The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-08-28, Page 3Lunften ' Se duel" VfieduesdaY, August 28f1.996 Fuge 3 COt tMUNI Y SAFETY AND CRIME PREVENTION QST INVOLVED! Mat balre a re pons ty l stop male Ivioicime won t .: by Heather Boa Improved safety, nets and .a.self-directed tem to - help .farmers deal with Change is ,making Canada" abetter` place to do business, says Ralph• '. Goodale, federal agricul- ture and agri-food midis - ter In March, eight provinces, including • Ontario, signed memo randoms of agreement on safety nets for fail -hers that 43 farm organ za tions and the federal, ter ritorial and provincial ,governments have. worked on since late '93 Goodale announced •on, a visit ,to the Walkerton area this past week, as part of a Canadian 'air.. The three-year-,.. $600 million .safety anet pack-- P age .increases contribu':; tions to the Net Income. Stabilization Account by both levels: of govern- ments and farnae'rs 'Farmers . contribute 'to NISA in good years and: draw 'froni 4:t., in poor years. It., sets up: a new developmentfund; pro- ',v ding $3 million annual sly .• for. ,,agriculture research; .and technology ,.- p o.r,' transfer., And it also - *ides coverage nnder the. :market, revenue program: at5 t: 'per cent. S p n Goodal:e....s a,id;. the agreement has come .° despite the challenge of dealing with different issues.:across the nation, "Canada Sometimes;:it's very diffi cult to. get evdy erybo . y , Working' together • and pulling: together," he said. Goodale said, the gov- ernment is also providing funding for ;a processof, adaptation and develop-. took four TK n far fly members, - Paul Zinn, •Summerfest chair-: Ki nette se:c rr+eta r Wayne .meponagh, women's slo_pFitch chairman • and Handy Alton, arch's elo -pitch 0hoirman : tO hand`,t over this $1.0,000 lief to John Pollard ,of they "Phase ,11 finance",eomW mince. ,;`the Susi mer . fest proceeds" bring'' the Kin family's don t alone', to. p' total o ,7.00 err d. they ,. project "that after .the lied .Green, night they Will` ply . +Off. the ',$12 000'A balance ;owing onr the new 'facility. (Livings on photo), twain -rural Canada. "People are facing. a huge amtunt of change in their :.lives," he said, pointing to ,reduced.reV- enues, . government spending .reductions. and ever-changing technolo- gy. Partners have .beguif to look at a Value-added process' for economic development. Council is .adrnini` red. by 47 farm and rural organizations in local decisions, under an agreement signed in March.: The money. will be.given in equal instal- ments over four years. The council is expected to identify priority pro- jects related to market. ing,the enhancement -of Ralph Goodale, federal agriculture' and agri- food minister,.. toured Huron,and Bruce, coun- ties laistaweek. (Heather Boa photo) "People iri rural Canada are , living through an absolutely unprecedented period of change,"" he said. ,Since ; much.. of the change is influenced by,; global events, Goodale. said it's important for the federal government to put "tools in the hands of farmers so they can be` masters of change rather than victims Of change.", The $28 -million bud- get in the newly -,estab- lished " Ontario Agriculture 'Adaptation • human resources, rural development and envi- ronmental protection. Duringhis travels, he said, "One thing I find a bit frustrating is -the rela- tively :limited view a number of people have, about -"agriculture. Agriculture and agri-: .food industry accounts for. 15 pr cent of the nation's ,employment with. $17.5 billion in exports shipped to 100 countries dust $12.5 bil- lion is imported` into Canada. Chris Ereiburgerr, local cattlemen's representa- tive,questioned the min- ister on a recent decision that will allow 5,000 tons of subsidized beef to be imported from European .. countries. "I'm not fond of the idea. pf 'mad cow disease. showing up in Canada," "he said, , Goodale said a duty chargewas lifted in 199E because European coun- tries asked to import a limited supply of beef rather than asking, for unlimited importing rights. The decision by the Canadian International Trade Tribunal suspended a 19.6 decision' that has prohibited any European beef imports. "(It's] likely to have virtually no effect on • prices,', said ..Goodale,. who maintains the allowed imports repre-: sent less than 30 per cent of one, week's production in Canada," "They have`to meet Canada's health stan- dards," he said. Health ;, ifs inspectors areori .the edge of their chairs" to ensure health standards are not compromised. Thursday morning, he addressed about 70 local farm representatives at a breakfast at the Dunkeld Hotel:;. before' attending the expansion opening at Lang Farms Ltd., owned by Tony and Elaine Lang of Brant Twp. The previ- ous night, he was 'a . guest at a barbecue in Varna hosted by Huron -Bruce. MP Paul Steckle and then at the • home of Tony Morris, president of the Ontario Farm federation. TME 'PUNELQ TAII'��t�l NOW HIRING FOR WA4TERIWAII'HESS ROSITION For :it�fa: Ca14 �Maa a�;�81-049' ,. • CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT P.O. BOX 300 • WINGHAM,.ONT. NOG 2W0 IMMO'" KINCARDINE. 306 Josephine -St. 357.1522.357-1551 (Fax) • 1-3967977 • Auditing. 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