The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-08-28, Page 6Pagel *cow nun WedneasdaY, ,Al,gust 2$, 199 ,i-1 )Alvii ... IL N rj 4.'. k\ tk II rug GoArAfitPeot al business char by Pat Livingston A .change inowner local business took week, Lnoknow. Har Abe hardware business as much as: sofa do," Laura said when she reflected 'last , upon her first exposure to thebusi-. Ltd. ' ness. "There was a lot learn." was 'sold to Laura, Bill and Bev By working in various depart, Hodgins by Richard and- Dilate:: meats,,, Laura has expanded her. Askes who, had' been in, business knowledge, for 11 years. The business will' "It's nice conning to .a co muni-, now be known AS fl9dgins Home ty where you know the people," . Hardware; • said- Laura: The hardware business is not "We've had a new turf for either Billor 'daughter good response.' Laura; Father' and. Bill has 27 ° years: experience in. daughter are theusit ess. a started out with extrerneiy 'happy :Walkerrton Building Supplies, fol; the . o ortun it pp y loved by 112:. years with -Ran r to own their own A `Machan , at "the: local jidine business . came .Hardware: store. .l ext..he 'noyedto about. Machan's. new Goderich location-, Bev,`, who' has followed by three and half years at anotherhill time Hodgins . Lun ber, Wingham.' The • job, will, work in -'. past four years, Bill has°beeij with:' •the store when Machans :back . in Goderich It's she can and Will, obvious he has a lost of experi- also be .the rest enc'e': s dent bookkeeper. Laura has been employed' with',.The first r efor h: e e Machatis am Godertcit" as c tinge' p c�pl Lauarar dill ante Bevato'showiii Hodgins are five scour , will *see- in.. the '.'lbs new owner g rtH. Had . w "1 didn't realize I would: enjoy store, saidLaura to toy r . .4L,ii�ng�.�� rn�p�o o e air. is athat of lours. They, will open at 8 a,m. six days .a week and close at 6 pan. other. than Friday evenings when they will close at 9 pan. Drop by and say M to the new business folk sin town where. it is still 'home . of, the• atxdyniantwoman' and "customer service is;number ,one says Laura, LONG DISTANCE'? CALL 1-800-265-3438 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO 'Nursery Rhymes Came to -: life A• One Hour live Ch ren's Production' at the' Town Halt.` Sat ,, Sept. ` i •3O:, p.rn. Great for a 'es .-11 Cost i4 fo lira ` r+n • Parents F ee ar. � lief esh n a f , or r'r1� . tS ;t 4th ■11o11aa11amOletiS11111EXIMPIN4IIIdnl1Kae: M INIr 1111111111519111111l1111111N1111A11A11111NN1111111111: s thinking itiom : page g .5 • office viable and there:. , . After..., council motion was on* the agen” time as.'the government decides what, sforMat amalgamation` is going- to take," Emnterton, a for- mer reeve and warden said Councillor 4 Elmer Smeltier said' he --didn't' know "what is wrong. with people's" Chinking.. I nave too much :pride 'in the township not- to have ?an office' here."' FIe said if ,amalgarna- tion did:'take place and Huron Township had a ,good, municipal facility to.offer, '``then we 11 have 'something, If 'we do:. nothing, we''lU getnoth ing." Later .Smeltzer',sug- gested a -municipal ;office "in the township could be a satellite office for a ;larger municipality. He -noted :thatif the 'municipal offices are gone, .there'. won't 'be enough mail in the. town- ship , to . keep the post wouldn't be enough busi- ness ne'ss. to keep the bank open. "We have the facilitie here. I. would -hate to see, the m mop ;go down the drain. I 'want td keep Huron ° Township in tact." approved:Ihat plans be drawnup for the . renova .tion of ;the <hall, :Walden said,' ewe made our pre-' sentation and, you are still pl gaians.Rng?,, 'ahead'a with . a>he. Thompson told her the. da, as was her delegation. "Nothing' has been tendered- yet. Maybe it won't work. Yes, we can go ahead, despite the petition..I .can't say which we'll 'go now. ',turn to page 9 -`moss .council is art, wayto �estab- .• p • lishin �a :new speed -.limit.forHa� ocy: g vel k. Street from the bend, just north of Henderson Lumber, to South Kinloss Church, and, then west to the -county road. Council ,:gave the new y b". law: three readings at the Aug. 19 meeting. Statutory speed' on a'non-signed.road is assumed to be :80 kmlhour. Once the new bylaw, is approved by MTO, -signs will 'erected with a.°'posted . speed :of 50 ` kmlhour. .Over; the last few years, this area has become more built up with=: „residences and safety is a factor4 A laneway ; application for fisherman's :Cove Tent & ' Trailer Park, at Range 3SDR, Lot '21',. has been approved by council: The township will do the work and`.1isherman's Cove will pay"for the costs of the proposed new laneway. • Five licensed pits in the, township are up for the four-year review "by.the Ministry o&atural Resources. Councillor -.Gerald Mowbray will review`; the Johnston pit :on .Cone. 8, Bannerman. can Gone. -8,' Helm'on COM'. 2,• Mac rttyre on .Conc. '6 anis Gross. on Conc. ,.5 Ratepayers with: any concerns should cd'ntact :a, council member: The. s ibmissit n to MNR: will be decided by 'council at the next meeting.; `. Le peter and VatiOt>eli of &si eld. Township`and Brian attd'Barb McBride of Kincardine' are pleated to arinotir•ee 'the fo ,otoniiig roan iage&of Mark ; The wedding will take place Saturday 81 at St. d'oeeph' t Church,: 1Thigabridgeeptiori at .ty pl'°.� trey jj > lakome Stott Peebles erylAckert cordially invite all. friends and relatives to 'joiin them in the celebration- of their image on Saturday, September 70.1996.' Receptlnn andDance wil be held at the Elma Memorial °coanwtity. Centrre,'Atwood . at tk30'p+m: tst Luekno r;Scouting,Group - open House & Registration Night. Date* Sept. 6, 1996 .Location: Lucknoile.Sports, Complex TWO: 7:30 p.m. 0.at:.$35.4o. per Schild.' Beavers a.7 years , Cubs: °8..10 years . Scouts:11-15 ;years {