The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-08-28, Page 21• age 20 Luckiotuw SeutiiBelF Wediniesday2 ABgu t 28,1996' '* Real Estate i 120 Real Estate 08,0060, COUNTRYLIVING between Lake Huron and Ldcknow. Four bedroom ranch, ,25 x 35 to lily room. 'eat -in kitchen,- Maiin floor laundry room, over Z000 sq.•ft.' eachlevel High,,dry basement central air, . 2' car:garage,". • plus large workshop, 20G amp, sell/ice.; eat g acre with :fenced. pond and:, 2' other. buildings .Well landscaped, ` C .IM,1 51 *52941 E3 A MCDONAGH LiEAL E. +rATELTD -JUST. 4iSTED - . Ripley • :starter home,: duplex!, both having 3 bedrooms,. 4 pc Oaths, : oil heat, nOW roof, .R .paved. dnvewaysr.$74,940a LUCKNOW '- 4 .bedroom. home,'& 4 pc... bath, attached garage. Asking. $74,500• { 'LUDiCNta'W' OuNGaALUwiI 3 ;bedroom brick with. extra . lot. Asking' onl• •y $11.5 000;; 40 SEAT, RESTAURANT ' Newly decorated new roof, 3.' lots, equipment;, included,. ' Sy highway, pri`+oed .to self: ASHFIELD 100 acress, 80 workable,, 20:: bush, .large beet or; dairam,';silo, hog • barn, irywbnplement shed, bedroom ;home, 4 pc. & 2 pc, bath, fireplace . • TEESWATER - 4 bedroom brick bungalow,, 2:baths, finished;. roc room; heated garage.':Asking $96,000. Calf . i n • 8-301 FraserNtaC1C in On &� . 13.; Barry' MMo040s9h 528-2031 *LARGE.' TWO bedroom' aparti'nent.: Available ':imme- diately $350/rn•ortth.. plus utilities. Above. main street. CaHL Paul 528-2411 : --140 kE BEDROOM DRQOM;- 540 O'utra street $$245/mo n# plus utilities. Call Paul 528'- 24`1,1. --31"tier GRCiUNC FLOOR •2 bed- room heated apartment, newly renovated twotbed room upper apartment,. both close t0:; downtown.. Phone 528-2031. -19tfar • ONE• BEDROOM- heated apartment.on main street;. close to .downtown.. Available 'July 1 .Ph rte . 528-3948. 19tfar; ° UDDER NEW M'ANAGa' MENTI Walkerton Yonge. St. Apartments has one, . two- and three bedroom apart- -ments available for'rent, Swimming "..00l, garage .. � garage >, quiet exci'usive 'complex; across from Bruce County:, Bo 'dings, at f ,; n ar school; Apply to! Adrian, Apt , Adrian/ 7, 1012 Yonge St. 881-' 2790. « l31fc'c: RENT GEARED , tcOnaorne apartments, in 'Clinton; exeter'and. ` of erich, for women and children, who stave experienced. abuse. Call Phoenix :of Hurgii'$244W 1620; 482-6288„.:236,3183. -34185c0 , BUILDING LOTS,' Deer' Run Estates, . 1 /2 acre, well 'tre:ed, _ fully serlticed-. C.Iarke's Homes, 395-5464.'- .19tfar •. 7. Apts. LARGE-' TWO bedroom apa.rtrnent.'fwith" pr vete ground level entrance. Park like .atmos here and close -• to dowhtovun. •Cr`esthavren Apartments Gait after519;640215..R - .tf 22 ar TWO `-.2'BEDROOtvi apart merits and- one' - 1 bedroom apartment for rent ---oh main street, LUcicn'ow. i"`hlone 528-3932.--35tfar 18 *louse DURHA.M WALSH Townhouses in Kincardine., Under new' managemiest. Freshly' painted and reno- vated: Two and three bead room, 1 month free rent:; Available immediately. Phone 396-9332,---03tfar NEWLY RENOVATED farm • house for rent 2 1/2 ' miles. north of ' Lucknow„ References "'required, `na pets. $425 per month plus ;hydro.' Apply to drawer #16 c/o' he T'Lucknow Sentinel, : Box 4.00, Lucknow, ; NOG '2H0., -14#far 3.BEDROOM:HOUSE in Lucknow,- 'wood/Oil'' heat, full basement, .walk out patio. Call „Penny 392-8261. --35- HOUSE "FOR'Rent -• 4 bedrooms.. North-West of. 'Teeswater, Barn and work .