The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-08-28, Page 7Lueknuw Seuti*e Wednesday, August 2g, 9 age 7 by Bev,+ry .Corporate restructur- ing at Ontario Hydro and a strategicplan for improving performance at Hydro's nuclear plants is "great news", 'John, Murphy; president of the Power Workers tinfon lP says "This is the first in a ,long time that the l WIJ has come out publicly .praising the action'.taken by the corporation. We need more ofthis.lt's not.. beirg'adversarial all the time," Tuesday, 'Hydro 'announced .it had elixrii- .dated the general manag- er'.s job at its --nuclear power stations. Operations at Bruce Generating Stations A and. B willbe the.respon- • sibility...: of Jim Burpee. He has been Hydra's general manageT, fossil generation. :business • group since 1993. • IKen Talbot, former director , at Bruce Generating. Station A, is responsible . for the _. Pickering. site and 'Bob Strickert, the, Darlington site. These . managers will asses report to George Hugh, boss of all Hydra's power stations, including. 69. hydro -electric plants and •seven fossil fuel plants Ant American consul- tant,. Gregory, Kane, ..for- ,wrier general manager o: V.ir inia Power's top-: rated North Anna nuclear. plant, :has. been. retained to assist : Hydro in:. improving its'. nuClear ;sites. The new management structureconsolidates:. all the nuclear, 'fossil -fuel -and-'hydro-electric plants under one division. This move is• the. reverse =.of the Macdonald). Committee recommenda- tion which suggested breaking up the generat- ing enearating° stations. into .different business units. • Murphy said the 'P�VU .has been - advocating keeping' generation as one unit. - "With Hydro rnakingt this move, -1 `hope it would, encourage the government to scrap the. ' MacDonald Committee report." He.,.added there is still the issue of ownership. `The l nald Committee recoa etid- ed Hydro be pried. "Given the ,public. 'opposition to =privatiza-' tion, I hope the govern- ment will :decide to keep Hydro a ,publicly owned utility." " Regarding the new strategic : plan, Terry. 'Young, Ontario Hydro'. corporate relations said, is clear we need to improve our. nuclear per- formance." ` He said 60 per cent of Ontario's generating Capacity is° nuclear, which ",needs to rise at' peak performance,. The focus on improv- 'ing. nuclear performance is linked to Hydro's plans • to prepare theutility.for a more, .competitive ,future,. Young said, • fie added- the (nuclear stations must operate efficiently ,if • they are: going to be competitive with other sources in the • North American electric= ity market. • The. Atomic Energy Control Board; AECB (the federal nuclear. regu- lator) has told Hydro it has to improve the- safety rte. by Pat. Livingston Figure Skating Club - Joan Chaxnney and Lori,Cox gave a verbal. presenta- tion to the Joint Recreation Board last Wednesday. The club proposes that the rec-;board take `over_ running the figure skating program, with "the'executive remaining as fundraisers; this year's fees be set at $74 for=beginners;: the rest' at $104, and Canskate at $164." The. chub is willing to give' up Monday nights but would like an extra hour on, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Currently the cit `has $2468on hand. They propose to' keep $1400 for start up funds this ear to purchase sortie-equipme4 ,and, hand the balance over to the rec board. The -Club had a $4200 deficit this year.