The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-08-28, Page 2a • Page — Luetow eutinel, Wednesday,. ugust 2$,. 9 *from PageM1 i Rayne replied, 'Because we. are going to pay_ more "1.don't see, Paulhow ` ' percentage yon can feela; is unfair, Alton said. 4The . ,w ay e've'heen doing it is the fairest, , wa.:" replied Rayne. ne. This is something yoUr might. not :'a agree withbut the rest of the municipalities better real- , ize that West Wawanosh is is Sincere in reducing the recreation deficit," said Alton. :Frayne . then ` made ref erence to pressure being applied by the province on municipalities to amalgamate. "We' may. not bearound in 1 l months, Pay your'share. and drive on!" rayne said.. xil Couincrltor Abbott, �. ucin tow's other i ' ecr .. ti<o n board member, asked AltOn, "gave Your ratepayers.had any say i1 this yet?" No said Alton, , "but t they've Made it very. clear ha;they don t want to pay any more taxes." ' " . In a later interview, Peggg. Whose .residence. is, in West °Wawanosh, spokes ;as a ratepayer.a er. spoke, P Y :We've putt'1000000 -into: trial- .arena, and if - the rec board doesn't accept it (proposal) and -they opt ,out, who in ' West Wawanosh is going to be able to use the, arena, and - if they do ,what it it going to cost the user?„ Pegg said West. ' Wawanosh told the ward a 'e eo pl ,, ofmanth 'ago,,;" that they wanted a -$1 5 000 cap on recce - ration expenses, ".upping is workable," said Pegg, "and we are working towards rat.' e a cut the hockey deficit by. $10,000 'already, :Now they 'come back vviththis different proposal, Iflhey 'Cap it at'. $15,0Q0:,' that isn't: much of an outlay . for what (programs) is -: available," he said. Pegg also said that the setup costs and meetings that would" be necessary to implement the system, Proposed by Wesnt • Wawanosh, would - be expensive. ve. "Why bother; sign up for another year," he 'said, and: $ee where the amal'ganiation° talks _are by, then. •. The joint recreation agreement is .0 fot renewal on, Sept. 14. The present agreement, allow.. for an even four -war split on:.:recreatron salary/wages. and es... -grams Opera,t ng costs a `e. assessed,35 der' cent ,to Lucknow, 23 per 'cent . to each of Ashfield acrd Kinloss, and 19 per cent to Westaranbsh. W"flistevo TtiO flight To Limit Duentities To Normal Tamil' 'tt' .'uiranfenb::,. 1 KRAFT , ✓ k . Assorted Varie es. GHQ g. p � _ . KN Ql4TEL AssertedVarieties'; ...: 9x3x250MI. Tetra '_ �4 e.355 rnl:'Tins'; Unit Price 7.2/100rill '750 mie Bottle N`~ + Deposit" ;. Unit Price, 9.2/100 ml GENERALMILLS 450 0450 g. Cheerios, Apple.dinrtamort Cheerios, Golden Grahams or Oatmeal Crisps, ALD ,SOUTH: Assorted Varieties Frozen 955 but from Canada A/AA/AMGrades 'Beef Nip (Eye Removed) Boneless Outside Round 4439 Kg. e- • ••• MAPLE LEAF • Crigirial 18,11Q,• or Lean :,N Life ,450;g: Pkg. KNECHTEL Pieces & Steens 284 mi" Tin COTTONELLE 12 Roll Pkg.- PRQDUOT OF CANADA 411 10 Ib: Rag New PRODUCT OF CANADA 0 Fresh IPRODUCT CSF U S;A.` io.1' Grada,2;10' kg: Treat Yourself Assorted Varieties hat *trial** page Lc n4 returned Su; nda' y::at 9136 .* to play Clinton. Adam Cameron,'Kyle 1lrott, and Paddy Lyons made perfect down the buntsto add more runs. Another mercy 16 3. ry The final sante Was ,against Exeter. Lucknowwas the only undefeated team in. the double knockout tournament. . R. Dennis AnOrew supplied defence at second Jeff Bauer arrived late for more support. good close game with Luc now winning 9 �- 6 and. the. " O A cha fish y .:napro er: Jim Farrish coach e and 1ohn l c en i . , a Wayne Bauer on behalf of the Bantam boys would like to thank the Kinsmen, Lions, Le ion, Town of Lucknow, Dave and ,the fans for their support ort One parent reedy "This .tem, WAS great ambas- sadors for mbas-sa ors'for the village." 'he Phase lffrtance coffers expanded When c appy John : Pollard (right) found : a sloop `. Cheque' "under the BL '. Allem Hackett, chair- man of the Lucitnow lions bingo was just as happy to hand over the proceeds from the Monster Bingo event and some from the clul s regular bingo nights. (Livingston photo) Not ifit a soap"film on your shower, spots your glasses. or turnsyour grey. Hard water, is an expensive nuisance. It. scales water heaters and appliances, leaading.toexpensive repairs orrepiace- menta,And it:prevents you from !poking your best. • Metermatic...provenperformance and. reliebility• , With: a Metermatic water softener you'll see and feel thediference; cleaner, sett- er clothing; and softer smoother And you'll: save Money by reducing your clean ing product •use by as rnuch as 80%. ' Cali fora FREE water analysis nttdi over how Metermatic can :save you monoy, and make your lite a liftle softer, Plumbing. eating. ,11 a 13:- Cliff Mannl 28-391 Manufactured by WaturGreup Canoga: ti