The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-08-28, Page 20Lucia* w Sentinel, Wednesd*y,, August 18, 1996 age 19 1 RATE or Sale ��j'j ISE WEIGHT .. ithout dieting. 100%', all natural Safe. Simple to 'use, no 'counting calories, workouts or pills, IInexpe:nsive. • REALLY WORKS. :Call tMarianne Bollinger 829-7:$0.7, ,.-. 34,35,36cc SUITES, OF FURNITURE - good selection. Sofa beds, mattresses, pianos key . boards , chests of.. ,drawers ..� 1. desks, . lam she • Visit. P . �, Schue:tt'S . Showrob.rns, Mlldnay. 51'9-367.2308.' Free delivery; set up: ;-35cc ATTENTION HUNTERS - Super Reelection of rifles, shotguns; ,scopes arid' crossbows at. Lake Huron. Rod Gun and Marine, - U . der:: od:�;O sin Monday SaturdaY, ' Phon a _353-788.....1..,. -.�3 2 _35 c 3k" 01. Articles for Sate 02. ' Yard:Sato 03. Garage Sale, 04. Antiques .. 04a Crafts 05. Cars for Sale . ins. Trucks for Sale 'VOWS fc,.. ' RECRE4T O T 7a. For sale. General 7b. -Wanted to Buy 7e. Wanted to Rent 7d, Bicycles 7e. Motorcycles 7f. Snowmobiles ec Vehicles •7 R � Vehiiel s: •Boatsx .Motors eta. 7J. Service &.Parts 7K. w`' .n. Pools 0$. ,...Computers 10., Pets. 10a. a.Borses FARM MAREST 1;1a: For sale General 11b, Wanted to Buy Y i�`a.. ted', :e.*anted to Hire 11d. Eiri I. Wanted 11e. 'Livestock 11f. Farm Produce • • - 1 . Equipment ui e x � pusnt 11h, Services 111'.• -,':Farm Land. lilt; Real Estate .. 1Xl , Wanted toile* ,Fr .11. m o Rent 2 t 1 . �� •Esila� e• 13. IViobile'Homes;. 14 'Vacations 16. For Rent 19, Apartments p 18. 'Houses for Rent 19a. Bed & Breakfast P Board 73. Comornercial 24. Wanted to stent 25. Wanted:to Buy Help Wanted 27. Wanted General; 28, Business Opp 29. Tenders. 30. Empl. Wante 31s Service. Directory 32. Babysitting 33. Miscellaneous 34. Personal" 35: Legal Notices 36. Announcements 37. Mortgages 38. Auctions' 39, .Educational; 4t1. Lost & Found 41. To Give Away 42. Obituaries Births 44. Engagements 45,' arrriages. 46, In Memoriam: 4.7. , Card oflhank i .Corning Events 1 week $4,25 2 weeks = $7.,48• :, 3 weeks. Or. more $3:27 each week extra words at .16 each Cards of Thanks -'$4:25 for 25 words`', extra words at .00 each In' Nlet orlarr $4,25 +. ;35 •for each line of worse Birth Annourrcein:ent -;$1 T,Q0 flat fee 3'+ 3 ads. -$1:0:5Q pre -paid for. 2S words: -mare words.at�.16'�each; Thursday Special`- $3.25 for 25 words Must bet•placed and`'paid on Thursday' Saves $4690 billing charge:by pre -paying G.S.T:r ot,Ittc1Mded in above:prices 0011 584822 r �• 1.1 -1 • or Sale CONFiDENTIAL TyPiNG T c w, ine oe he u kn. � Se t l d. L A n confid0n0ai Gjistom,,tyEping for custo'mers; "r';esu.me's; letters etc. We can offer you a number of different print types and..sizes, Call IP • office or drop n for mOre details, - 8tfnx . TWO WHEEL steel! trailer, 6 ft. withrack and :tarpaulin, new tires, $250'. W. H s enderon ph•one 528- .. '3403. --35x: FIREWOOD r Dry and reen-hard maple, ash 'woodslabs. 