The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-29, Page 14Page e 14 Lucknow ow Se ti el, ifVeiluesilay, May t19a Auctions 142 obituaries MARY S TEWART. Vary Zabel Stewart art (nee Matheson) of Toronto passed aay Sunday, May 10, 1998 at the pallla,tiv.e care ;unit at St. Mary's of the Lake HoSpital in Kingston after a determined battle with leukemia. She was • n. the was, born in Chesle a sand 'later rrn Irrued P . Bain Stewart formerly of Ashfield 'oC" nship. She spent ,many. Oars as the, librarian at Siroh count :Park Collegiate in Toronto until she retired. She is survived by one son David, Stew rt .and wifr Monica of Kingston,: brother fill and wife Mary. hilatlheson of Cambridge end their fam- ily, also two granddaughters Krystyna nd • Kathryn Stewart of Kingston. She was predeceased by her hu:sb .rind ain Services were .held from St, Andrews Presbyterian Church, Kingston on Wednesday, May 22, 1 96 with assis tanc frog ,, . Robert J. Reid and Sons Funeral Home Kingst n and MacKenzie and McCreath Fun rat Horne, Lucknow. Interment Kintail Cemetery..A grave- side 'service was conducted Thursday, May 23 with Rev. L. Bryant officiating.--22ar LJ TION SAL Homed -told FuGti �ishie e, Fierthearo etec. Remo will be hold in rho LaiOl uw @ports Complex raida/--��,��y, Dttrle 7/96 '�f:SO. �P al!Ra GoQd cl?arra Q{,nale,nmont5 pcpQptel Irlti9 f Gl. 1fiftau :R< Millen ,. uctloneer i 6 9)396 5662 AUCTION SALE of Mgichlnery,. Antiques. enol Effects, MtsceHaneous for Fred Brewer Lot 16, Concessi n 4, Morris Township, corners S. of Bluevale ,r 2 Corners west of Brussels and corners -north, (watch for signs) Saturday, Junei/ ... . 9:30 am. Auctioneer: Brian Rintoul (519)35574349 0111 *4,***:********************************** *GIGANTIC CLEARANCE AN CO .I�.. N _ .'NT * ," , t: D NSC N1 *; AUCTION L..* * * t.*k - , Saturday June lst -10 a.m.S.HARP! * :�Appr'oximately 0 tra `ors, 2 skid, steer loaders, J.E . * dozer, over 25Q pieces •of new andused farm equipment * * including 2 local farmers lines of equipment., plus 4 * *' and garden tractors, ATVtillers, eta. * • AUCTIONEER..: GLENN SINCLAIR, BRUCE WARD & * *ERIC DIX . * *' * ,r WAYNE WARD FARM EQUIPMENT ; Hwy. 46, Wiarton, Ont., . '* (519) 534-1638 or 534-2980 * u*****# Akk4 # ki****A*** ****M**l MOVING ON?' Access the hidden job market and find your niche sooner. Nationwide service. Free Brochure. 1-800-361-6159. 24 hours. C.M.S. Inc.--22bc LEARN ALJCTIONEERING at the Southwesterin School of Aectioneering. Next 'class August 17-23/96. Contact: Southwestern Ontario Soh oi of Auctioneerinj,. R.H. #5, Woodstock, Ontario NNl4S 7V9 (51.9)537 2115,--22bc • COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute Ontario Extension offers., currespondonco; coursesfor the Diploma .h Counselling Practise:, begin- ning this month.: Pots brochure phone 1'o! -free` 1-: 800-666.70 .-22bo litt 10foulitl*S ,', AkninciiMPAANS paY Et L0s!>oufd STRAYED . FROM tot 22, Conc. 2 Kinloss Township 1' Charolais cow and 450 lb. calf. Phone 528.2207.. --22x LOST - CREAM colored cordless telephone, in the vicinity of Havel,•:ck St. Phone 528-2322. -22x AND `ST FOUNDATION OF ONTARIO FONDATION DES MALADIES. DU .OUi r DE I : TA I 422 Obituaries FRANCES Ma AILEEN' CANTER Frances M. Aileen Carter of Wengharrn and formerly of Kinloss TosAmship passed 'away °Saturday,. May 10,, 096 'at Wing. them 'and District Hospital at age 72.. She was born in Clinton September 14, • 1'923 W Albert Carter end .f mily.Fox. She married Peter Carter of .Wincghem and they tied five .frividaen, Mrs. Caner is sur- vived by her husband and children Eleanor and hus- band Murdock vMoaeod, Walkerton, George and rife Anita, R.R.