The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-10-16, Page 10v. • . 1 • •"i , I fi Congratulations to newlyweds by May Boyle We extend congratulations to Mr and Mrs. Allan Hodgins who were mauled on Saturday afternoon. Family and friends from here attendedthe wedding in Port Elgin and the dinner and reception at Underwood hall. Erie Thacker had his wrist cast changed at Londcat on Monday. The Rev. Wb Dawson of the Bible Society paid his annual visit here and the meeting was in the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday evening. He talked on the work of ,the BibleSociety and showed a video on Ethiopia. Tara Thacker of Guelph University spent the weekend at her home here. Her brother Lucas Thacker who was in the Kincardine and District Hospital was able to return home and is now a bed patient for a perfod of time. We. wish him a good recovery. ° - A 'very pleasant day , Was held on Oct, 6, at ilte Anglican Church 'when a day of celebration was held itt honor of 'Edna and May Boyle's birthdays. Friends fronifir and near attended, ,• • . , y . • c. • .. . . • Did you • In 199.405 01. e district • had 1431 births of which 54 per cent *ere bornat r et, • the Grey Pruce'Regional Health Centre. • The remainder were divided among seven Other facili- ties. "d` art con ;Axons were among .the top 10 causes of hospitalization in Grey -Bruce. Heart failure and shock and, angina accounted for 1026 admissions to hospital in 1994.95. S • 1) Luekuow WI rOlcall takes members back to aother time s a bac 1111 nine member the t. Helen's Women's Institute last were; when they answered rollcall with the name of the Prime Minister M office when they were born. A pot luck supper is planned for the commu- nity on Oct. 21 with the proceeds towards the cor- ner light. Janet MacPherson led the topic on eitizenShip and the reasons to be proud to be a Canadian. She said 1967 centennial year and Expo made many changes for us as we grew prouder to be'a Canadian citizen. She told of several thanes that took place and inter- esting bits of informa- tion: Canadian women, got the vote in 1918; QuebecCityis the, old- est; in 1873. slavery was prohibited; the Hudson Bay Company'aS the first chain store; in :18,f.3,3 the first appendectomy was c • ' • . • • - • by lean Ross • The Whitechutch,44-1 Club held:their-achieve-• Ment day on Oct. 5. Parents and institute IneMbers enjoyed ar Very • tasty Meat provided by the club. "••.' Jane 1Viiltenbitrg of, Lucknow, was the speak- er from the community food advisor program, Peter Steer.fire chief from 1. Lticknow also. 'Spoke to the group, about fire ,safety,„ and questions were discussed by the, ' group, pertaining to fire and how system-works.- when.acall comes in. , Cathy Moir, was -pre-: seated a five_ year leader certificate. For complet. • ing 24 projects,, Sheila Moir and Brenda •Ougg were presented. with pie - tures. The leaders for the roup were Kathleen lliott and Cathy .,Moir. The next project.is,.,-on learning the Podging craft. •': • '''••, • r. and Mrs. George • Armstrong ,visited on, Friday with Fred and ilidy.Party..OfOright. and on ''Sattti4ay... everyone, celebrated With Mr. andMrs. Larry- Armstrong at St Thomas who were 25 years marned. •••:.