The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-08-28, Page 19Page 18 Luekiiaw Sentinel, Wednesday, August 28,1996 Reunion via video is happy event , . On August 14, a few of the descendants of: James and. Mary Ann (Dougherty) Quaid, of Port .Albert, were privi- leged to witness the won' ders of modern technolo- y . Their great grand- daughter; - Karen (Mc enzie and her hos. band, Allan Webster of `.. ;R. 3, Auburn enjoyed a trip. to • Binsc rth, Manitoba, to s'' visit a cousin; Nancy'(Qnaid) and husband Duncan McDonald and family, during. ., the moltitlar of July;. Earlier this . year, Nancy and Duncan cele- brated 'their ele-brated'ther` - . g wed- ding AnniVereary Karen and Al returned home with a copy of the video- of the ,occasion; includ- ing pictures of their home and scones around B inscarth, Nancy's cousins 'of this area; including Helen Dickson,: Rod and;, Margaret .McKenzih' of Goderich, Anne .. Anderson of Lucknow,' Ethel McAllister. of Food/and'.Ontario Quick :Tact Broccoli is a "cole" crop (from the e .: errnan kohl meaning -cabbage) ; _.:g) a Cauliflower, Brussels e', ra sprouts, kale; pini , kohlrabi . and collards are Alton -Horst Col:umbia:, the couple The wedding of Lynn rtow reside in „Alton and Pharis Horst Moorefield. took place at'Lucknow ,.� - United Church, on Juice 1996.. Lynn is the daughter of. Lois Alton and the late Clayton Alton, of Lucknow�; and Pbaris is the son of Elsie Horst and the, ` late Samuel Horst of St. Jacobs. Maid of honor was Anne Snyder, sister: of the bride. Best man was Ken ,Martin; friend of the 'grown. After a honeymoon in British Auburn,: .Marjorie. Brakxnis of Duroiiview gathered' at Karen and Al's to see the video. Also present were two webers of the younger generation, Art Dickson of utidre, Alberta, .ant` Diane Raynard: •of Auburn. Each member of the McDonald • family recalled many events of. their; family life. All • the members of their wed- ding party were present and' each one spoke to - extend . their best wishes and recall happy . ine o- ries of the day, The mas- ter of .. , eexenciontes for the occasion was their daughter, Thelma Randall of Wii mipeg. Nancy sent generous i'iprtions of the anniver nary cake_ and wine for the local group to enjoy at the party at Websters Karen contacted Nancy and Duncan on: the phone whi<le the groups was there and everybody 'said `hello' to their western.: cousins. also .:'members :'of the cab- bage family. Ontario -produced . 7.9 3.. i ,poundsof ,c u ., minion ; a tt flower with a farmgate ' . in.., value of$1.5 mtllion 1994. ".CHARTERED, ACCOUNTANTS Ofeeing a frit rang. of servloes auditing, accountlag,,,business *MIN, Inco' tax _. LMAIl ETTE planning, personal tnancial,annln .:; computer and management services. HANOVER' :WALKERTON. , . MOUNT FOREST , PORT ELGIN YVJ• Alt erMe%FCA • B.F.`ihoinson, FCA K.L. Drier, CA M.S. Bolton, CA LH. Vollett, `CA • • RI. Millen, CA H.E. IGbler,°CA J.J. Hunt, CA G H. Munro, CA R.Thor, CA • R.G. Thomas, CA 364790 ' .; 881-1211. 323.3351 832.2049 BiIthdl Michell Carruthers August25,1994 12 Years Old: Heather Sande August 28, 1984 12 Years`OId, Gary: Finlay August: 29,1991 a years O1tf Kle Dorsch August 30, 1986 1t :Years Old canny MacDonald August 30, 1985 1.1; Years Old ' .. Sllieheal Fisher August 81, .188E 11 Years Old andice .Harniltof August 3t,1985 11 Years Old. Y,' Brandon Howald Augustal, 182: �4 Year$ OId (moor Jantzi rAugust 1,,1993 3' Years Oki Stacy in August 31,1986 710 Years Old Andy GarY1r'i'i ie " `Sept 1,19°8 9 Years Old Ier,McMurray dept 1, 1994 2Years Old Dillon