- 113 Holyrood, Marione and husband Gerald Salley, Perry Sound, Peter, and wife JO- ,nn, , *.R. fi3 Walkerton, and Aileen and husband Bryan Br,"freer,. R.R. 01 Winghaim Also survived by brother Bill Carter, P. nnsylv.nia.nd two sist<<rs Millicent Carter, rucelea H =veru, Walkerton, nd Dorothy Willie, Wingha , 11 grandchildren nd. tw3 great grandchil- dren. Pr deceased by her parentsand tw* brothers, George Carter and Licoheih Gallagher. Visitation was at MacKenzi. ' and McCreath Funeral Horn - , Lucknow with services at St. Peter's Anglican Church. Lucknow Wednesday, May 22, 1996.. Father V. Hodge and Father Eugene Solecki• officiated with the assistance of Jim Saint. Organist .Was A. Armstrong. Flower bearers were grandchildren Barry and Bradley Brebner, Janice McLeod, Julie Carter and Lawarlda Carter, - Eu logy was given by . son Peter' Carter with readings by granddaughter Julie, and Janice. Pallbearers were -grandsons Rev. . Kevin McLeod, Roger and Paul Bailey and Peter,. Perry and George Carter Interment South Kinloss. Cemetery, Lucknow. Donations *ere to Canadian Cancer; Sciciety, Heart and Stroke, Wingham and bistrict Hospital or the Diabetes Foundation RITCHIE Bryce, Wendy, Patrick and Gl• ria . are pleased to announce the >birth of Paula Nicole Louise born May 18, 1996 at Wingham ' and District Hospital weighing 4 lbs., 6 oz, Proud grandpar- ents are Allan ,and Violet Aitchie, LucknW and Gord Powell, Auburn, -- 22x INiMAGEE • Brian and .Maureen (nee Cowan) are: happy . t .. announce 'the.• safe arrival. of . Shelby M'argarite, oz. "Berra on May %.'1.996 at. North York' General. ' Proud` -grandparents are tillilliam and Joan .:Magee,, Brampton and, Larry and Mary 4; .. Cowan,. R.P 1 Ltrcknow. r. . 420 Obituaa. rias WILFRED Aa 9Tit `APIal 1Z1996 96 At Afex ani cel arene General Hospital, Goderioh, on Wednesday, April 170 1098, Wilfrred A,, Austin R. 1, Dungannon in his 67th year. Sonof the late, Frank and Margaret (McNamara) Austen. [ eeoved husband of Marion (Fellows) Austin. Dear father .of. Torry and. Rosanne Austin, Margaret and Dave °Roosemalen, John Paul: and Cindy Austin, Ronald and Kim Austin, all of eod:c rich, Robert' and. •PoborahrAutstin of Clinton Loving grandfather.of Philip, Michele, Megan, Chad, E-layley, and Jayme. Austin and Rob rt and Thomas Rooserlrnalen. Also survived by sister Teresa Courtney, brbthers John, Vincent and Eldon Austin and Aunt Catherine,ustin. Prayers were held at MccC Boum and Patla 'Fun ..rat Hbm , Septomher 6,19M) G(derich on Frid=y. Reverend Harry Reit±el cel- brated the funeral mass at St. Joseph's,- Kingsbridge x on Saturday,, April 26, 1996. Pallbearers were Terry Austin, John Paul Austin, Ronald Austin, Robert Austin, Dave Roosemalen and Joe Austin. Burial in Kingsbridge cemetery. Donations to the Heart & Stroke Foundation or. :Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated as expressions of sympathic, 22. ALFRED HENRY PATTERSON Alfred Henry Patterson of Pinecrest Manor Lucknow passed away at his home. Wednesday, May 22, 1996., at age 83.: He was born in West Wawanosh" Township November 16, 1912.to Henry and Elizabeth Patterson, both deceased. He spent all his life ,farming' in " West ' . -Wawanosh Township and retired to' Lucknow, Mr. Patterson is', survived by two sisters Catherine, : Mrs. Harold Birch, St, Thomas.,' and Agnes Cantelon, Wingham. Also survived by sister -in law Veda Hpstetier, London and several nieces and. nephews. He was prede- ceased by one brother John. Services were held at MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral' Horne Saturday, May 25 with.Rev. J. Vaudry, Wing.ham, and Rev. B. Henderson officiating. Pallbearerse' were Dave Adams Lorne Forster, Roger'.