The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-08-28, Page 1VOL. "123 'WK:.
it8, 1996
by rat Livingston
No decision on West
Wawanosh's:.proposal to
change the Joints- Recreation
agreement to a municipality;
'user basis was reached at the
Aug. 21 meeting of the board.
Addressing the issue, West
Wawanosh Councillor Stuart
Alton; who is also the chair'
man of -the board, said, "They
(council). feel they would like
to go to a plan where, for,
example, if .1-00. kids ''are
enrolled in minor hockey and'
2S per centare from West:.
Wawanosh, we'd" ay 28 per
cent (of the deficit)."
"You know it's not going
to fly," retorted Paul Frayne,
one., of Ashfield's :representa-
tives .on the board. "And what
if doesn't?"
"West Wawanosh is ;pre.-
. pared to opt out," said Alton.
R "We feel the Blyth agreement
was fair." The. Blyth .agree
ment was based ,on: a uSer
levy assessed to the munici-
unici-pallity but effective .Dec, 31
'West, Wawanosh °wit! opt put
of " that agreen' a wasp
1 they can't suppu. , . oras,
"In all -reality, v, wild you
really drop out?" , questioned
Frayne, noting, that West
Wawanosh bad just put.
4$100,000, into the new facili-
"Council- is prepared to,"
said Alton. ; "We can't always
see having a.deficit. West
Wawanosh does want to .pay
its ,sham. We're trying to be
fair to our taxpayers." -' .
°ow. are Lou going to
keep the Are'
queried Lucknow Councillor
Tont Pe ,g' ', "Who's. going to
sort -all this out?' e'll need a
full time =son to do that"' J
Alton °a,sed,� "W'iat is the
main objecticm to going on ?"
•Someone:.`frotn .the board
. replied that it . Would put -tnitllp•
sureoonrtthyoeu'," restaskofedAltthemo
"How, does that put press--
•turn to page.
The, Lucknow Bantam
greys hardball team won
ive games straightori
the weekend to claim the
Western Ontario Baseball..
Association champi-
The event took place
in Exeter with the 'first.,
°. gime ,against Flesherton.,
iris Durnin provided
'.sound defence as the
`team mercied° the. opposi-
tion 14 - 3 in five
The next game saw'
Lucknow defeat the host
team despite,Exeter . hav-
ing, a 6 - 2 lead` midway
through the.. game..
Lucknow's" .triple play -
Jeff Andrew, picking up ,a
groundball, stepping` yin
first, firing it tosecond«
where -Jason Lewis.
tagged the =net .ou'!t-and:
then drove. the ball -to
home plate where Troy
McKenzie tagged the
sliding runner: This gave
the Greys a 7 —6 win.
Twenty minutes later,
theteam took on
Hanover. for the third
gameof.the day.
Lee "The Roadrunner"
.a o't
�r est n provided the ,
voice and hits to mercy
them 14 - 4 in five
a. innings. Justin Brdwn
and; Kiel Farrish pitched
excellent ball. Shawn
Ritchie had aakey hit.
•turn to. page 2
d AnnePritchard,members of the'�Lucknow
Doug' `Steven and , . _
i es ` at' the Kincardine Pi Band Mass Pipis and Drums'
apeand � p .: ,
thirteen pipers .drummers took part in the fifth annual
people attendin .Bev Fry foto
Legion Pipe
. Band, war ;up t...
lostSaturday. One hundred and
event, with estimates of 10,000
by pat Livin'gstorn'.
A concentrated effort.,
by the Joint Recreation
=Board, and the Lucknow
Minor":. Hockey
Committee should" result
tri cutting the minor
hockey;deficit in half this
.season. Last.. year's.
deficit was $20,891.
The bruntof this "will
•be borne through regis-
tration fees„ After a
lengthy discussion,, the
Joint Recreation Board
passeda motion to set the
fees at $160;$125,
100 and $75 respective -
the recreation
board's, meeting on Aug.
21, a proposal from the
minor hockey committee.
recommended `the follow-
ing fee structure (bracket-
ed" figure i s last year's
fee): $140 for the first
child ($100),$125 for the
second ($75); $11.0 `for
the third ($75); $100: for
the fourth ($50)3. and
$100., for the - pre -tyke.
tyke and. 'Saturday Mor .
ging group ($50).
When ;•a delegation
from the Minor Hockey
Committee joined the
meeting, Stuart Alton,.
chair of the rcc; board told,
'Keith, Raymond and
Marjorie Hackett that the
board did not believe too.
large .an, increase to the
morning group was wise.
"We feel. that it is ;impor-
tant we should work at
getting more kids: into the
4,- Barb Van Diepenbeek,
attending for the Mothers
Auxiliary to Winter
Sports, questioned the
logic of the differential in
the rates. She didn't think
it was fair for those with.
one child in a higher cat-
egory of the system to
pay$160,while someone
just entering the system
is charged $75.
After listening to argil.,
tnents from the delega-
tion,, the board refrained
from amending its ring-
nal motion. Acton deliv-
ered words of caution.
"Minor hockey and fig-
, ure skating; have to real
ize they are only being;.
charged per hour for
ace tirne.We don't know..
how long we can contin-
ue to subsidize that. in
the -future, .ice' rental
might have to gaup."
Board members are
faced with their munici-
palities feeling,. the brunt
of Premier Mike Harris'
funding cuts and ratepay-
er snot wanting tax
increases» On the other
hand, 'theydon't want to
see fee increases have a
negative impact on the .
number of registrations.