The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-08-28, Page 5Luc lto until, Wednesday, &uguat 28, 1Page lead to ar editor* There is no need Or speculation as.to the pose sibility of whether or not every household possess- ing a V(R will some -day be able ro gamble from. an armchair . with the 'e push, button, - •the question :+0f course would seem to be, how.. soon, And s Q h uld -t lia .�s • �`a... o.vernit ent;' will. planned introductic 20,000VleTs. .:o°. tt Loery''�c'na4% ah.' r^ii., racetracks.? aand{'>tn charity ,casinos,„and ~ then bars, restaurants ,..i and prvat clubs, succeed in its •1 es litteiltier•::then:..f"arn,i i everywhere : r ins the, province will, in, relative- ly short order have become well conditioned, to accept the enext step,. electronic, home AM - Our - .►. hats go • g lith ` u�. hats ... off to. members zraar: ,. f the Christian 4 � Reformed Church, who, doview t is ,very �not hi., �y • foreboding, .• tide #. of events, with -its :obvious= ly dire consequences to the famil ,• social and economic .Structures, atiso itsBible c n ...ontradictiQus,. the us' merely and somethingto put u. wtxh* .t indeed e con = fronting the overnment of ohe �. r<;t issue, u with all the Aaron for- ,titude it can 'master. • Would that over tris tiaxr hurch denote illation take a siniilar stand ,' and: 'without dear,,° carne `out to Uphold what it knows to be right, .not tomorrow, but today, before it cornu Well be t+oo late. , Certaintfdenominations ho ef: 1 already have plans along these lines,.� but >slicauld:such not be the case,, clerics should at once implore their high- ups to,: implement coniparative acction,„with e thought likewise in Mind of a church front, united in an effort to forestall, orblock as much ,as possible. what. ,t y■oo many: accept ai the r '.. < ,'•F' id. , b, M. . M a R a -Within recent decades ehufches thernserves have.; admitted to a dwin -: d ai fu in t 11�� � l encea • . .lie community as. well' as among arishioners, . .Perhaps t is can ax - ,.tri tJbe attributed to a certain. reluc ince on the part art .f othe churches to� ucounted; stud p lid. be .., to come forth- and be open witnesses for Christ, singly, oras a group, when suck action would surely count the most. If . cannotlook � k to the ..h r h for timel and..correct leadership in, very important and vital Christian 'Matters; to whom can they look,, ut surely, let it be said that the churches at least tried; indeed; to .the, full extent of their abili- ty, the y t ,; < struggle, for, the gg, � obvious'rrig htin. this cur- rent •verywei tit. moral well i ou. sueR� �;g � f Harold Wesley. ar ,eadq�e s� & Mid:4si Vis. Passenger +c. Cargo ans, Pickup Trucks . �y i Daily',teekly, oant r ai Iinsurrance Rentals tI re. s t , • deo Dellvst .;1:� t� C!. R; r TRUCK l lT� o iply eloa of sunt p`prd .w Rd° Tlurori �, Goderltlt ; .. a GALT C041,LCT,hsk for Rehr,p Walkerton0244347 [t 4 = by,Bevpry A ;consulting ineer- g' :n firma from : Kitchener. . has been:: Oven to go-• ahead- to develop plans for renovations .and spec- ifications. 'toaturn the township hall into imunic- '-ipal offices:. Thursday night, Aug.: 22, .council ;passed a motion hiring., K. Smart. ;and ` Associates: of Kitchener to 'proceed with the ,tender docu- mews' at -a r cost of :'$30,000. The motion was passed after council had been presented with -a. •petition with 1,500 signs aures on it opposing money being, spent on'` building a- new township. `office,. "other than reno- vating the existing town shi office,' Lois Hackett; ::and 'Elaine Walden presented the petition to;,Keeve Murray ":Thompson. They were accompanied by about 20. other Huron, Township residents, all of whom could not fit into the cramped council' chambers and- stood: in }the h`ill,listening, tea rtlie. presentation. "We are, pleased to - have the signatures of six previous reeves who : felt strongly:. enough about this issue to take the time' to express their opinion;” Hackett said. • ,Walden, in her presen- tation to council said she didn't think now was'. the tin* to spend hath anvil- lion dollars on ' new municipal: offices "that niiiay become redundant," once municipal restruc- Wring tales place. She asked Thompson, or assurances that if restructuring should take plane,ii6W municipal offices in Ripley would become the focal point of .a'new4argei` municipals- . "Is it realistic` to expect they would? Thompson said .. he. could offer no ; assur- ances. ' • "Faced with • such uncertainty legarding: the very -survival of Huron Township in its present state, can .you; with a .....