The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-08-28, Page 8Page - Luc ow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 0,196 econd. ilea *Sizzling meat, chatting. people, the grand splash of someone hitting the water followed by :laugh-. ter were ,the,sounds heard in the yard of Lucknow. and District Christian School on Aug. 17, as young and .,veld gat'heted for a time of funand fel- . lovvship el.luwship before the -:start of school. . New (amities •were .. weleonied Into the -school' ,. community. Youngsters, about to start school, could take aA . stroll.. through the,classtoom to get "the feel of it." For the Burgsrna fami— ly, the building is already familiar, Both Wayne and his wife, Liz, graduated from LDCS., `which Makes their daughter Tess the first child of the' second,, generation to attend. Tess' v.P rand ar- entwere among a :group of about. 60 people, that: depided;: to build and !oriel Swan and .ent`Waodcock of Ashfield Townbip, have returned from a greattrip: to the west. Coast. Russel was the winner of the tacknow: and District KinetteS trip for two, They travelled by train to Vancouver, B.C. then went by bus.' and ferry to Vancouver Island, i.where they. spend a few .days .witli Russel'.s brother-in-law, John .Emmerton and toured ' parts -of the island. On the return trip,. they spent two. days. with ussel's barother-• in aw Lynn Erx erton in Winnig• They returned home, a little- tired, but happy with :the opportunityr- ,to see the west via train. o erate'Christian scliool in LUcknow in the. tete 1970s, The school. welcomes children from all denominations, At present there:is an enrol- ment of 80 students. Good food, 'acmes.. with -colorful balloons, relays a dunk: tate ad.:a soccer match between dads and: students were enjoyed.. Pleasant tem- peratures: caused #people to stay a i i lite longer• enjoying n good time of" fellowship. Tess : r sauna .centre is the tirst': second : en r'atior vkild to attend', Lucknow and District • S ha . c� Herdad d mom, Wayne -Christian‘ , i ,. cin , v�'�a�tr •. and Liz Burgsma are former graduates. ntail Scho At a meeting at Kit tail School on' Aug. 8, the`. The Save T e '. � c hool CommitteeiNoteetinaniL, thously. to proceed as soon :as possible with It reconstruction of -the.. south wall. Funds -tar the project havacoatefrom donations,. the sale of • cookbooks (reproduc- tions of the Kintai l Women's Institute cook-' book ro ced `ori inall F � g Y in 1954), a fall .supper held ld , in '-Ki bri. �Kingsbridge • Church Hall, and several. barbecue/garage sales held,at Kintail School throughout the season. Construction work will `begin- 'inn late September, supervised by Tom .. A.: Sinnett : s Construction, .vth Torii; donating 1,0s-services;.. Lloyd ;Collins `' Construction will do the -foundation, work, and community volunteers will clean the` old 'briclk:, ,and assist with -on -the job -labor.. , Estinated crst- of materials .is'$4,00.0, including the. cost ,of .newt' window Many. people will be happy -to see the wall and the sagging: windows 'replaced. -One : woman ed iv -ho sto ' y . pl' at a yard saleat the school this sutnrxer sad she'd been driving by Kintail School to her cottag-e .for 24 years, watching the win.: stows sag a' little more each year. Her offer to doriate'some old text books- S ho -ci-woks-to thec.t when, the project is . completed w=as warmly received. Another asserb:y , who has converted an old school in Bruce +County Into . a _sunt mer home asked oto be called -When. construction begins so b:c that' lie .cank help; with � k wQr , .1; Community support for fundraising activities has been enthus astic.� barbecue/garage: sale wf be held at the school `on Aug. 31 A "variety . con- cert: using local to .en wilt be held on'at' S: o .-`�rntikside .clX+� l . The committee would like .lo invite more munitycorn- :, . membe�rys to attend the' me.etngs which can navy be .held at the: school. ,'the building belongs to the etzmmuni ty aid the goal is to make it available .fol.com nuns ty use. For. information - about the='nextmeeting contact Bonnie ,.Kuik at 529,73103 . Sat. Sept. '• 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon. a t,9' 7top.x ;' , des. Sept. .10` to 9 p.m. at the multi-purpose room.in the orts 'Coinplex Registration " child6 tist. ,$� 0. econd.child $-125. fly child 1 Third -child'- $1 10.' .� /. 'outth= or moreI c�dren :: $100. Pre -tyke,' Tyke and N l Saturday Ri gyral - $75. per child "An*hockey registration -after, : evil be late -and. 10 i :ub e`s2 tO � $ 5 charge irst 1 t e . year novice andnevys registrants lease bring -a copy of birth Certificate. egistrants please brilig your health card, �l.0ignent exchane same e tune as registration. Figure Skating es, to be anis unced 5444 self-sufficiency through literacy in the developing world POEASE 4DA mogairoRNI io rig ?l444 A: Addte55, cam, canrtlr Kier t13r t142324S o r ora no located 4 toile • west of Walkertton in Hwy. 4&9..,1 mite west the Foiriosa.1co `ner.. , (n// 14300, P4x: 881471 Tiieso to rtiattpio.51situ 31 dosed Way Came in acid t adva ttta"a.'Of - e, akethI season end deals 06'1)410,0 ' w Utak • CCM,.. A'011 !NLINES ANDA , QGESs°RIES ETONIC GOLF SHOES • SELECTED SP EDO WIMWEAR * ALL IN-STOCK,CCIUI- STARTER CARS " WATCH FOR NEW MINOS HAPPENING 7HIt'SEPTEMBER'AT SSOfi evo RD tits ••••••••••01441.0•••••• p Checkoutthe new 1996-91 M hockey & figure : Woking, equipment e 0.51106.41.4+04410.0.. rt8t UEEN, St, KINCARDINE. Is I ,, k Yr ,I w 31 dosed Way Came in acid t adva ttta"a.'Of - e, akethI season end deals 06'1)410,0 ' w Utak • CCM,.. A'011 !NLINES ANDA , QGESs°RIES ETONIC GOLF SHOES • SELECTED SP EDO WIMWEAR * ALL IN-STOCK,CCIUI- STARTER CARS " WATCH FOR NEW MINOS HAPPENING 7HIt'SEPTEMBER'AT SSOfi evo RD tits ••••••••••01441.0•••••• p Checkoutthe new 1996-91 M hockey & figure : Woking, equipment e 0.51106.41.4+04410.0.. rt8t UEEN, St, KINCARDINE.