'Cut .t0. ,.e fieri tt:< De e MOO liv: vaii . S o a 'able: by°'the truck o 52.4-7104- :or 1 -8;00-727 9'1.71 . ion distance ) after•6 m. P - 51.tf 9p UPE: INTENBD o OS'Gartes,Se a Game Gear and ga mes,'Virtual* y g S stem and games; assort-; y sent :of . 'movies: Reasonably priced.,j. r Phone .528-2003, --35ar i For: Sale Ti E THE l.1- K V1f`� N N L L C NO SE .. is, available at•"the'foifowing• locations" out; of ' 'town-: Ho'lyrood General. 'Store; Ripley Superior Market; Dawson's Store, Dung' annon;, ;MacNa :s , MacNays Amberley; Triangle eric' Discount, Gadh;- Sria , ns Va lu:-Mart, ' Wingha:m McPhee:iDA,: Wingham, Harte food :Mart, Tees.water, MacAdarri Mini_; Mart,. Ripley; Porth Albert General .Store• , and Keith's' Repair .Service;. "Whitechurch. - 9tfnx. PUSH LAWN `MOWER, with rear: bagger.attachment, 3.5 , ..fir . ; Tecumspll. motor..Ltc e new; .Oail 528-2490; --31`-. 33,34-3.6 x FIREW0:00. AOR sale. Good hardwood. Please call 524671.6 after 6 .m: ,33 39 rix• e LARGE `CHILDREN,S Little. Tikes"0 lat r*L'Va 9`aborid.• p .Y°9Y. � Deluxe exercise;, bicycle and, K-TeIower stepper, All in:, p l�'p excellent.: condition Contact: 395-3134.--33.36nx • • VEAL. BURGER - 10 'lbs. for $25. No growth .hormones used. ,For,, information cal{' 529-7059 7, Siegfried Pogonatz. ,--34,35,3600 DDD YOU KNOW IF YOU BUY A NEW MATTRESS SET BEFORE CHRISTMAS PA .:N`0 GST AND RECEIVE FREE A NEW ROLLER FRAME EIC[ FURN 1 U E► Hwy. 21,5; GODERICH m 44231 'Ie. STEEL BUILDINGS`- BUILDiNG SALE,.'`ROCK BOTTOM PRICES," When 'they gone one-,,;.they'reone. g -' 25 x 40 ..$2,879.00. 32 x 44 : $3,798.00Z30x 50 " 38 x 60 $6,438.00:: 46-. x 66 $8,466.00. Others. Ends Optional. Pioneer. 1,-800 668-5422.--35b0 WOODSTOVE ,8t PLACE glass, will not break from" heat .Cut.to any size or shape.. The Chimney Sw.ep e's Stove Parlor & aoileiy. : 36$52!4. 4ltfnbcpnx Pick ,up ypu r copy. of/HE • . ` at LUCKNOW SENTINEL an of the f�otlowi:rtg i. esses:. Lucknow . busrn + 1 er' ,Alii , Be i.. Beck s . k .:', I � ,a oun C isc nt,..Luc'knowa- Village .- g, Market, Urmbach Pharmac ;, Lucknow Service -'Centre and Annie's Gas •Bar, and Hamilton Fuels. -52tf 'CEDAR TREES, any size Lip .to '`5, ft. for hedges and r ; wind, breaks; also cedar' posts. CaIl Andrew Johnston 3955231.--18tfar •FURNITUR,E',. pianos,` .tamps,:: etc, for students from Schuett's Mildmay. Schuett's-Offer "back .'school- prices. Also free, delivery in a wide area. Schuett's of 'Mildmay,..519i 367.2308'. --35co WIDE SELECTION of: used appliances, ,fridges;._ stoves„ washers and dryers. AU aer- rricod and inoluding at. war; - rarity. cryrarity* Mo:det n Appliance Centre, Hanover Opo -101L ' itfgp: !or Sale Gustits t*AxII to Need tf,send or receive a. fax7_ The Sentinel doescus¢ ;tom; faxing for customers: Drop in or call 52872622 -for die .alts. X41 tfnx MASTERCRAFT 75' imp portable .mig Welder. ,1 .volts,hardlyi used; $35Q, or524-4e49, Oall ' 524-7894 -- 354 nxe 4 1'HE'LUCKNOW SENTINEL has the following, papers available In our pffica