The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-08-28, Page 17Page k Tinel, We sday, August 28,1996 LUCKN+W DISTRICT .MMUNITY NTRE 14INGO sod. soft. l rfrithy,. Sept Tee Dace: CALL 525`.3429 O M!FP+4.s'.+IFC ,41 Shoot winners Erma a Crich, Jan Bate, Errington and Cliff ?denary were high win- ners during shoot play at the Drop in Centre last Friday. 'Muriel Moffat had: the most shoots. Imo* Aeras ON. . fir sass: MOW _rrMrrre' r1r BUSINESS PRINTING i Culberts Harvey and Becky' Culbert recently ,enjoyed a trip by motor home with Lynn and 13ob Oliver and Corey Culbert to Newfoundland. They travelled through New York State, Vermont, New Hang. shire, Maine New;. Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Cape Br°etort. Island and took 'the 16 hour fes; to Newfoundland.' ' While in, Newfound 4 land. the*. stayedin 1 1. p.. i P" 1.6 Q. :Useful' WEDDING GIFTSfor .our Guests +.25...' Oft on Invitations ate., cotter our Free:Catalogue root 'coffee plugs Caps, Calendars & mors!, I. 'Cowan PrintingliAdvertioing Luckncnoi.Onit,, (5191428.2130 Fax • (5 19) 528-3348 r :a� :' i I oil wit t ems ms � * .:• • sirviage DENTURIST DENTURE SPECIALIST NO G.S.T. OR SALES TAX DENTURE, MANUFACTURER • ;DIRECT' TO THE PUBLIC ;'No Charge for Consultation or:Evaluation DENTURES •,REPAIRS'• RELINES Alt Denture Work is Done in a Denturists' Dental Laboratory on the Premises DENTURE CLINIC 58 West Street across fromCulbert's Bakery Beside the: Chiropractor • GODERICH Residence`665.7818 52+6688: By ►ppointmenit : . HEARING AID & DENTURE CLINIC Aeration is benefical.for your lawn in a number of ways. Aeration will overcome. a compacted soil. Compacted soils make itdiffir difficult for roots to grow, !uniting the movement of air, r oisture and fertilizer through the soil.. Itcan also, reduce your water requirements by relieving soil compaction. Water penetration is increased and water Din off is reduced. " If your lawnhest' thick"layer of thatch,, aeration will'push through that layer and improve air, water and nutrient penetration. This will enhance,the 'development of a deep:root system,` A .deeply, rooted lawn wi11'be healthier and better able to withstand ,,drought, disease and insect stress.. This process should be considere•d spring and f=ail. Next Focus: White Grubs See this spade .each Focus for a valuable. Weed 'Mari Turf lip. OUR LAWN? Portugal Cove where they enjoyed a "tradition' ,liggs dinner "at the home of Bob's .friend, -Sammy,,. Churchill. They returned on the six hour ferry after�dri- wing across, Newfound- land- and visited. Rita McNeil's Tea Room -at Big Pond,: Cape Breton. `.., -.Then on the. ferry again to Prince Edward Island'. `They- found Prince ..Edward island very beautiful, with acres and acres of potatoes ;in bloom.` Whilecrossin':.g on the ferry,they Were close.. to the .new nine mile bridge that is under con- struction from ` New. Brunswick to Prrince. Edward:. Island. It appeared. to, be over half yyg t built., • On their return, they travelled through Quebec City, Montreal and back into Ontario at Cornwall. Sinceresytu'pathy. to the family and friends of Viola Petrie of Port • Albert who passed away on Aug, 14 in her 93rd year: Sincere sympathy to Donald and Jennifer Miltenbur8� Y and .famil y on the death," of their infant son Timothy Reis'' at Stratford. Hospital on August 13. A private graveside ° service led by :Father -John Pluta was held at 'St, Joseph's' Cemetery, Kingsbridge on .Aug. 15. Several `from: -this area attended birthday` ,cele b'rations :: for. Harold Gardner held'.at Maple Breezes Manor, Luc on Aug. 18. • Tom Culbert joined other fiddlers for a. fid.: tiling jarobbree at the Falls Reserve Conservation Area Aug 18.. Tom not only played the violin but sang while doing so. The 18th annual Culbert :reunion - was. held Augt 18 at the holo of Harvey and Becky Culbert. oxima l: 85 App>ro to y.. people were in atten- dance from Windsor, Sarnia, London as well as the local areas. Jerry and Luella Jaborowski, Wisconsin, U.S.A, arrived on t u Sae ard sy and spent the weekend with Harvey and Becky. The oldest person pre- sent was Evelyn, e George's Anglican. Church, Goderich., Their family of eight, Valerie, Stephen, Vickie, `porn, Vanda,, Patti, Todd and Bradley with the asatst :nce of 10 grand. children ,entertained at a 'dinner at the White Carnation.` John Park celebrates his birthday in Clinton on Aug. 1 4, at :a dinner party at the home of Wayne and Rosemary Park. Visiting, in the village on -Aug. 12 was Wayne and Dianne Chappel of Ancaster.