The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-10-02, Page 14. , Page 14 - Lucknow :Sentinel, 'Wednesday, October 2, 1990 INDEX 528.2822 01, Articles for Sale 02. Yard Sale 03. Garage Sale 04. Antiques 04a. Crafts OS. Cars for Sale 06. Trucks for Sale 'spotri-s. $E9werior 7a. For sale General* 7b, Wanted to Buy - 7c. -Vented to Rent 7d, Bicycles, 7e. Motorcycles • 7f. Snowmobiles 7g. Rec. 'Vehicles Boats, Motors etc. 71, Service &Parts 7K. Swimming Pools 08. computers. 10.. Pets 10*. ::41torsei P4RA1 MARKET For sale, General • • Ilb.'Wanteettnliny 1),0. Wanted to Hire ;ALI 'EMIL Wanted Llrestock ilf Farm Produce Equipment 11h. lib::" -Services .'"' * • 114., 11; Rent • ,• ent* 12. Rial-ESta e' 13; Mobile times; 14. Vacations- • 16„. For Rent' • . ..Aoartments7. IS. •::Houses for Rent: • 19a. -11e4,14.Breakfist 20. 'Itoom*Boar# 23. Comtnercial. •• ' 24. Wanted to Rent Wanted to Buy 26. Ilelo.VVaintail :27. Wanted General 28. Business Opp 29:renders 30. Erni)). Wanted 31. Service Directory -- , 32. Babysitting 33. Miscellaneous 34. , Personal • ,,, 35. Legal Notices 36. Announcements.' • 37. Mortgages 38, Auctions 39. Rducationid 40. Lost &Found 41. To Gire,Away , 42. Obituaries , 43. Births 44. Engagements' 45. Marriage -46. In Memoriam 47. Card of Thanks 48. Cowling Events to. grimesimmumminimmwomm-Nommommilimi RATES Nip DATA .......... 1 week $4.25 2 weeks -$7A8 3 weeks or more -4317 each week extra words at .16 each Can:10 of Thanks - $4.25 for 25 words extra words at .06 each in Memoriam $4.25 + .35 for each line of verse , Birth Announcement -41040 flat fee 3 + 3 Ada. $10.50 pre -paid for 254vorde• extra words at .16 each • Thursday Special ,. $3,25 for 25 words • • gust be placed and paid On Thursday • Save'a $4.eo busing charge by pre -paying. G.S.T. notinclUdedia aboiterodeili,' . • ' 580•2822 ra5,7,1* VANITYDRESSER."With. r. • oval Mirror„ 1930sVintege good condition, $75. Cali 524!9125.,-39-441xe , • CONFIDENTIAL TYPING The 13Allow Sentinel confidential custom typing*- fcir Customers:- resume's We can offer iou ATTENTION- HUNTER '-gtiper,buYs. rifles, shot;;;', ns, muzz e , ait • • shot - crossbows, ::,,,,.BASONEtk.HARDAIV0010-D §e4.f.Prth '110'°IkEmPositOr. .1,0901110e drafting'' • 1' , , , and arnitunitiOn. -at firewood for sale, split to table'and. chair,. great for •,•11orenT Pod and 'F°11 SALE doing.'poniwortc",-askin0.."-, 368-7182 : Mon4ay, :face. ?-totet. .delivered le. • thovelt-, and otherart1Clet.• $75.".•Wood stove insert -as : Saturday' 7-,44co Luokrili* area (519Y 805- 562 Stauffer' St;ILtieknOw.",,,, • vve 1.1*.- Phone after 1. For Salo [_f••••- -LT TUNE you in18" Mini Dish $859 iriclUdes 1 year free 'programming ($360: Call L- & A . -Southwest Satellite, Larry and Dennis Fisher (519) 624-9595. 