The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-29, Page 3Many passengers got to meander around town in this replica stage coach during Saturday's. West rn Days activities., (Jennifer Vanderrn er photo) Local students win silver at nation-wide sciente fair Two students from:. Huron County have won salver awards at this year's Canada -wide Science Fair in North Bay. Representing Huron County at the ,Nationals. were David Lisle and Duane Schiestel, -Grade 7 students at W nghaxn 'Public School and .David" Newton, a Grade 8 stu- dent at Howick Central School, • Lisle's project, entitled "Waste Not, Want Not" was awarded a silver medal in the junior divi- • sion of the fife sciences category. Schiestel,'s project, entitled "Candles - How Long will They Bern" was awarded a silver medal in the junior divi- sion of the physical sci- ences catogory.. Newtons project, enti- tled "Natural Water Filtration" received : a ...respectful showing at the • fair, in comparison to the . other projects. .Riuewate Secondary r� y School ,Vice -Principal o rrr► and delegate for the Huron Region, Mike Ash said that this marked the second year in ;a row • Huron, County has, received medals. Last year, Huron students received one silver and 'two bronze awards. Lisle's and Schiesters. silver awards are quite impressive, considering the 423 projects repre senting .109 regions across ' Canada '-Wide Science Fair this: year. Approximately 40 gold and' silver medals were awarded for 1.016 and Huron County brought home two of them.. ,. Preparations ,' ,:are already underway for next °Year's ' science fair and .the Huron Regional Science Fair Committee is actively seeking spon- sors to offset the cost: of sending local: students. to this prestigious national event. Next year's sci- ence fair will be in Regina, . Saskatchewan. Lung Association watching ozone Residents of Grey and Bruce counties, will soon be better informed about the amount of ground, level ozone in the area. Jane Abraham, pro- gram co-ordinator for The Lung Association in Owen Sound, • said ground level ozone read- ings will be broadcast on local radio, stations to notify residents about the levels of pollutant. Readings will be taken by the "Ministry of. the Environment and Energy at:11 a.m. and 2 p.m..in ty to push education," Abtahai n'said. ,Now ..until,-fafll'is the problem timewith high Tiverton and' then relayed ground . level.- ozone,. to Abraham in Cowen Abraham said hot, sunny Sound. She will in turn . days cause a chemical reaction with " ozone, Cre- ating poorconditions for people who are sensitive to air quality or Who are the level of ultra violet active. Readings from 0-31 parts per . billion are good, they represent no hard effects.. From 32 to 49 is . moderate and send the i'nfo'rmation to the radio stations, Readings will be simi- lar to those that notify of rays. "It'tt be Our opporctuni- Agricultuural Nal of Fame w members inducting ne from page 1 ly t� provincial and fed eral govemin its. • Carbert and Hill are two of the seven 'Men and women who.• will. , be inducted June 16 at the Ontario Agricultural Museum. They join 109 previous inductors in the 'W.A. Stewart Hall of Fame Gallery: Ken Knox, deputy min- ister of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural •'Affairs will be the guest speaker at the induction. The Hall of Fame is :a provincial non-profit 4 organizatonW created"for, the sole pulse of pro- viding :recognition t+ those who have made ` significantcontributions' to .the. development of Ontario's Agri -food from 50 to 99 s poor. Abraham. said ' moder- ate od r -ate and poor reading§ may cause problems for people who are sensitive irritating them or causing lung problems when :they are ati4ea:.., ea Ithy p potentially-`h exercising. The probletn.problem sterns front .pollution, that travv els to . this area 'from southeast Michigan and ple ' are $k, while industry. outhwestern Ontario. frhdy Club Gollan may ao, io 4 12 YQM*C.Q Emily Slone MMgy SOA 1065 • 1 Your 00 Matthew Van Osch 4une 10969 7 Yoarr :Old:• K1ene Van Owen Jvine' 1, 1994 Years ad . ae E ri a Hogan Juno 1, 1695 , 1 Year •rid Ryan Smyth June 2,1990 6 Vasa O0d TaJn irwin Jun 2, 1989 7 Years Ord o'" ,Seat f et We es 4 g 299 19% Page 3. y otl : . Mark Couittlarfti ORGANIC LAVN CAR OO rgank,' 1071/n caro E, t 4.cmploto. lawn conatruOtion„ maintenance and rendvaUon program that plaoea olua O oportance on IN GEOri h qad dWOO meet o8 lawn grace' ' ped on segl 'mucro .and •r acre ori rk- pule o • Tho off aQu rasp care Produce to'onhpnraQ orae pro - to= natural prOcosSea Ea'ti o tam anc ourabIng a strong, heapthy soul off irdcro-orgy le s� 11 ensure c healthy lawn: Lawn gramoS have. a strong Influence MI ?.olt forrnagen,, • ne gra { Va6 t' oapl ? of Pcdven9 Mtlo$ off fibrous rocas in a healthy lawn, many bvurg5 organisms live Pr nd e Beni ea Pad: roots. la one pound of root zone, there aro 98.9, IQQu q� OrOanWno of bate-. riu , fungal ' anal actiru onycetes " ft 1,000 square toot of turf Moses sam9 ©monism %lob h'about 70 pOUNO. These organisms promote' WO through decomposition of plant cutter and lawn products. SO h soot and'lawn grasses aro interdependent. Carefully consider Your lawn maintenance program to erasure a healthy, active lawn. Next Foeuse Nato ply Q MP io-1 See this space each I colo. for a Valuable Weed Man Thrt IR. WE CAGE FOR YOUR LAWN. Goderieh Proprietors TOLL-FREE �2�A /� cl�ru five t lja* 143004.387-0342 �4�2'Ft e� fe,� �ld�oar� ofeiifilteo Is your child 3 - 5 years old, Under 42 inches in heighten And would enjoy instructed fun at the Lucknow, Pool? If. ou answered. yes .come' out to Swimmnzn.,...es on , Registrations, and •sign' up. for KINDERSV' I I • Instructor: Lori' Exce l rl'1` rno '`� Cls Num et int classes T4n • • 0 - **.**,***** *******************-*• * * * * Lucknow and District Thursda jJ�u ie6 Saturday dune 8 1. at the. Luckfl 0 O:r creole (rt' iii- urpos room). • J L There will 'be THREE swimming _. sessions starting Tuesday July 2nd to- July 15th Monday July 22nd to August 2nd Monday, August 12th to August 23rd Pit ASE l ioT . The 'size. of Kinderswim, Yel;Iow and Orange swimming classes are • limited, come. •early and get the time of your :'choice d; GIST AT DA : Please know: Level Attained Time Desired' Willett Session: Health Card *tither (child) TRATIONTRATION FEE: Kinclerswfmelitld Colours $50.00Ver child, . m x $150.00. Swim Te art 2. .. Pre sehooI $3O 00 (SatOrday mornings)