` The board.recommended the club submit the proposal in writing at which time they would look' at the fee struc- sire. • '. • group has : suggested .k season and/or family pass for minor;hockey games: Ladies Auxiliary to Winter Sports " Barb Van Diepenbeek read a• letter; at the board meeting saying that this group -would give all. proceeds except money needed .for' capital purchases - to the °roc f .board:'to• be used towards reducing the minor hockey. deficit, New chairs - The multi-purpose room at the sports complex has 75' new black, chalk thanks to the Lions 1~adies:: Programs ending 4'r The pool will. close. Aug. 30 as the 'stairheads back to school. `Recreation boli wraps ,up wi naments on Aug 3Q: for those .11 years and up on Aug: 31 for the 6, • 7 and 8 year olds, and 'on Sept. 7. for the 9, 10 and =11 year olds: - Soccerr-: was finished .in early August. .Getting ready for winter - The ice will go in the end of September and be ready for use by Oct. 8. Winter , progra'm'sRegistration for hockey:, and figure skating will; take; place on Sept.: 7; See the advertisement' _ in thisweek's Sentinel. -$givash -leagues - :Tentative plana are .being made for a omen' s night squash.. lea a startedWednesda.. ,Set; 4 at `8 p = ,as well as: one rofthe ladies start- ing .on ;Sept:. 9 at 8 r:rn.' Cad Dave Ia+�k is you re interested- in either :these. Cr cluh;,r cs. oss: cr►urr�pv lf. th care x enough nterrest, arfall,progr m ~�v llwbe pili. in place, one, night a week for°cross; country .enthusiasts. fall Dave as cyell on' this , Volunteers needed There's still a. little list of -painting to' be done doors, mainly.If you' -re interested in' lending a nand give< Dave Black a .call. dv rtisin atrds -All but two of A e g� : Y . ,. the advertising°; boards'purchased last year by area.businesses are-,heinP moved 'to their,final resting.place• - around `tee ice 'Surface, .'T here's a -total of .16 spaces; with four still available. • :There ,it -also Spiee • for. 10 more `ioarrds above -the ice. surface • on the' east end wall. if you're;;interested in one, of:these-: .pots give Dave B1ac1 or John Pollard a call - record at Pickering by the fall, or face losing its' operating licence. Pickering has been. shut , down ..for five months at ,a cost of $150 - million, illion, "$1 million a day," Murphy said, He said Hydro's senior managementt has recog,- nized it rust restore nuclear power to its for- mer glory. years, 'in the 1970s and 1980s, when the plants were operating • on a world class>le'vel He said at that time, people came from all over the world to learn from Hydro: "Our' systems. were known as the best and they were. built, operated and maintained by the most .highly-skil'le nuclear �energy'worrlforce ever assembled. "By, investing resourcesto bring our :. nuclear stations back to the world class facilities they once were, Hydro is ensuring : that the province will be able to count on an abundant supply of reasonably priced, reliable ;domestic power." Wildlife Trivia What,are. meat -eating animals called?. (carni __votes), aarrxiapw . .P v.1 _ e Cream Pa. dour September Hours Monday. to Friday 5 -: 9 Saturday 11 - 6 Sunday 11 -9 Winter Vie''' gues t B.C. Registration & Bowling start Sept. 7th Leagues starting �� at ' mp: Sept. Join e i Hours starting Thurs., Sept.5th .: aL.nUG!y 1 _pm to S�,pm . Mon. tO,Thurs.` 1:prrrte 11' pm pri.1 pm to'12midnight.: Sat.. 9 am to 12. midnight tor[;:s Complex Availableat Triple C. Restaurant :S Maes ho tl at► IC ets o!ng, Fast $30 per tieiSon lolyrood. reran` Store:. --McDonagh InsUra e orWayne:•529--3333 ' . able for' Red to e - r. en ,; Showonl; 7aI0...er.'person a•CeIlular.Pho40• r Pa r? our Local, •..• Baler often thorized all -in -alae (phone & airtime) , packaiges- on handheld nr .. transportable phones. OFA members; ask, about the incredible savings tin your special package!. Need: a Filager? ,re ay " :our airtime. And SAVE!: ;Alread have. a phone, '64 '00 use; it because•,ol poor reception in this: area? Ask Us'about itnproved.coiterge'a d new local numbers,'for •Bell vlobility°subscribers, . :,..40sot. Tilts WEEK'Ciisillt..- sack-lto-school, i c#alt '- uali it ,Wig. $21.95 r , w On 18 99. 1044 off''a l and-ta 625 Campbell St.s -2063 148, 2 ►262 • •