The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-12-04, Page 10Lucknow Sentinel, WedHe8day, December 4, 1996 - rage 9 ~On the municipal scene•‘• Bruce's restructuring committee sets out three alternatives Jtestructunng in Bruce counts Is unlikely to get an 1 warmer reception this time around than It did five years ago Judging by cc unix councillors reat- toin li a tine -page report from OR new l) -formed re,tru.tur r:g LorrirnrtLec Pic rt'turrl outlines the w,,a: ttoc. r_`.tructunng ,,teener ,tire arid three alter- riair,e, !t will 1r,ve`ogate But thc,tic op oriri' prompt: td •tr ,rI dcr aft or, the _our,,- floor ;..rid ret,uited It!rtt arntr,drr,tr,t4 rntfr,rt he rtport vias l irially at.ej,ttd f v cc,un til J ht watt:rt rs jco.ri t.a)' 13ruce well talc: a ltadtr'h,j rc,it rr, rt,•IructUr:n}' 11 `.tit,, out thrtt alterrtalI“.\ rtclucc tht number of rriurrK iJ,a;. tics in the county restruc lure all of Bruce county as a single municipal unit or develop a two uer system covering Grey. Bruce and Owen Sound Under that option the counties and Owen Sound would form the upper tier government, while municipal bound allies would be redrawn NO that each has a population .of about 20,00) One amendment orders the committee to encour- age and support any local initiative that combines two or more municipalities into one int There was some question whether that would include endors- ing amalgamations that leave ,orne rrtunicipalities out in the cold. 'The ones 1 rn referring to wont (cave anyone out In the cold, -said Kincardine township reeve Gard Jarrell. who made the amendment "We want the re »tructunng commit- tee to '.cc lex al Initiatives Jr; a positi`e light Arran reeve Ross Herron s,.iil that includes the pos,ihllity of ending up with more than the eight rnUrl)CIpalitiCS nally recommended by the report Herron s ohserva tion on the target number, for municipalities prorr►pt ed a debate reminiscent of the controversy that sur- rounded the 1991 restruc Luring study. "11 you're going to do the study, don't start with Clifford sings g 'swan song' "h was %hats ngang and rewarding," he said. And as for the state 01 the county he will hand over to a new Warden this week, be said, "Huron County has a strong irllra- structure in place to Clifford said his year as respond to the clialienges Warden will be a year he ahead." will long rcrriel l)el In 'lilt 1997 Huron total. (Clifford said his ( cru-nty Warden will be duties as Warder) rtqu)ued r,lei to to c,flit:c by the hilt) to Uavtl 22.()00 kit() count 11Tuesday. Piet 3 metres by car, `•000 -kilo The candidates !()i blit: nears by alrhlasc slid uffic.t,• ;air. Murray Keys of 2.00 kilometres by bus as Play 1 wp . 13111 Weber of he atteirdcd ovc:t 3(13) Sic -Then '1wp and list ioeeti tit and f unc-.tions Down of 1 Jsborrit "l wp Out -going Huron County Warden Bill Clifford sang what he called his "swan song" al the irieetin of .('crusty Council Nov 2K (ioderach . the numbers; end with them," councillor Tom Boyle advised. Council obviously dis- agreed on how municipali- ties should amalgamate, hut agreed to throw out the eight -municipality target. Instead, the restructuring committee will look at a two-tier model that has "something significantly Tess than 30 municipali- ties" in the county. There would be about 20 munici- palities if 'townships loin up with villages "1 think the county should stay out of what municipalities want to do." Boyle said. advising the county's task should he to investigate mergers or shared services with other counties "This restructuring cornrri11tce should not make recommendations to this body on what Southampton arid Port Elgin do in relation to Saugeer►," he added, earn ing an emphatic'Thanks, 'torn" frinyi Saugeen reeve Harry Thede. Warden Stuart keavie said he expected the restructuring initiative to he co-operative measure rather than an issue that will set municipalities against their neighbours. "Welcome to the world of restructuring," respond- ed councillor Milt McIver, who chaired the long and hitter 1991 restructuring study. '('here were two unsuc- cessful attempts to delay the start of the latest restructuring effort