Stapleton. Sept 3, 1991 5 Warn Ord Kairshe:hea enjoy dinner and play The August meeting of the Kinloss Kairshea ' otnen's Institute took a different form when 12 members and` their friends had a noon luncheon at Jag's Roadhouse on Aug. 22. Later they attended and enjoyed, the afternoon per- formance of Villa Eden: at the Blyth Theatre.' Mr. and Mrs* Ken McDonald �_daughter Askes S aron. ..of -Richard and Dixie .AAskes. � of Lucknow,and den McDonald, son' of and .. Sharon McDonald, were united' in marriage on Rine, 22, 1996 at the Lucknow Christian Reforrned Church..; astor`Ron Luchies officiated. The -bride s'friend, Shama Andrew; was the maid of honor. Bdes` aid . were Heather Askes, sister of the bride, and ' Lori Belanger,, friend df the bride. Flowergirlwas Michele Polley, cousin of .the bride. The groom was attended by friend Terry Martin as bestitnan .Ushers. wereDavid McDonald, brother, of the groom and Richard Askes,. brother of the bride. The pianist was Margy, Versteeg. A reception was held at the Lucknow and District Community Centre. The newlyweds honeymooned i n the Bahamas and; now reside in Waterloo. The Wbitecltureh Hall .. Board sponsored a shoot party on MGnday evening vvtb eight tables in play, High players were Shirley Hackett, Euphemia Cacieron, Barbara Carbert and Gordon . Wall, Edyth Coultes „and Ross Taylor claimed`:.the Most shoots, while. Jean Deyell and Muriel Grummet .collect - at the draw Orizes,. Ari open house : for fan uly and ' friends .of r Farrier) Carol. (nee and ' Joel� Hawleyand family was held in Whitechurch i. F on• Aug,17. Friends came from :Toronto, Sarnia, Windsor, Kitchener, Guelph and this area. They. are returning to Haiti on.. Sept. 1. iINTEE ISTINGS I WANTED . PAULZINN 528.2411 • 6.43 ACRES - St. Helen's good building site, $23,900; HAVELOCK ST. - '10 yr. old Royal ;Homo, 3. bedrooms ; oil ' 'heat, 82 /i ),132 lot. Si 09,'900. KIl4LOUGH -'3 bedroom, '1'i storey,;shows Weil 9, .j• 04111AM .,::• . 4 bedroom, aluminum sided, 2 baths, wood/oil heat.$79,000. HAVELOCK - 'bedroom, .garage, new kitchen, good family. name. reduced to $83,906. ',1NHIE9°E( R� ST. - .',bedroom house.on NII r'nd. 9,900. °SrT.HEENs • - hewer ungalow, � bodrooms,'- • fireplace0, 2.'car garage, shop, $11.4,90, 14S ACRES' - 130 workable, new',.ranich style 3 bedroom: homey beet band.. $275.000.'' $54,905 3 bedro m, vinyl sided, insulated, , attache.d workshop, Hamilton St ELGIN a. bedroom, 1$ storey With 'garage,,oil heat, air. conditioning. *79,900.• ;VIVOITECHURCW.; 3. bedroom,: double carport,. finished rep .1.0011, -1/2 etre lot $99,900. 400 ACRES. stono house, barn,''shed, 60 workable, HURON TWP. -141 acres,120 workable 4 bedroom 'heuse, deity/beef bairn.; WILLUOUGHGY 51'`.: » 4 bedroonts°large kitchen, •oil heat $64,900, 1I�1l.Drtr� .renovated , 3 . • bedroom ail heat, $59,900. FAR 1°PRGPERTIES WANTED' CIveri'ising NOT An- Expense.,.: _Advertising g II Iv stmen , Bruce ' Co'unt Highways : 0.epartment proposes td apply Ythe herbicide Dycleer 24 Rig. Flo. 1154', !udder the pest Qont-rol products Act (Canada)'on .County. Road right - 1 1 . co . ro.l .o 'noxiou weed as 28 an.ci. 6. fir., nt s s er ` e o r ct 'std.0 ri d he iN t A Application time to be fh.eweeks of: September 9th t'o 25i.h, 199 weather. perrrii ing dor further:information and'for the .locatiorn of, the roadsA to be spry 'd writ ct the ghw ys De artment at (51:9) 881=2404 ``or Ron Hodson, puce .County -Weed In.specto'r, • . 519, 371-3054 ,tt ,:art .time ` poll ct if necessary. There !will.he no(spra,ying•done' in built up` areas. •