The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-10-16, Page 3fl Definition o *front page 1 4. Symon said that while increasing the maxim -urn height is justified by the desire to house an 18,000 lb. commercial vehicle, the fact that the weight is a ninefold increase in permitted commercial size is not minor. "If the size of the com- mercial vehicle is not. considered minor, then the increase in the size of the structure necessary to hVase.a vehicle cannot be Considered minor,' said Symon. Petition Along with, his: app. cation,, McMurray sub witted a petition of approyal ,signedb5 area Individuals The petition referred...to the building,- height .w ,thatf y : x7 Would befeet higher than code 'states."' One verbal `r; -approval was received by the planning, - 'department lanningr'department.. as .well. No reference wa made' t+ weight -in the petition., Opposition Janeiiielsen acid a Joynt , aughtears .oaf . . sste oynxthe owner of �rn rt, o t .. �d a u x t' l Y P�? y .aril° of.McMur ra r y s, '.o ex. o` lar d t' the c tonOt tee their opposition tot th plication. cru r Mothe eat for horse' 't other property around the area. The aesthetics, ambiance, openness and quietness ate all areas of concern." Sympn had in hispre- sentation commented on the Joynt property saying it "has the potential to be most negatively impacted upon by the proposed structure immediately to the north." Joynt ,stressed .that their mother's property --stood to be affected in the. most "adverse way?' The :sisters had input from an independent resi- dentiial.. appraiser who indicated the Joynt prop- erty, "mtlld be;devaluedr will talo awl Y 'from the enjoyment of the backyard," Said Joynt. :,.'She also, cited: inharmo- nious use of the property ,and Leon -conformity as; opposing Treasons to the:. minor variance. being. ranted. 'A minor vari- a,uce'.would'. be in Mr cMurray's interest, not in the interest of the coni unity," After: the first -'moti ori. to allow. the ,/Mots -vary ante was: defeated, was Made ',b Luckno a wain n+;lm nt. to the notis Councillor To,n''Pegg vho sat .on the committi adjustmeit. Tr ►inendme t was a res ilu7` ton, from`Lucicnow conn.. fil that the height be'` Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 16, 11 = Page 3 minor' is the issue Pe _ ed the appli- cation was a minor vari- ance if the reference to weight restriction was deleted. o Joynt countered that the bylaw on weight restriction is in place. "It's up to the town to enforce it." "A commercial vehia cle has no right being in that area," stressed Symon. "Council is stick- ing ticking their heads in the sand° You're ignoring your responsibility to enforce the zoning bylaw." No one would second Pegg's amendment to the motion. On Friday morning, Pegg told The Sentinel that, McMurray's building could still be high enough to store the rag in if he lowers the height. "But it will be an ugly building," he said. Pegg. explained that the height of a building as, measured. from the ground to halfway up the gable. "The bylaw should probably he updated," said Pegg. McMurray confirmed Friday that he was lower- ing owering the building to the legal height of 13 feet, which would give the structure an overall height of 15 feet. sale eilsen.j",As overseers o Le home, we have mangy Firewood Hard Maple or Ash SLABWOOD 1 t r ted " i#' a e r ''. ' *Cali. flout . 130'0/1 7 cu. Truck ad .Delivered within 20 miles Mileage charge B'oyand Thai , • L,aige Quantiti +..Discounts When' YOU Radio . ,Craig Hard w. o dS Ltd, -2 Aubum, Ont. • SI ` on o; Community 144iiri)` Services (111.0e11. 