•• Mildred"PtittiOn.:,and Jogt*Jtoss!attdociect.'h,' fall Thankoffering at South Kinloss 4y Hayden of Winghani and Joanne Macfl�nald of Blyth were Thesday visi tors with Don and Jean Whitechurch Institute held their Resolutions meeting on Wednesday evening with Norma, Rintoul as the convener. •ere President Jean Ross opened Meeting 'and:. . , read a Thanksgiving r 1‘. poen'. Belert:"Cntrie, gave-. an pkCeAlaat, reportfrom • the'..area:COnVention held •;•.•• at Hepworth. The roIlcall was answered by naming "a resolution-•• made." Nona, Rintonl -read:, Thanksgiving poem and introduced the guest speaker Sharon Good from the Auburn area. She spoke about her hobby anti. 40000$trot..*4.• how to cans andstencii on wood, etc. Helen Currie and Jean ,refresh- ments, twa,lue*y.:''.o0ps held by ::Sharon'';':: Good andEvelyn Oibb - Witk themilytoojoi:41a: St.11eien's WI performed in Canada, We're proud to be Canadian because of the beauty of the land, moun- tains, horizons and prairies, abundance of farmlands, rivers, the tich diversity of our people and heritage. Readings were given 'by Isobel Gaunt Goblins 'Go Home and Autumn' s Golden farewell. Helen Todd read Thanksgiving, and Edith Cooper offered up •, Autumn Lanterns Light Up Grins. Remembrance Day • Service is planned for Nov. 3 at 2:30.p.m. and • will include the laying of , wreaths at the cenotaph. This, service is open for anyone to attend. Isabel Gaunt and • Agnes Lyons served' lunch. *ganef Wedneritdav Oetibliberit19a6 mu& to BARRY it REID B.A. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT PO, 80X 300 WiNGHAM, ONT, NOG 2W0 INIWEIAM• 306 Josophine SL 3614522 *351-1551 (Fax) 14964971 • * Accounting a Tax Sonde.* ROSS TAYLOR CA_ KEITH RAYMOND CAAARFAY REID, CA, WE'R! PULLING OUT M STOPS ...TO WIN YOU OVER WATCH FOR * Opening at 9:00 A.M. * More Sales * Private Consultation Room inbacit Pharmacy cucKNow 3004 ,; • LJate Fri., 00.-1 8 ,Stin.,Oct;20 Sun., Oct. 27 Sat., Nov. 2 Frift Nov. 8 'Sun., Nov., 10, Sat., Nov. 16 k' -Sun., Nov. 4/ Fri:, Nov. 22 Sun., Nov. 24 Nov. Sun., Dec: ,Ssautn.,..Doecec..78 Sun., Dec. 15 Sun., Dec. 22 • Fri,Jan.10 Jan, 12 Jan,: 18 Sun., Jan. 19. Sun.;Jan. 26 ' Sun., Feb. 2. Fri, FebJ Visiting team GRAND VALLEY TEE-$1/VAT4Ft LucknoW • Lacl(now A.Ucf<novv 1..UcknOw , 'GRAND VALLEY DUNDALK tionieTeain Tim� Bus Leaves at LUOI<N014, '8,36. • at "LUCKNOW at . Mildmay • • 2:15 "'• at Dundalk 8:30 at - Mildmay • 4:0o' at TeeeWater' '•• 1:30 at LUCKNOVit: 8:30 at LUCKNOVV : LyoicNow Grand 'Valley 2:60 Li./CK!4OVV. • 9:00 at Luckn• .0w,..., MILDMAY at - - 4ucknow„ at Lucknow DUNDALK • at 1:ntkeitims • •at TgESVVTER ,. at r GRANp'VAL4.:EY,• •at All Star ',paint!• at DUNDALK•-• ilicknow :•.2 at MILDMAY„ • ”.at . TetieWater •8:00 • Ltipt<Now. • Dundalk- . • 8:8 LOCKNOW • • 3:30 -,:laeawater L • LUCKNOVV teesaiater •-Grand •5:00 2:30,•''• LOCKNolfil; • 8:30 The Sun Begins To Rise Oct; 28, ,Grand Opening 9ank- • Free Draw for a Trip! • Free Balloons Free Halloween Loot -Bags • Free Cake Suncoast Mall so Free 1/2 hourly Draws and Entertainment YOUR REGO NAL CENTRE IN GODERICF1 Northern Reflections 0 Northern Getaway 0. Bata o Athletes' World o Bootlegger Ricki's 0 A Buck or Two 0 A.VE. Entettaluffietio. ..°11404._ Ur Half 0 Red Olivet Realty .11