439-42cC tit For Soto SMALL. DOWN DRAFT,. cast iron wood stove . ih 'excellent Condition. Easily:' converts to regular stove, Some 5" pipes included. Call 5287.3915, -,,39...41*,427 44); HOMEMADE . eirEs (unbaked). $4-459 each. Apple, Apple, .cherry 'etc; gail:$29» 7465, --40,41 LOSE WEIGHT Without dieting -.7.100% all natural - Safe. SirriPle to 'use no counting calories, workouts or • pills. Inexpensive. REALLY WORKS. Call Marianne Bollinger 529-7807. 'L-313ticti 1 For Solo CEDAR TREES, any size MAKE 12 MONTHLY up to 5 ft. for hedges and Payments of $41,58 and a wind breaks; also cedar beautiful hew living room Posts. Call Andrew suite is yours, includes sofa; Johnston 395-6231..-18tfar • loveseat, chair. Pall toll free CUSTOM FAXING 1-800-6675898., Marten's Need to send or receive a, furniture, Kitchener, --40ar fax? The Sentinel does cUs- ORGANIC APPLES.„.cider,, tom faxing for customers, apple butter, beef and lamb Drop in or call 526-2822 for available new. Horse drawn details,E41ffnx * wagon rides on the WIDE SELECTION of used Meeting Place Organic appliances, fridges, fridges, 'staves, Farm, 619.528-2493. --40x Washers and dryers. "All' ter' BARN. WINDOWS- -custorn . _, viced end•inOlucliegA.Wet4, pine sash "'i windows "for ; • titn't*„ • gait Modern house ,- shed, *barn use; ,00.i 'ApplianCe, Centre,. Hanover , p pane; 10"..)i $40... John ;364-i011.41tf9P. • Hocinaerd;Illyth"519-523; . • THE.LUCKNOW SENTINEL ." 9445. --40-4/4pC , • - has thefollowing BUNK bed • available in 'in our Office on ;aiitt (Amiqcn in bright red, ,•' - • • • Wednesday. •Goderich : with ladder and tom mat - Signe), Star, Kincardine `tresses hardly, used, along Newt,, Walkerton Herald "-' with a clothe* tree, drafting • •Times, ; Clinton ;News fable, 4 drawer Chest and • • Record, Mitchell Advocate, ''' Yr.' chair ;'.askii*$400' :best • • loaders,• 2127 f • 40 524 424E1 • --40-41mie askor Andrew x• • • b - U. • I • a number of. different print firewood for sale, $40/cord -4°'4 1* - • WHY, HAVE • A YARD • types and sizes. 'Call our • piCked up. Phone*5294017 lArOODSTO•VE & FIRE- SALE? Call us..VVe buyit COMPOUND AND, CFIOSS bow hunting package,,•now ' PLACE glass, will not break • all.' Antiques, Furniture. Office or drop-in for More evenings or mornings. -- details. -41ffnx- • ' 36,39;40 •- • . ' from heat, Cut to any'size'or Coins, etc. No fuss - No THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL NEW 'FURNITURE ETC shaPe," The C-himney Muss. Cait519-36-0213. -- • '• c vailable At the folloWing Bkler-PePPier-cheSterlield's Sweep's Stove P r °r & 496° 0 on 0 0 own; a ..ey.e Samsonite 41tInbc = • fiti tit. f I: -Z-E1 hal S °a.HerYllick 368';'5274. ' TROUT - great all fishing • ; • foil000d General stoti; cArd, tat,10.•Sets,'BOgdOn and 7:' from our well stocked Pond; Ripley Superior Market;.