The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-08-28, Page 9ur LuCkm...0vs main street received re±eirecitSfilial lift cf #veme,. _ri# las vCiC, Glaseto 4 eaIerfhe project of refr i hieg Campbell Street stArte .,Snialler, reaS ra� ,to .finishedbut Iit shouldn't be too long before at least the street mioric is stem `finished'. (Livingston phot .. • ow Sentire , Wednesday,. August 28, o idea on what malgamation b ings Page 9. *from page : !' Later 'Thompson, said he bas no idea what will happen with amalgams.. Wm. "We are trying to do something to save this municipality and''people areTilling to give it up.' Clerk Laura Haight' said the township has budgeted $400,000 for either a new ifumiciriat buildingor renovation of the township hall, includ- ing furnishings, The money.. comes : , from reserves au4 the mill rate. REHABILITATION and INJURY TREATMENT CENTRE rr Doctor R:efetraIs,nct Required work on the pain, so�c�u.st�,�in the game. �IC !NOWA- 519-3§74383 Good -Buys on All '96 Aerostars Good -Buys on '96 F -Series 001ER EXCLUDES CREW CAB Plies 00;60SR'Extras when • >n yiirB crrr�fia� +E Seriies XLS erg ix rC na a' ° 'l:S ll ngTrutkl . ` Good -Buys on All '96 VVindstars Good -Buys on '96 Rangers Good -Buys on All '96 Explorers Good -Buys on All '96 Villagers MODEL Contour ! _ rob CASHBACK P. Taurus Sabb• Thundt?rbird Cougar Crown Victoria- Grand Marquis FORD MERCURY :•``' LEASE n he Plume $3405$3,40s"Ditatimpayment ' ^ Pius get Power windows,:. Locks &c "Mirrors! +tlffers available on iemwinirit row.4G.vdhsrec. rtfRes dayebr4uptrchxse priteiefOre tesilb*tr@dfdtra,**P rtH ar S iy90,.Ifrer5ihbetkits netietkodiaier►veilebleorrheii1 %Ae'oprt. 4tt.t With pEP630kand SPOrt A er titePerk . Offer eat Wes freight 011, lh*rte, in%grafftearadapplkablrtaxe teelerm iy selffot lots,tNtN 1996 ExpliretX1S with P t P. A.mdttthry l*e ay tteht of 399 based bn 24 art lease Eot f *edit to qualified retail fessees; in ared.ti dit. Sore/ conditions so ! 'r8 O km rear Mi r �rrtct1orr apply. $%405 d8wopaymept required, Frtst . drithl Payined•artd sectlatlr deposit Also requited, uitet1 m the ExfludeS reigbt4SI*»,1Pterkew ihsuttarn+ end'appliCabtE t*es.'Dealer they foe leis. CImltrd torus Only: identities! ill's limited.' Ste: dealer. fife 'retails. • Orita PMDA,. p;C.1 1;00x1; °cfxkvilre, 0ht4i6o.N,..f,6E4 •