• ..shed'optional, 519.605-7818- or;519-336.6581: No pets, References: :$060'_ per ac' th. =»26tf c HOUSE FOR rent, - 6 bed- roorrt, wheel chairaccessi- ble • t orth..of Teeswa:ter. References. • First anda'last month rent,, 510-665-7818 or.513, 336.6581 --32tf c DUP"CEX :i'N A'UBURN, -. �!. Lange: Iivingroom � and eat ern kitchen, two b' room s . h , ed m "* otos . to -ball . park and play,- ;'9routtlsP. $800 p)l;rs°utilities.: Cali, X26.7$55. "�-34tfcc FARMHOUSE for rent, near LuckhoWx , 5 " "bedrooms: Available September's ". Phone ` 6284433 or "628 3336 after 1 purl. *45ar 25. Wanted to Buy OLD BARNS, BRICK, HOUSES - wanted to buy, Phone after 2 pew., 293- 6539, 1ltigp . TOP 'DOLLAR PAID for heavy "trucks for wrecking. Complete or .parts, alio .buying heavy scrap 'equip. inent. ' Call. Provincial Truck Salvage '(619) 843-1126, 34,35co Wanted General . . 'ASSISTANCE REQUEST. ED.:'Puruhssing'°good" clean 'W.W.I. andW.W.II ororre- ,sponde'rtce *" • ,letters., envelopes watt stamps,'.and postcards. Queens Bush: Stamps and " .Postcards: . Holyrood, Ont: NQG. 280. .,Phone"" 5$9-39=3546. -35• 37 ei Weiht@st StUPPL t1 ENT VOUR 'income!'; Deonstrate `DIS* COVERY TOYS'! Children's Educational toys, books,• • software`.- Canadian C0)11p•an.y.. Is&'o territories.:your own sched. y , ule.Stat t with a $199 toy kit and' you are ready to PLAYI for`into -Gail Linda Orraham '3 149 toll free, 1-88,8-202;22Z 35cc di at at 96-8 or - TRANSPORT DRIVERS DED o:. isthe' time NEE Now info � A'. -. time - to -train ,r OUT ass ''licertse. For interview or -application contact :Ontario SPP � , Truck . Driver, Training' -' London.'- 1-800-263.4777 (fob placement' assistance available):-=35bc ' HERBAL'MAGIC Y TE MS Opening' soon In poderich, Now accepting applications ,for full "time I-Ieaittl or Counsellors., Saris aX Pe'i- encs'' eSselitiat. ' Phcne1- 800-363-6790 '.;-35cc $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling chocolate boa, New prod- ucts available. Nothing to pay in advaRnce.�{opq�pFy/ast deli (v- ery 1-800-389 3$89. -4Sbo Usinoss< LEASING - DANCEBar -Hotel; and Restaurant Or Just Restaurant Turn Key Operationt. Hensel'., 5194 262-22.314.-R37tfco 'AIT -TIME IDEAL Home' Businees, tax .advantaged. Retell vitamin, herbal and speciality health ,producfsa Canad'tan.bran"d• rnarnfar company supported adver- tising and marketing 519- 03? -3182. -y$4tfoo • +GOVERRN'm 'NT''FUNDS. Government issistanc:e• programs,information avail -able, For your new or exist ing business. Take advan- tagee of the' government` grants. and'loans: Carrel- . 8004315-3615.--35bq TRAVEL BUSINESS -. -.Investment-$12,495, :I"uIit trairnin.}And, ongoingsu �- � sup- ' Full-time/part-time .-, Horne:, or office. " Many -Travel I3enefitS, LIMITED •• AVAILABILITY; Canada inc, 1-2044.87- ,3322.--35bC ^pIi ant WORK .WANTED., Hoose cls nine `eekl t. a i 9; w_ .� ya ri to Sill Book nw:fo ..aba � '-to- o r cIc school clean-up, • P.hone` ;528-2400. --3435x il" VNcl3 Iilre to A-GNEW JEWELLERY" FIEPAII - watch, •_clock, jew- 'elLery.•=rea.estimates, ,Pickup and delivery can be arranged.' 696 'Haveloc`k,. Street, across from Medioal'r Centre: Cali 52 3532,!ar,.. :528-2940. 18tfar The Buren:Count .. Boca of ducat si • wdl apt "applications rot the tall VIng cos t ons o1; ' BV$.11NOVER l(*fa t entrat Public:Scbeol • Ciarf�e;:Ntlt31Xo and ` Turnberr Prrtili School ` R.R, #i4,. Winghem, l'IOGr2W0 Dude k to enintmtencermmediatel Y'` he: succe tui candidsifes mast y hold a, valid' Blass" ".Driver`s Lieejpce Interei;ted spplicen u should sends letter oreppticat ori, photocopy otCtss '13" -Licence, and restirrm outlinlns eicperit tied and educstian; including referencesk,. to'the nddre s below -,12 :0(} noon, :ridsY. sa te berG19% WtThink 'those Who ;subrn t,*resumc, *nd advise' .only those tivh ale chosen for an interllaw .+ill resolves rcpiy. nus .ver Competition Huron eounty.8oard ofEducation 1O3 Albett Street Minton, t Int. tto, NON.1 LO It Drown-: Cherie' `.