't,, 1 1110.11 (ttli(' :{;)ti -.l;(► RUN MANAGEMENT'IIST FIBROMYALG ...an &+week Program offered by a multi -disciplinary team oprofessio al erussD 't" OtI a`. -$ 1m. **Zs til# Zn oiinent** ti� • concerns." :tedaeed from 1$' S. feet to Neilsen said a were l6.5 'feet 3.5 feet, higher not only concerned, with %than ;allowed) and tbe ref - he height, but the; size as erenceto .weigh forcom. Well "It` takes away.from er ial vehicles�be dele t= die 0P0oness of , the area. it's, quite overwhelming. li g said ' he agree is is not , a . nor vow -, with ;a lot that ' Symon had ince. it's 369 per cent :paid. but :asked,,"Why. arger than : tbe:gara a tt build alwo-car . garage,, rep laced, . • and: well: when in five years' down" exceeds the size of coin- the -road you.are-plat ning naerciat vehicles allowed, to have: a motorbome to Neilsen said the prop-, , store; in there?" arty has been la the Joynt . McMurrayhad :indicated name since 19:0. "Weearlier; that -that, *as. are'extremely concerned anotier reason for the about .the effect on the large' structure. iii, `dQ s and: cats ` in Bruce an : fi rey counties must, against tabiesFaiure : to do so 'can result in Ellie , u Ct andro Q ion' ct..Bruce ire ata prose . Io l :i �ti �t with I: ori: h 'r .� +� � �► n ,m � r I t= t o `, u te' take advantage .at an of the followingchlni s, BRUCE COUNTY LOCATIONS: law bei ; rmnunize s 4 k0 t. u .430. 04. bra. +urag rYNnuiiui.Yillri«nIYYYY}gr.rr/IYAYr. �rL'�'. •k,i.,Y.«..Il ,.N«YIIYIIIYNI(iI \o11>ti4Ai0iiirNYYY1NMi.YYrmYr)It Iral' ion'S � San e ChiChippewa 1 �. iIr•H .rl1= « r /r os v y. N rr.r . ' �i te:r �Yr rnriY�r.i .YY. Ifs!. SI agr.pir.,uNi«N.MY.Yu 1!11.1Yi1ri ora aisl 110$400040O0Ni.440 l W Y r/MAA+ ltlple.iNN.«« Mum Vat. Clinic & District Fire T1x I r�..W. M1Yi711i .CUI1V 'I YYNY«i4iraNYliri/«'«NNYYYrnyriJ o•I U1 it .It/�i(Ai.Y C191fl rNrN..Y1NYinY«YirY..rYNr kY. 11•:i'c N N r�i �r p . YYYNririiiiuuN r..Yirri1j�To nsh1 r Littoral** � ora r A / ifir Yn' i �i ':��A�rir/Mri IY.rpY I,. rrlri r✓� '.rjryy! .1 ia1YG.r.N.r.YYIIUS!HlfldliRAYYNri rNYYNNYr.ir.k1NN,NNa A. MA��- T aiNMiy001004000 0 t anlAtRi.NYAkgwi«.NYNi iirrri Sul 1.. GREY COUNTY LOCATIONS: loss coun� •from pag,e.1 Joe . Kerr's motor'.. scraper will be hired for: work 'at the landfill to accommodate traffic and Bring winter. a refund because the canine died, was refused by council. Councillor ' Gerald Mowbray reported that • tires .were 'being burned. again on Conc. 2. Assessments on two properties were reduced due to 'demolition :of. structures. V Council and Eos i Bell came to #int agreement whereby Mr. Hell requires a drain let for his property and council wanted two Wills along the sideroad of his prop- erty, cut back to eliminate snow problems. 1U iAY. O TopeR 2901990 Oen Sound.rY.Nr Scrip Ver Clink t V1M'riNYIrMWN.. A. 'Sad .Clinic' w1NNwwr.rMYY�w rrY►r.ri 1': ALL TIMES ARE 2:301 l 5► P.M. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 30,1996 & Owe Pet Hospital...405 th S e. sound .«r.r..r.ri:M w:ANiaroaNi jShed YI004000141I641140 YW0aO0O,r.r THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1,1996 Owen IiGLI uN�NNr.Yr�aiYr. �t uiidlr�g' s�f1h�,YY�ha i r iii .rr r irrl /� ' Shod �IS. NrY .yA . YN yM , Wallai A tiMY.sr«�rirNMY N • a aAYiY.rrii•YrYriMl r. Poildhis NYNr1WNWY� a thil .... Y Nomonby Works Woolf Grader Shod tarawarYYi«rA.0 4 COST: T: $i 0 raurNr.YrA.wYlir*rYt i y{{y 4 L>Y�}I t. �RA11ilY 4 uYYAINYYMfiifYrYYlll.pl.M�1111Y.Ir �l�Mllf11!"�!'.,„�,Y.rrYY.�.i.+��iI1M�#►'. � PER: ANIMAL,e45.60 MAXIMUM Foft.5r OR MOREI► ' , =,