The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-08-28, Page 4Changes ofaddress, order for 'subacct , ani undeliverable copies tretur 1, guava nteedl are to be seat to 'Iliht'tclOtow : nt el at the address indicated have, Advertising i accepted on t e, unditio t: in the event, Ora:. typographical a r:•:th _ ;-: tion of the adve space upled the .erroneous Item together with a reasonable: altowa nc a for.a tare, wilt net be for, bortthe balance ate advertisement gilt be pad. at the applicable rates. re you like me when it comes to passing hitchhikers on the road? Do you feel guilty as you go -whizzing past them,or is‘, this some complexonly' 1 ain stuck with? , Even with all the warnings issued by law ' enforcement personnel about the stupidity of picking up hitchhikers, ,I still feel guilty when I. don't stop. I can't looks them in the eye, - and 1' always ,look in :,the rear view inirror to see if they are giving me'• some hand language. On the Other"hand do those hitchhikers not real- ize'the' ;risk. they "are ytaking in seeking, a ride with a stranger? Yes, ::even' here in :'rural Ontario. When I 'get on my bandstand on this subject, I..recall-a few years doing ,something really stupid. I. was. ' in nay former rstorr(p•ing grounds - an area. that •.has; grown ° in leaps in bounds over the years. AsI turned:: a :corner, t, a ,lig f ttn .the out- 'skirts of the city, xany car decided to die. knew what the problem as, `so ouf l get with my' trusty: screwdriver and start monkeying around with the battery tables.,Wouldn't you:• know• it? the task that was .simple for the -love;hf my .life,: proved not so splefor mei While I'm poking. around,.,a.` man pulled his pickup truck over, to the shoulder of a the road and : offered his, assistance., He didn't know.' too much about cars- but offered me` a ride to the nearest station. Warning bells were going off in my head. "Don't get in that vehicle whatever you do." I was going,to be late. fora :shower I was hosting; I was in high heels and a two mile walk 'didn't look too inviting - under' the hot sun. T got in the vehicle and hugged the passenger door. Be A Bowe* Pubttshers Cu utn7uutty New`spapear et9 oauipbell 3t„ true no r2 t wte 2ki P.O.Box 4, Lucla, Ontario No phone; (519) $28, 2822. fay (5l9) $28!‘,302.9. Establfshed .107 • Tout ThOrrt Advert*** Atallager . Pat Livillgstop.�",�ne ugtea ,�Editor Phyllis: Matthew Ife ce sta tO + +ou - eater subscript on.kptes.adv ce: Local Regular $25.66(incl, ptitage and GST.) WA 49 u4, radius, Local Solo $23,�2 Vise: nd 40 Mt, radiiis. . Out -of-tea (40 rnilesl 5.25.66 (mei. postage and "r4 ,T.). l~ Brei g SA >.$$ � ! :i?ublicattons regislratlon no,0847 � held at IEu. know, Ontarta. knew I,, was 'scared and tried to calm Me 'as he drove directly to the closest s.ta- tion,' My heart was pumping unaontrol'- labl.y and when 'we reached` the, garage, I.*tas ready. to :faint. `Leaving the vehicle, I .manageda weak-stnile'4atid a gracious thank you - for being a good samaritan and one I- ' - was ,safe -to: trust. • F. ,I've`" Only been that stupid once "1. lucked' out, but never again will I test my luck, Read the papers dailies or weeklies - andyou will realize there. are a. Jot of perverts It's up to us to be cautious and, not give. them the opportunity'. to pounce on us: • 5o hitchhikers take warning. You, are courting- disaster as :you stand at ..the side of the road with your thtrmt' out hour of the day you. see them' Y . if they have been porly launder- ed ed .they are a constant:a> �yaz ce. .dux ering willlaundering keep then true in' both .coldur and shape. rills permit them to'..drape uu• '. soft graceful folds. Be careful to get the genuine. It is sow only in tankage ...never in bulk. BTU years a ii ember Irer 21 � 926 � Help alonge u de nstr" d .th tthe localEire Company, which: has `n the: pastdone so much good Y�� pa$ much work in the way : of "patriotic and charitable Work, is about.. of• undertake another big local improvement project. �.avri ;tpro u �t�Victoria ark•ti a high s tate'of- perfection as aplace of beauty andoutdoor, games, the . Company is now preparing togive the town a beautiful if.not`lar a hood of `water suitable'"f' r boat- . g y � i d�bathing. tug ' , Ii' t s prtrtptsed, to tett . clearing ,: theT redv en, • decayed timber, to .die' e abandoned project and rdill.P nd:of°:t a stumps o h r ,e the muck from the margins and thus convert `it into a _dean -4)04Y of water:.'. with L . 'L... i... " i"f 1_ .,L. i.,•..• Y_.: i I _ .& . ;v' , r ,.t ... _..ate i .._.. Ll.. r;i•r { •,•.? . fir 7!771, . ti. F:i: '•Yi.:h:•i • fine ravel and natuatty"clean?" ,stto, this abandoned' again, . or dkr it come to ass. Also, where is Victoria Park?) ,5e ao h rw4;1946 . $eitent he a :•'W'elc a another Y. bride -Lucknavr: � folk ' had, .-t he ::pieasure of• welcomingan overseas bride to their midst, in the person .of Mrs. ° J.C. - Johnston..::(Jaycee: Mr. and Mrs. Johnston's 10-rnonth old son, Anthon y,: Norman did not Seem : �to mind the n a' hat and by the way,:eta a couple Of teeth during the crossing. If yon "sere.at the Clansmen's Carnival last Wednesday, youprobably t r �: Peter e •.'..: p obal�ly„Saw he proud grandfather , t M. Johnston, disporting the yoUrigster. Mrs. Johnston and;`young ;son'saifed from Liverpool on Aug. 19, aboard e Mauretania and.rsched Toronto o. n Au ' g. vwr_ a }•; •; yy;•L'vl,;: JlL",.. ;..;}LAy.•.•l::: J$yny::•.? L• aintarig-standpipe Lueknew s 85 -foot ,.•. Standpipe ipe is currently reCe�ving coof paint. Thetow r first received a scraping,thena`rust rotective coat of. ,black graphite paint, and Will finally' be finished with a coat of aluminum paint. a:cost ' $375 for labor. 15 years ago. ,`Se �m��e�r p ,2° 198 � 101111:organizing Homeowners who had urea; formaldehyde foattti5at10n insolle are givin g .,govementa fight in a battle for conpensation and residents, Huron Countyy mayjoiii the fight An information meeting is set for next week. if i "The meeting is open, to.anyone' and ' 'there .s enough.' interestywe will work towards forming a county group,' said`Grant Chlisholm. "There are some hotle stories ab tit it (the foam).'