Wednesday. God+e`rich • Signal,' Star, Kincardine News,Walkerton Herald :Times', Clinton,. News Record, Mitchell Advocate,. • Seaforth Huron . Expositor. ---16tfnx, 4 WHY* HAVE Y„R • ...We.bu it SALE? call' u�. Y all. Antiques,. Furniture, • Ooins,etc-,'Vo fiuss..: No Muss. Call 519-363-0213. -- - '49tfcc ..TROUT' - great fall fishing from our. well 'stockedand p > open all winter or purchase trout wholesale' from our tanks, DOW Hedley,. Belgraver phone first 35/, 2329.--34-35nx37-46ar, 's 'NEED A RESUME? ,. Professi rialy l"' p pre _ed: o , ._. laser printed on quality, 'paper. $15.00 for:5. sets We . keep your resume on file -' :in case you need changes- or updates at a later date. Cail us or dro i rti,} for details. The Lucknow': Sentinel,.528-2822-=04tfnx G.. S�'EEL°:I�UILDI BUILDINGS S :BEST' BUILDING PRICES :- Steel Straitwall-Type - not rluonset,..32x54 $ 9460 $14,233,' 5.-x90,. $20,443,� 0X 1�6 3151 othersizes available -` misc. clearance, .Para'gon, 24 hre •' --1-800.263-8499.--35bc 'ar'd Sole YARD. SALE - -Saturday, -Aug, Au9, 31, Mondaya',Se?t. 2, 688 ' Hamilton Sty, Woodstove, 2 ' Piece chesterfield, _ 2 stainless steel sinks, new and; used • clothing,'articles,too Horner- ou,S to' mention.- Rain or. shine: --3 Mi U LTI r FAM I LY "yard: sale 363 RossStreet, Saturday, Aug.W•31•, 7:30 a.m.--S5nxa YARD SALE - Saturdays, Aug. 31, 7:30 .a.rn, Corner of Ross ,and. Willoughby. YARD SALE 1 114 mites north of Lucknow, Friday,: Aug.. 30, '4 - 8 p. n. and Sat, 9 •.am - 12 noon. Bargains' ggalore, windows, ,toys, books etc.. --35x 1985 DODGE CHARGER, 2.2 titre autorriatic.:68,000` kitorrleters, $950 as is. Call° (51 9►)-524-5140.-434.39nxe 1987 CAVALIER Z-24, '5 . speed, new 'digital • dashr low • kilometers.' $1200 ':or best . • offer, as is. Call (519)-524- 5y 40.,--3q-39nxe: 1; .» Rets 'COCKER SPANIEL puppies f r. leblonde,first .shots a 0 �.... nd � dewormed: $24Call Ii �: � 71 �•1 anytime 5 9 90. -� .... $33 36ri 4 x GOLDEN RETRIEVER pup- ,pies. Home', raised in loving environment. CKC registra- tion. 1st shots, Tattooed. Guaranteed. ''Leave mes- sage (51>9); 887-6038. 35cc ONE 'FEMALE Day Gecko, $.. Cuban Angles, one green Anote. Make great pets cali Ryan anytime 524-4240.; -- 33.38nxe . . GOLDEN RETRIEVER Pu ' ies CKC reistered, PP g .. ,.shots, :tattooed,. anlte.. dis position,:excellent with chip-:. d.r.,eri, read '. 25th. � Y`, Aug,' ' .hon. 596-5586. -X34-36co' 'phone if. Produce ,,ROUND 'BALES, straw" x 5 for sate:"Cali 395-5225. -�-38x 35 c 11 h. services 'Scouts; '07 fundraising ILCH.R;IST.FAFIM SUP- PLY - Belting and repairs to all makes~; of balers, svvathers;, and' combine'•pick ups Patz' sates'and service, Eucknot, Ur'ain b-u"ggies, mixers etc. ' R.l . $,: "Lt cknew: • 395-2851. 27tfar TARPS ANC.-INDU TRIAL COVERING - made to sizer 'for trucks's. trailers, ,. gravity`• boxes; etca Vinyl,: canvas poly.:New/Repairs: Party tent rentals Tiesma" industrial . Coverings, Bayfield, 48-X3540. 20t(g peow •