• Morrison; Bill DeBoet, Jim Percy and Peter Dennis. Interment. Greenhill Cemetery,. Lucknaw -22ar cLA89tiitDS E3UY IT SELL IT FINIS iT :47 Oards of Thanks . We would Fake to xtend' a heartfelt thank you tp.aar family .and friends fo( ►k- ing; ourr^� dd Jin, day coal', Th anybeautiful gifts and good Washes received will be treasured forrver. u hernia you to every- one who helped organize the surprise shower held in: our honor at 'Garb Murrey's home, it lirIMS a great time. ¥sur kindness is all very much appreciated. Bruce and Sue. iLASTIN` to express . our sin - 'cepa thanks 'and anprecia- tion to our family, friends and relatives for their cards of sympathy, floral arrange- ments, memorial donations, masses and all the wonder., ful food sent to .all our hom s. Thinks to the doc- t rs, nurses, ambulance dri- vers, McCallurn and Pella Funeral Won' , Fugen Frayne, Marianne Hogan,. and the Kingsbridge choir, and to F-:,ther Reitzel for his comforting words and prayers. To every:•;ne who comfortod us in anyway,. your kindness and thought- fulness and words of com- fort will always be remem- bered. Thank you Marion Austin and family. =-22 ALTON I would tike to thank . every- one who came to my com- munity shower and for the lovely gifts. A special thanks to' those individuals who. took part . in the organizing .of it and for snaking a desert. Sincerely Lynn. 22x RiN roUL would like to extend a sin- cere thank you for all the gifts, cards and good wish- es t received at .my -party on May 4 at St. Helen's Institute Hall' A special thanks goes to Marlene Toll and Lila and ;tae girls for all 'their hard work and wonder- ful onderful surprise! Also, thanks gores ter the. Tuesday Night super crew that arrived at. my house with decorations and cake to help celebrate my 'birthday. Thanks a mil- lion! Barb. —22 ;RITCHIE I wish to thank everyone for their get well wishes, phone calls, flowers and treats while in Victoria Hospital. and since returning home. Also a special thanks to Wingham Hospital enter - germ/ department, Doctors arid ambulance drivers. Betty. —22 ERRINGTON . Jim and Margaret Errington express gratitude to their 'farhiiy'0 7 and to their friends for best'`wishes, cards and gifts received at their: 25th.:wedding;. anrriver- ,sary celebration. at Lucknow Community Centre on May 25; We thank y i for con. cern and -assistance Shown: ',to our departed tangly friend. Roy Burnet, Cambridge'. 22nX' . . CARTER The Toru ley of the late Aileen Carterwish to dorms: their . sincere thanks to their tela- tives, friends and nelghbora for their'oxprossions of sym- pathy and tenderness shown during the illrncss . and loss of a dear wife, mother and grandmotlerr. Special thanks to Dr. Hanlon, and Wingham istrict Hospital Staff for their ,compassionate care and kindness. Our gratitude is also .ext- nded to Joan MacKenzie • Pollard, Jefferson Pollard and Bob Madkentie of the MacKenzie & McCreath Funeral Horn , Lucl<now. Appreciation is `also expressed to Reverend Vicars Hodge for his visits,, prayers and funeral service. Thank:you also to St. Peters ACW, Lucknow for the love ly lunch. Yeur kindness will always be remembered. Peter Carter and family. - 22x TYLER John and Adeline Tyler and sons say goodbye and thank, you. We are moving to the Lanark County area. Please give a warm wel- come to Amos and Lena Knorr and family from West Montrose, Ont., who' have purchased our farm on Conc. ' 3-4, Kinloss Township. "All the best to everyone." --22x ,I3AKKER We would; like to take this opportunity to thank all those who sent cards and congratulated us on our 25th wedding anniversary. To Aggie, Cathy and Tina at the Lucknow Village Market, many thanks for your exper- tise and great service. The buns and' meat were deli- ciousl To all thosewho came out to the Lucknow Community Centre and helped us celebrate thanks for. corning. We had a great time) Spike and Jennie. - 22ar •CHAMBER.CF COMMERCE Thanks to all who participat- ed in the annual Western Days promotion - the busi- nesses at the Business Fair, the cowpokes, Har i• Id Mena „Don Scott, Deanna and Stuart Reavie, partici- pants in -the First communi- ty -wide garage sale, and the local businesses. Apologies for the no-show of the high noon shooteut - a- break- down in the lines of cornmu- nication. COC. --22ar S� Coining Events. 148TH ANNIVERSARY Ashfield • Presbyterian Church Juno 6, 1' is a.rn: and 7:46 p.rn. west speaker Rev. .Nan' St. LouIs, .Goderich. Minister Rev. Paul Chambers," Reefros�yniymoynAts to 'follow.. Ev'oryone welcorrnl : a- 2 2 ..