The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-08-28, Page 18Luce June and Earl surprised Visitors at 50th anniversary party from Japan Many From. the Grove attended a surprise eaiAly 50th wedding anniver- sary nniver-sary. held at•thc farm. of John and Joyce Farrell for her. tri001. and. dad, June and Earl Elliott on Saturday, Relatives came from Michigan, Florida, Mississauga„ 'Bracebridgc, Mind River, North Bay, Kincardine and surrounding areas. A. good time was had by all. We wish Earl and=J'une a very good year. Morley _and .Deanna Scott visited with Isabel and Norval •Stanley Wednesday evening. Carmen. Farrell, Meagan and Shirley MacDonald spent a few days in Toronto last week. Marsha Farrell, Angie and Len visited with Fran and Jim Farrell on Sunday evening. Margie and Dave tt� 0 late The ,Lucknow Bantam Greys , played Flesherton Aug. 9; 10 and l l . The first game was against Ripley .011 Friday.. 'night with the team ,winning 10- 7. Saturday ' morning, Lucknow arrived. sleepy to play Beaver Valley losing 6 4' in a nail biter leaving the bases loaded in the:last inning. The next; ' game Luckndw was ready to.' play winning a close one 10, - 9 :eliminating Markdale. The following morn- ing Lucknow came ., to., redeem themselves against the same Beaver VAlley they'd lost to ear- lier. The team; doubted,: them by winning #i" - 4, led Lee . , "The Roadrunner" Cranston's grand slam. Additional insurance was added when Troy McKenzie hit his seventh homer' Of the'. year. Excellent defence added to Lucknow`s The win.: against Bea':"err Valley brought Lucknow ,to. the final against the ,hometown favorites Flesherton" The -tired, but no less pumped .,ucknow'team played in a disheartening 1 - 6 loss. The hornerrun by Justin Brown. Was not enough to bring the team. back into contention, In the last inning, •Lucknow. rallied showingsigns of it never die, but was too little too late, as esh+ rton won the u li tier. Lochhead and l'wilily spent the weekend ' in. Ripley. Bill. and Mary _Ellen Bell and Heather. Fender, Peggy. Sue and Fesslca. Wim Detroit,. Carol Alton. of London and Ken Bell of Calgary, Alberta, all visited. with Kay Collins,. Sandra and Ed MC illivray. and famnily. on Saturday evening after the Bell picnic. Visiting with Anne and Dick McCosh and Mary Anne Kukoly at the trailer were Sandra, Jim -and Nadine Munroe of Winnipeg and Myrtle. Percy of Kinlough. Anne McCosh and:. Frank Colwell of Kincardine and Mary Anne Kukoly visited. with CtlitriO Colwell of South Kinlass on Sunday. Sam .and Heather Finnie and family spent last week camping at Camp Ciummtnao near Markdale. We wish Sam a happy birthday celebrated Sunday. Attending were .. Francis and Irene. Boyle, Sam and Judy Finnie and Bonnie Boyle. The elifford's attend- ed the:Walden reunion held° at Lion's Park, Point Clark on Sundays Heather Clifford. left Saturday to attend a 4-H. Conference in Toronto. Visiting with Marj Thompson over ` the weekend were Cheryl Stephenson and Pat Wilson of Michigan. Yasuji`.. lm i and . azuhisa Sanda, from . Osaka, Japan,: visited with Helen and Nancy. Mac a. t 're and family. this weekend. asir< is a former . student ,of • Helens.' They toured the. Mince'. Peninsula and, the oderich:.area experi- enced xp�p eri-` enced a stag and doe and. learned the "Macarena . Other :highlights of their. visit included visiting'' farms, eating. pancakes, taking in . a sio-pitch;', game,aitendin:g the Mass Pipe Band event in. Kincardine and eating CGanadian. food. The visitors were sur, prised at thespace' and Size;. 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