- Of particular interest to. Dianne was the 'Dungannon 'United Church where her grand- father,,the late Rev. J.E. Hunter, ,ministered from 1912- 1915. Rev. Alex McGilvery, graciously ;conducted a tour of the manse where 'Errington from Pinecrest her late mother was -born, Manor,' Lucknow, in. 1913. , 'F .Approximately 50 At the Senior. Card senior members of the 0 Dining Out ' Program,. sponsored by . the Lucknow . Royal. Canadian w • Legion, enjoyed a 'bus trip to 'Sarnia on Aug. 22. Prom there they enjoyed a . two hour boat cruise on the St. Clair River from' Sarnia Bay along the shores :of Michigan and return. Dinner was served on the boat. Rev. Alex McGilvery performed the marriage ceremony --of 'Wendy Roulston to Jim Pentland ;on Aug. 10, in a outdoor setting at : thefamily,. farm. Traditional wed- ding music was played on . the keyboard by the grooms older daughter Jacqueline. The couple were attended by Randy .and Jean Pentland. We offer" congratula- tions to the former Marie Ashton and Bill Park, for- mer Diungannonites who celebrated 40 years ` of =triage on Aug. 18 The ceremony was perforined by Rev. Garwood Russell at St party Aug, 14, 10 tables were in play., Joe 'and Teres;, Courtney, GloriaPoarr`son, and Frank Pentland were the win- ners. On Aug. 21, '10, tables played with Mary Johnston,'Dorothy' Cuyler, Kay Watson, 'Mrs. and`ioe`Courtney,: declared winners. Wayne Durnin :` is happy to announce, the Lost has been Found. Th'reelialstein cows, ,purr ip east chased at a livestock sale, and intermingled with his, own dairy . herd, failed td return to the milking par, - tor. With the aid of track-, ing dogs:, ,they were located in the Saratoga Swamp area, after an absence of three weeks. Roping cowboys assisted with the roundup. A Memorial Service honored the late Elmer r, Tromtner, on. Aug. 17, at the Dungannon Senior. Citizen Centre. ' • Bill Anderson, Lay- person at ay-.person'at Christ Anglican Church,; Port ,Albert, delivered theessag e • Piano' accompaniment f the hymn sing was or y sing. wa provided ,by Ed Stiles, who also eulogized Eisner as a former neigh - bot g Son.,hilt ,from , Cranbrook, ' British olumbta. spent '10 days with isAileen h mothere Trbrniineir ' ` Krystal and Joey Y Partzavecchia, , London, welcomed the arrival of ' '.their baby. brother. Devin Allan Jarvis on Aug. 19. 'Proud parents are Glenda and Don Jarvis. A faini,ly gathering .'welcomed Pastor Dian :. 'Schierria and 'Sharon, daughter A1h on, Jakarta and twinkling baby. toes: Shauna on ;vacation ffrom Middle Lake, Saskatchew n to the home of her parents Donna and Fred Young. • Hard Maple or Ash SLABWOOD invited, Imo WE CARE FOR YOUR LAWN': Proprietors OLL-FREE Christine & Mark ��rg� r�� Coultharct"1)iJV'+rlo+�`t Ate iejetnV4.de. all X130./17 dw Truck t it ;ac Delivered within 20 milers Mileage charge Beyond That irge Quantity Discounts When You 'koala Craig HardwotdS Ltd.. Auburn, Ont. 0 V 1 �f. arcs eas trip tures • 11�1r. ` and;Mrs. Jack. Barr 'entertained friends at their home on, Friday afternoon. During the -afternoon= loan, told about their., recent trip to .the, east Coast and had pictures which were passed around., Some had extra prrograrrikf numbers which. were all enjoyed, afterr whish delicious rrl'efr`esh- rricir►tswere `served. The 'Anglican Church rti,tomert haCt`a succe.rl yard sale at thechurch. basement on, Saturday .n orn ng. They: had; a beatttiful display ".of, clothingv household arti- eles . and homemade bak, rose We extend sympathy ,. to the family and rela- tives" of.the• late Mabel. MacKay of Kincardine. She was the. former Mabel Ross, daughter of. the late Mr. and Mrs. John Ross r 7Cone,10 Mr.'.. and Mrs. lint; Munro` •and daughter? - Nadine .tett , this week on their return trip home. to Winnipeg, after visiting • with her mother Myrtle Percy and. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Haldenby and other relatives here. Kinlough \MS Mabel 1VIcEwan was hostess for the August meeting .of *the Kin' lough WM , held, at the church. Betty, Bushell welcomed e►eryen; and . opened. with a reading "Our Life is . like., a garden" fol- lowed by "prayer. Devotions were led by Erlma Haldenby Who chose the theme 'Driving away the buzzards" of discouragement, fear and temptation. She closed with prayer; . Marilyn: Reid had the study portion which dealt with the various.angels which appeared. in the Bible and are still .around protecting Chrstians: in theirr`daily walk. • - Suitable` hymnswere. sung: c�7'k;S.a