The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-06-05, Page 15P2age 14 Lack ow Swainei,1r edaesday, Jane
UC liold ge
Lttkovi United
Churls Women ``wore
welcomed, .to their gener-
al Meeting by steward-
ship convenor Anne
Anderson. She led in
Worship on i4Stewardship
Is..." with Elaine Steer
reading scripture from
John . I4, and prayers by
Grace Gibson and
Deanna Reavie. Readings.
on stewardship were
given. by Kay Crawford:
and Mary Lou Irwin.
Elsie Houston was
pianist and she accompa-
nied. Don Cameron for
two saxophone selec-
tions. The mission ;and
service videos United In
Aftion,was viewed and
'resident Beverly
Thoropsoh thanked those
who helped with the wor-
ship service on. May 26
and the YWCA for serve
ing lunch. Projects this ..
year include sheers for
the new manse window
and renovations to a
SundaySchool class-
room done by several
members of the YWCA.
The . Nimble Fingers
group has made items for
Pinecrest, seniors resi-
dences, House of Bruce
and. Women's Shelter of
Huron. OoOdwill items
will be received in. June.
Ivlembers of the
Executive had a picture
taken for the plo direc-
Water Safety
Pool decks should be
c•onstruc'tedar treated
with slipp: sistant materi-
als and made "off limits"
for running and chil-
dren's games.
Farmers na this area
are busy with the seeding
and it is lovely tosee the
new leaves: coining on
the trees and the green
Ivan Lloyd of London
visited on Monday with,
Edna and May Boyle.
The Pentecostal con-
gregation and neighbors
welcome back Pastor and
Mrs. Marvin Christensen
who moved back to the
parsonage on Saturday.
They were in Montreal
for a while until their
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return here where he will
be thc" for again.
Mrs)• d Mrs. Edbert
Bushe : Jean -Phillips:
and Bessie Maulden
called • on Lucknow
friends on Friday.
Lucas Thacker
returned , home on
Saturday, May 25, after
being in Berlin for the
past three months as an
exchange student.
A number from here
attended the 60th wed-
ding anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. Omar Brooks at
Luckriow, and also Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Burt's 50th
wedding anniversary at
Kincardine_ on Saturday
attend 50 year
scL A reunion
A special occasion
transpired last Thursday
for Joan Martin, from
Lucknow, and Olive
Hanna, from 1'eeswater,
when 'they visited
Stratford for the 50th
year reunion of their
graduation from atten-
dance ofStratford
Normal School. There
was a very large atten-
dance and a beautiful
dinner was served in the
Festival Inn. Archie
McKinnon from Guelph
W' . master of cere-
monies. •
One major concern
was a proposal to demol-
ish: the beautiful old
building which has been
used more recently by
the Festival and
Conestoga College.
There were two plans.
One to restore the build-
ing because of its history.
as a heritage place, and
the other to save the
beautiful stained glass
window should demoli-
tion take place. An on
going committee from
the class of '46 and '53
will look into both plans.
There was an excellent
group picture taken and
many cameras flashed as
graduates captured the
happy smiles of the
friends of 50 years ago.
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A. number of community partners will ballasting displays.
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Refreshments Provided