The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-08-28, Page 15Page 14 - Luck,' erlltiuel, 'Wednesday, Aub ti t 28 1996 seeva later alligators.ePoul4t9 the Jam , C ya n #01its . , . MacKet0e. tad eRo ie' tSton" ' ATP B'' yogte-Abetter,'but stick, to%t A DM* and' drivii tray tS .ii *Wan and ia'nne'Reld's W says. laOliang $teat', ia ooi tous�i ora , engineer Amberley now has its own Gold Medal Winner... "DONOVAN PREHN" Congratulations... Michelle 8: Johannes Prehn From our HEALTH & BEAUTY DEPARTMENT Ivary PRus' -.300 ritl. SHAMPOO/ CONDITIONER ........ •...... Tete -:Re ular oorExtra Hold — 250 m!.'• IFINIR *SPRAY .. lke[ern'. Large Park —12 Pack DISPOSABLE RAZORS '...,...•...... Gillette Foarny - 350 ml, Regular, LemQn-Lime, Sensitive Skin SHAVING' CM....,.•s.. Sensor Excel CORS....... Disney BUBBLE BATH ... Baby `!'enders - 500 tni. BABY L4TItN •:.....,i.,�••.•.••••••.• .•. . . •...••• HEY .KIDS" Ifs that time of year, yes! Its ,almost September, wIIel L means -school is dere, Soget those pencils, rulers and book out because the teacher saysyou'll need thein... No Do4bro Arid remember, next summer holidaysare not far away, you only h vv' to wait Months until next May! HA! HA! "Come on out and fill your school bags with bargains a acNay's, " • From Our MEAT DEPARTMENT Cut Front Canada Oracle. A,`Ai , AM MEDIUM. �r 1�wt GROUN+1+T' EEF.. r e e s. $ rt..�. r e.:.r Boneless BEEFROASTS R..•...►..R•,,,.....'LB. Fresh Canadian PENMEN'. BACON • .... R.........LB. BREAKFW From Our DELI DEPARTMENT PET F400.1D_SAVINGS Purina -9 2 l<g. BOG CHOW Purina Mainstay - 18 Kg. ,DOG FOOD Purina"Alley Cat —1 CAT FOOD#...f FRES SLIcE13 MATS •-. Slice¢ BLACK FQREST HAM...... A ..L r Sliced• 4•, SANDWICH° OF THE MONTH Oar Large Subs Are Only... EACH **,*******•••• 1 00 ,••• I*** `I all's TAmteY• 4otante. Pamics. What's ' 1`i� � . • happening? kla-Ha. r..•1f an�n8 ock Waleitden oue i9 o can see a directing traffic at our gas punipS around 600: am befate he moves + <, his secondio.at 'Ketzrgtonl Co�hstr'uctian.. .*Jason anal Stephanie are back ;limn holidays, but are teelie lice' sloven because they bad to . rental car back. Tiota to drive the . old beater again eb?, .'There quite a barn S, ,of� up at :J Lowri► ace' Robbie but-couid and:Judye .tet then?. forgot to otit s L t. get t .; rrit jot worth a � the cows Ha -Ha, tt�i GladSp : •lts also been rum4 otd Fiyfo$le has invented, a new alarm • to wake everybody up in • pont Clark. From OurDAIRY DEDEPARTMENT 111),o LAcTANCIA:B Ti . Salted or Unsalted — lb."Tub MUM'S MARGARINE.:.. ' .' .69 BlackDiarnond CHEESE STRINGS ...•....2/.99 Sclh�ne]iderss — Regular or M►ozz�iarolla — 24's . _ , • - : • CHEESES C�.. S r•w:�.r•w.�...F�re�.w•r•...}.2.9(7�... Delis!el'ruif:BottornYOGURTS•R..rw.•w ♦•+. 2/�8 'sea -J.,-;500.-0. CHOCOLATE MILK .... 69 1 i. seoitest ORANGE JUICE • .... 9! Southern Cool, 1.89 L Carton Citrus Blend, Lemon ICES! TEAT-r.......r fir.... i� ...••... .:.+rr a4w ii.. w i, : r � From Our FROZEN FOOD DEPARTMENT MTupktyeC ,Cohfe. ke20 n9 peef +111E©T PIES.... ...........EACH CH Tropical Sun, Pure Frozena4m, ORANGE JUKE r' Valley Farm -. 1 Kg.. • :FRENCH FRIES .....•..:_..•..•••• •• Welch's Frozen " Grape, Apple Juice, Peach and Fruit Punch DRINKSS St FRUIT: JUICES. ....•.. EACH 8 McCain.Deep Dish M Pepperoni, Hawaiian 2 7 PIZZAS Famous - Assort teed Flavours —.2 L: irA ICE `CRM.............• EACH • Giant Boxes — Schneiders 908g. CHICKEN FINGERS CHICKEN NUGGETS, CHICKEN WINGS:MILDORHOT ...7.9 Early Mi. a+cINTOSH APPLES..•.3 LB. BAG Freestone PEACHES BAN, TJ 3 [:t'1RE BASKEt ..s.•w.*.; •..S.••w•s i•ai LB BAG CARROTS ...... 2 LR. BAG CELERY BUNCH 69 ,, LETTUCE HEAD .69 HEY JUNK FOOD LOVERS! All COKE DUCTS 12'PACKS 3.99 Coke, Diet Coke; Canada Dry +Gingerale, Diet Gingerale,4 Sprite, Diet Sprite, C Plus, Wink and' a whole lot more! norms. S rrawbbeeny — 300.g. i; �1VI CORICE. • • ... • . * .i, u• • ilii ea' e The Digi 3 Litre Bottle FAYGO POO.•••Nl. WO . ..l.»; `Cola, Diet Cola, change, 'Girioe.,4eand Root Beer 1 Ib. Tub a► SALTED PEANUTS.... Small Pry, Jack's AH Varieties ' POTATO CHIPS.R... .. w.. • MICROWAVE POPCORN "FARM MARKET NEWS" •You have got to drive out and taste,our fart m fresh sureet,corn. It's picked fres ► everyday. We ship out to all our: own MacNay stares and to a lot sof other stores in the area. also. Sa if.you're sitting dowri one night:to'a big feed of cornwith.butter'. dripping down your.face, and Salt sticking to your tongue and you can't believe the great taste, you're are:defin tely eating "MacNay's Farm Fresh Corn!" •l; ley Bob Scott! Great job on planting -the corn. You.etre a gr`'eat farrier°and a real genius, Now. how aboutsorme cheaper land `rental "bad",