- • Groat *dinette suites,.,. ."11, STEEL BUILDINGS open all winter or purchase '0w/1/son's - Store, Toshiba iraaha. BEST.BUILDING PRICES trout wholesale, from our Dungannon; MaCNeyt • pianos :and,: keybciardi„:' Steel StraitWall Two. - not tanks. David Hedley, siorej Amberley;•Triangle sonuetes • • Furniture, •• qtionset, 32x:54:$94602 se,grave, pfiorae,first 357, Ditook-int;•Goderich; Brian't Mildmay 519-367-2308: **46.:,,,x72 • 0'4;233, - 50x90 , 2329. --34-35nx37-46ar Winghani'• .40cc • • $20,443, 60x126-$31,314 othersizes available misc. STEEL,BUILDINGs • McPlipe IDA Winghapt GRAY'S P5REICINIALS'' Open until October1.5thl • ; ' • - d„: klactAAditrn"11,Itsint mart now :ior beiotifos. ' 1;800-263-84r.--40bc• .SALE..; Go untano Factory Direct. Many Sizes Si2et-r and .aPnodriKrIaliuthe::0,111pnaeitra;:rteree;. sh:vrein:ritelo:vcx;11:tesdesie„c'tVitto: LPuicek KuNpoywoursay:ti,ofEr atEStyles. Example: 30 x 40 Whitechurch..4-9ffiik' • of oyer 20b f • arty - of the f ofjowin6 now $5,998.00. 35,x sOflflW Hart food Mart Teeswater' • • Clearance. Paragon 24 his ALL sTekt. BUILDING \ s TOeire varieties o perennial plants grown 16 Lucknow • busioessis: $9,488.00. 40 x .60 now the field-. Let -us help yciu - Beckers Milk, Bell's $11,444,00. Pioneer Steel 1-80 668-5422 --40bc design your flower bed, no Discount, Lucknow Village . extra charge!' LoCation: on M adottl b acPharmacy, Kincardine Hwy; hours: Lucknow Seri/ice Centre weekdays after 4:30 P.m. all , and Annie!'s Gas Bar, and • day on weekends.. Phone _Hamilton Nets. --520 881-1522. --40 41cc NORTRON ELECTRIC fur- nace, 54000 BTU, 6 years Old. WO. Phone,a57-1175. --40-44x STEEL BUILDINGS AZ PRE -ENG BUILDINGS .1NC. Farm, storage, corn- mercial industrial, New Types, steel/wood, quonset cladding. For true value, action and answers - Wally (416) 626-1794, fax (416)626-5512. FREE brochures. CLIp-SAVE.- 40bc DIE) YOU KNOW IF YOU BUY A NEW IVIATIUSS SET BEFORE CHRISTIVIAS PAY NO GST AND RECEIVE FREE ANEW ROLLER PRAM C&E FURNITURE Hwy. 21, S. GODERICH 524.7231 NEED A RESUME? Professionally prepaVed, laser printed on quality 'paper. $15.00 for 5 sett We keep your resume on file in case you need changes or updates at a later date. Call us or drop in for details. The Lucknow Sentinel, 528-2822-04tinx STEEL BUILDINGS MU$T $ELL IMMEDIATE- LY. New Straight wall peaked roof steel buildings. 1-16 x 20,1-20 x 24, 1-25x 30. Priced to sell quickly. Factory direct. 1-800-549- 0854.-40bc on sale. Sorel tvludwalkers, $69. catnoufl g coveralls from $60: scents, calls, tree stands, decoys now in •- stock, noodle rods from 49;. neoprene waders from $119. Huron Sports - • Outfitters, Hwy. #4, Kippen. Open 7 days a Week, 1-51 9 263-2141. p-39-41cC LAST 'WINTER did you: • have to turn on'your electric heat, �r burn 'green slabs -because you ran out of wood. Don't be caught this ,year; Orderyour winter's wood now. Mixed hardwood body wood (not slabs) sea'k • toned for one year. 4 late . . cords 'minimum $180, while- supplieslast. Phone 529- 106.tfcc 3. Garage Sale BARGAINS! BARGAINS! LOUIS MEN'S SHOP "odds & ends" Garage Sale COMilIMOS weekend. Alt day Sat., Oct. 5 ... 9-5 "Rrar Entrattce" II_ ()III • .4.11111 DOWitiOW Itutovor GAIA la ' • • ) [ON THE WISSinEDS