• , • 130 rki i( NIBhts :4;30 PM -0:00 PM' clear Con science, l approve ` the' expenditures fornew municip..al offices?" Walden 'asked. • Cain. MacAu.loy and:.: Chester.Enymerton, .both: of the Ripley Happy_ • Hearts seniors' club.;also ' made a plea to, council to . defer its 9decision;on the °.hall'for`two, years. "Hold off until such AL ( LAS BLIC AUCTION The.arporation:of The County of Ihiron Take Notice that the land(s)described below, wr l be offered forsale by public auctioiz at 10:00 a'cfock, rK:` the forenoon on the 1St day Of October 1996 at Huron Connty. Court House, 1' Court House Square, Court Goderich 'Ontari•o N7A1M2'" Description ol'trnd(s) Minimum Bid $ (set out the cancellation price 1.54(44 first da),' of advertising)' X Lois 206; 267 and 27$; Plan 276 �s per Tnstrumen(Nu tuber 213617 Township of HowieltrCounty of Huron Province of Ontario. • 2. Block "B"; Plan 109 A•s per'Ins7;iiiient Number 224135 Towship of Stanley, County of Huron Province of Ontario 3 Part Mitchell's Block; Plan 221 _.As per lnstrument:'Number 221470 Township of Stephen, 'County fof Huron •Province of Ontario 4. Lots 23and 24; Plan 164. Acs:per lrtstrumentaNumber 279050 Township of'Eurrt rry,.County of Huron Province of On ' • DAlty SPeciALS, iLt�.r fair 3istzturtni LUCKNOW Your Hosts: The Greig's Licenced under L.L.B.O: 528-3932 :$2' 2459 $2,288.20 $7,152;22 $x947.,55 MINOR HOCKEf REGISTRATIQN $160 Single $270. Double 355:Family re istrants, please bring a your birth icertificate. GIRLSHOCICEY. CISI'RATION Tit progroriz><;ls tentative,dep nd g upon the -num participants and coaclies.,'Registration rates are'tlte sarin" us regular 1Vlirnor Hockey. fees. "'lease bring your healtE ;card and a copy of yourr birth certificate. Ali amountssp able by the"suiccessful purchaser shall be payable in- full n-full at the time of -the sale by cash or;money order or by a`bank draft, or cheque certified t y 'a, bank, truest corpo'rat'ion or,Province of., ,Ontario Savings Office.: `' The municipality or board makes no representation °regarding the `title to or any` othernatters' relating to th`e lana •to be sold, Responsibility' for ascertaining°,these ratters rests with the ,potential purchasers. 'chis sale is governed by the Municipal: Tax Sales Act and 'thew, Municipal Tax Sales Rules. The successful purchaserwill bet ClUired to pay the amount bid plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax, Gary. itinr , town foreman, was up. with the birds .loot week as he: and Doug, shown) H of wo ,fi� �l'remove the old ld ll ill: f ltt retIt, n the south side of Campbell ;Street (ivir gStoifl ptiotO) 4 For furtber'infornration regarding' this, sale contaict: Tiic TREASURE colutOttAPONpv Vag .COUNT i Or HURON 3Court House 5 uaret' o'ch Ontario N7A 1M2 lvrsoral information 'cottarre or,th. s fgrr.Collected oted pursuanta to' . the' Muninipalr4S4le Act willl>e used for ~thepurposes of that Act.: : Qtiestionssho d be`diractedo, theFreedom+ of information and.: Privacy oor'ditiator at `the institution responsible for the, procedures Privacy that Act. r,Rll!�1GE TER GISTI AT ION $11til,.Single $00: Double X290 Family . eams 'Bunnies to Belles (4 to 20 rears of age).. Nein re istrarrts,;please bring a c' pyy of your; birth certificate. t.ATB',FEE $35 after Sept.7,:'1!6.`:A`' • FI URE SK Learn' to Skate. • ark-Figur� •Cans -Skate` •Test Stream.' .Adult Skate For more information, please co•ntact Joan at 3 54180. 11' ENTXC Y d x ,, r . ,, 'Como, out fin. � �a#r o' u charm, ualrt . it d hocks fid. ring�yeue ea�r.'� Also, a ,... entre':rrer it dere to brin ,an e f r,`: . 0,, ch', b l t e ti � � rl. d>< � � o � r�vltx � he. tt .,ad ramal $ d # oursna ck booth beewired0anct the e te will rtetumed if cor stmt~ieht latlttiledi