until councils can comment and the province gives clearer indication of its direction. "1 think we're maybe spinning our wheels and wasting our time," sug- gested councillor Carman 1 u1Icrton. "!f the govern- ment wants something dome, let there do it and put the »blame on them," Fullerton said. So far there is no esti- mate of how much the restructuring study will cost or how long it will take. Warden Stuart keavit;, hopes for a report in 1997, hut admitted council may chcxrse nal to proceed al all it the price tag is too high. Fantasy lottery sold out, 16 days by Miebelr Greene The Pantasy•'97 lottery which the 11uron-Perth Roman ('atholic Separate School Hoard is a part has sold all of their tick.ets in lust lb days. The proceeds born the lottery are donated to the Munsign9r Preney Poundatlon, which supports the Huron•Perth Roman Catholic Separate School Board and other separate boards A surnrner home in (hand Bend., car's, vacations and many other prizes are (Mered.• On Nov 25, titUstces were pirasrd, to barn of • the lottery's suc.t_.ess 5uj)r.nntendr.rit (iut.es 13lanchette said the early hurl draws tool, plate this past friday with the test of Ihr 1)1I/.Cs being giVeil away ou 1)e&. 20 'I1)e board said it hopes to false $ 20(),0(1() by palucl paling in the: lottery Committee will establish parameters between board and private. sector by Amy Neitiaruds After lengthy discussions at a special ial ri)eeting of the Huton County Board c)i ,Education (H('13P.), hula hoard rneinbcrs and 111C111 hers ot a newly estab fished Huron, County Coalition of Private Business agreed to strike a coinrnittee to establish parameters between the two sectors. . A special meeting was held W discuss arca ph vate businesses' concerns with the board's actions ot stilling computers and interne( tient through the Huron County Education l•ourrdation. In Ihr past iu t13I) r of weeks. lciters 1101)) the private sector leave • bee n circulated accusing alit.• board ot' competing wilfr the private sector. "We arc not only here to focus on a short terns goal but on long tr,ni) potential that can he creat- ed for everyone in this room,'" 'said board Vice - (.'hair Allan Carter in opening the m dung. The Huron (:'aunty Coalition ot Private Business was created "out of necessity to protect pri- vate business in Huron 1 ounly 1r1)I11 p11)111I funded t.onipetition,' star cd 13i11 Wagiut, setit•laly (erasure r of Hay ('tnilnunlcallt)ns and a member from the coali- tion. But specifically, said Wagner. tfrti coalition' was formed to react to the: H('i31:'s "insurgence into business activities current- ly provided by private enterprise in the coun- ty...We have a lot of sup- port in our association." While the coalition sees nothing wrong with schools fundraising for the school hand, bus trips and school uniforms or even with. students selling their ptolcCIs such as garden sheds mads' 111 class, Wagn2'r said " .however, if these garden shctls'weir luass produced by stirdcriis and slat( to provide a st)Urce of income, the coalition would view this as clearly coinpc;01ive in nature." "We die concerned with the direction the; board is taking," said another member of the coalition, adding drat they would like to see a clear defini- tion of what the board, is pursuing. "As long as we are not stepping on each others toes we can all co- exist." New Year's Eve `96.'97 Dance Lucknow Legion Branch #309 December 318' 9-1 am Music by: Tiffin's Orchestra $1250 per person. Hot Lunch Included. Tickets available at the Bar, Lucknow Cut & Curl or Becker's Milk MacKenzie f McCreath Funeral Homes Ltd. 3 Generations family owned and operated • M. Joan MacKenzie Pollard • J. Jeff Pollard • FCC. MacKenzie *John MacKenzie Prearrangement information available We welcome cost comparison Ripley Lucknow 395-2969 528-3432 **GE CIP II SATURDAY, December 7, 1996 9 am to 5 pm 1/2 km. east of Whitechurch - 6 km. west of Wingharn on Hwy. 116 (north side of highway) COME SEE OUR NEW BUILDING and ENJOY A COFFEE & DONUT `li)gether, the Ilarpers shared their lives and their (rearms. `together is how they plan to stay. 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