Mary MaeKsy and Danny Wets r, mouthorgan (selection. loy Mr. Lowe, and a vocal duet hy H. C. Don illott. and Mr T.. Piliott was appeintsid A commitiee was appointed to arrange tor the annual taw drew? carnival, to be held Fat•ter ‘reek. The dates The following offb.rs were elected: Rea -lora *Arden. M, W. J Elliott; people'. wartlen, W. .1. Scotch - mer ve•try clerk. Mt. R Heard: A. Edwarda. The following were elected to the oleic, vestry : Mena& R. Ileerd, 11. IlleNnioghton, C. Ward. 1). Galbraith and P. .11111•1combe. The following sides* 1 -were elected: liefird, T.. Fillhatt. It Heard, John Pt. Jr.. 'Tarry Brandon. Jen. At- wood. K. Gemeinherdt and O. Heard. anhatittite delegate Reports of church After a mosst enjoyable evening Mr to the encreas and pleasisre of the for the untiring efforts a ail church banquet and program workers The meeting then adjourned. 14 satin/once o quality flint sale prices thed own story At only question -s how many tins you can use. It's a good plan to buy liber- ally stock up at these 'ow proves DELICIOUS • Squat Tins 33c 7 iff. EP ER RE ID) VI 4PLE FOOD Tomatoes d Tins ASSORTED Soups pnreENivien 3 TINS 23C TOMATO or VEGETABLE, Tin Te THE SIDE DISH PAR EXCELLENCE fuLmjal SIPhilleirrVAYgeg-2 Tin. -25* FOR GARNISHING—SERVE AS YOU LIEF: PEAS No. 4 Sieve 3 7roin..2 29c Standard Quality 3 No. 2 Tins 27c HEINZ—WITH TOMATO SAUCE Pork and Beans 3 "t:- 29c CHRISTIE'S BISCUIT SPECIALS VIMY CREAMS lb. BUTTER op 7 Ahem HWEALAFTEHRS:::: :sec BISCUITS RAISIN oft 12-01. / LOAF AP Loaves MILD, NEW. ONTARIo Cheese lb. 13° Ilave you tried It? A & LONG LOAF BREAD 24 es. gc Wrapped Fell Leaf Tomato Juice 6 loTto. 25c GLOBE BR4ND—CHOICE QUALITY PEARS KO, FIFERS MILD AND ME1.11)W al Tins sas 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE Ib. 29c New Low Regular Prices Shelled Walnuts, pieces ts. JO Leila litalsins, bulk Lir . Australian Peaches, halves, No. 2 Tin B ruce Bird Morel, large PIM. SS Standard Corn. No I TM 2 Tins 19 Dried Whisk Japan Peas 2 t Is. 15 g eotrh Mints 1,5. Iv D islk Pitted Salt Dates ? LIM 21 H appy Vale Sweet liaised MIMI, 1% -es. Jar oir Jar Ill SPANISH Oranges des. 21c 1 Lettuce HEAD 6c FRESH TEX AS Spinach 3 lbs. 25c SAUSAGE ENGLISH -BRAWN SMOkIn FILLETS lb. 10e mould 10e SMOKED lb' 14e ..smisj+sr. mar • irse