‘Oittbit lrectert 1 • ery ce Director T.V. DON THQMP QN .V. and. Appliance '.repair, refrigera- tion 24 hour service.' Phone =A 395.0417 or :335.-'3393. •'-- 34.39oc • . MOVING Conrlplete moving Services,; local or long distance for resident al or •co rnercial: Free estimates, or "do It yourself'. with our rental trucks :and ". equipment. Listowel Rental and Moving Systems putty insured' and'. • licensed,'291 -1202 or toll free 143Q0 -63.9$89e, 34tfar KIN1..O$S „EXCAVATiN and Gravel. 'Eor your exca- voting needs, hi hue, trimr. dozer and scrape.,avaij- able. Can:Barry Johnston 396-5231.--18tfar. t`Ki UCTIONt* Nip homes, cottages, additions, renovations, replacement windows. & dpors, - aluminum itnwarlc siding;:decks,.; farrnbuildingsliearestIte, hauseinspectiok minibackhdework,' tube &clamp>soldl g.. Licensed CarpentersinCe 1976 euL rriciFax or sly 520961 524456t :32 El81by*Itting' BABYSITTER REQUIRE!) for 2 pre-school chldrep, 3 hours -per day, 3 g 4 days per week Phone '628-2435. .45, "20/20 WITHOUT 'GLLASS- E$I Safe, rapid,: non -surge-. cal, permanent restoration in 6'. 8 weeks. Airline pilot developed,. ' . ` doctor. approved. Free Information by hell. 406-961-W0, ext. 263; fax '406-961.5677... ht t p .. /, / - www;vis.ionfreedoi ,con Satisfaction guaranteed;,-- 85bc RUBE'S OF' ST. LAWRENCE ET MARKET � (Toronto) hasa fine assort - Ment of gluten.' free pastas for those with Celia.c. and other Wheat 'Allergy probe lems.41 !6-3668-.8734,--35b0 *A. cost wilt be ncturreit GOD -GIFTED PSYCHICS with ' amazing; strong;, pow* - ' erfid 'skills. Stop searching! Immediate >solutions to all a : :problems; Sen.sat:ional results! Call now! 1-900- 451-37784 -900-451-3778, 24, Hrs., 18+,, ,':$2,99/min,. I�O.�C.•-35bc CARL SLOETJES Sales, Installation. Renovations • Replacement'Windows :Doors' �. 'itchen.Cabinets,• Vanities • Qarpet,and Linoleum •'Roofif9. • Free Estimates RAT ; U 1,,� GlcNi'Sw 5294164 ) lV brook cavateing Gra el-' To Soil y �. • .Fine Grading. Large .excavator trucks,, `ltiader,doz$ dozers Reasonablel'etts• 7 5284'144- 1711,6, Lucknow HAV EN ECTR1C *Residential " *Commercial Electrical Contractors °FREE ESTIMAT =5.: Rod Havens' LDC"KNOW, ''' 528-2301.: • *A`cost' will' be incurred,: HEAVENLY' ` PSYCHIC Answers serving over 50 ,. :.million readers and multi- talented psychics. ' Free astrochart with your -first 'reading! •.n.: ! Reiationsh s � p. , .Future, Career, $2.99/`'rain' 181+-2.4 Hours" 1-90C1-4514" ` 3783.--35bc *A cos dII 'inc+ed. CANADAstbe 'S: Md$T GIFTEurr.t psychics have answers to' your problems or question's . about health, love, relation i, mni'uaky'num- hersshp: '$3.o49/minuteey,, 18+, 24 hours, 1-9Q8-451-4336.-- 3.5bc A cost will be incurred. DATE, DATE DATE ' DATE DATE CONNECT (24 hours).' 100's of ads: Men, woolen ,and alternative lifestyles. 1-900-830-2222. Access Code #36., T. Cw.i., ' :18+, $1.99/mire., $16 max.- 36bc HAVING A DRINKING • PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 424.6001 'or Walkerton 8814635.. 35ar CRISIS 1?R•EGNA:NCY'.. CENTRE Aro"you taint? Need,. help? Call our 24 hour hotline collect 823 3751 or drop . in at" .178 Main; ' E XP E'FtIENCBDCHlLDW fix. B Mountrt .Forest for ftee`. .. CARE 'rovi er is Willing t; . ren c testis ecus P. � ��, F g��_y, .. J, • ;babys"tt: in - her hone s'ellin aridtsupport, Monday -" Fridayvfull. or part- birth coaches, clothing . a Itime. Non-smoker„good " S5ar nutritional lunches, 'and snacks. C.a!! pane Bolt any- time 5528-3527."4-33.33 'BABYSITTER REQUIRED for early hours 530 sant. ®,1•16,.e.rn., 2 - '3''days per, 'weeks 'Transportation required to drive ,1 'hild to - Luckntw. None a95-3443. • 1