The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-22, Page 27Page 22 - Lucknoi Sentinel, Wednesday. May 22, 1996 38. limmAt nav CLEARING AUCTION SALE ''1.4 ;e,, 19 Wednesday. May 22/96 6:30 PM 4 .. 4. BRIAN RINTOUL 357-2349 JP TOM PHILLIPS 528-2310 AUCTION SALE Monday. May 27 at 11:00 am. • !,st 1 r.!• J i J; i a . ',,'_' / n r h 1. r F....r r• : •.. r 41 9; vv •, 1, 41 9: try ' I: - I- �. „ t• f , . . •. ' 7 ' : YI F. -, ✓, ,. • 4: Jr r t., : :y 1'. ,.941'.It1•)' t ''J7t,..4197/ :' ...:',t ' { r AU IfiNt.l'.QiS• Grant McDonald kipit y 395-5353 Wallace BaIlagh, tet bi ne9 392-6170 39. Educational. ,,vt- to 1: iv,ti •, )1 ,Jtrar •J rr't; �i.�")Y.' o,ttzt t'r'3a-y f')+ y'J J+ l 111 t t:4 )r )Y "it/ .'? < 1 tet fyril r .';. + r,/ ', 1. ir , ';N, 41ittavvu ')N 'K 11 b1.(! Y1l•)+, , 4199( 'Jet'' t`x1)d'(t'r,'..t 911!: tst,aty 1 x+ ttifig '.pvdtor,l 'tet. 19 .1 9.1 c:11)lt 19 r,rJR; }Jute+ IJrogrdrrirru9,!d '/tit will suitat)lt Tapp i1-dittb. ▪ tv1t7., 1 8 O (J 41/ / b 1 1 AW(.v A.+)l; t l)NI l fro N( stt ti)e 'wester (1 5'1;11+701 of Au'.;t1+Jiietriny Next +;lass August 1/ 2.3/`.i6 (,unldr t SulJt►iwtitere (,)citarlr) School of Au!. ttionee!tIi 14 N ;a`') W+',udt.tock Oritclor. (8147) 1V9 !•')1 is i5 ...211N 39. Educational MC v NG C N ' Access the r', 00e r. , f rr arhel ata r'e SC : nor Na'irtry af: Se'.,c.e. 1'ee . T✓( 5 ',c 43. Births SMOLENAARS e o'; E C e a t .: ; e, we e 14 ✓ as C 1A rr '4;1 'd )'40 Jt r. A a y l +r ,' .4T a ')rr • it •+: o' 46. In Memoriam HACKETT .rr: ' Ivf r 1441 tvA .b; rr 9 • L • ' T.; 4,; .4; 4 r .( ✓(; ';'".ernrir:'r:•, ,,11 J,rr, SHEI!tW0OD ✓t 4e: 1'41;,,,9;, r. ••,.i r:.r r r,!:a i 444: yr, 9 tl 9 ✓✓'J r, ✓✓' , f• b : : 9: rj ra-tri+ %./VV:,/ I A:j y ' ./ J�J.tit 7, rr19.9,91 r., `'1'JW ✓(t; ; 't; '9,1rfr 11,9: 1 • tt 19;r y4::ar: I' '3 /1; ✓V9; rf,., y' , '):ay t,y A ✓.:ay.`; ref,.(; r' 9,4;e1;,1 /1'✓1' i1<lfj4;f1 n.Jt ,+yrtt.;t :a.r,t1 719, Vit 1 1 r,t• i'1✓4'14.i Irm,mory'Jl':a dear N'Jr' __:;490'•) hgOtr,e;r t errry ✓1t e, vv:y/ May 2411, ;i r.r, .;�✓94` W9 ar9(le kJ'r':,'i r',;jr,t 1197 f J:� •491 •f'l,' b9;;; fr,rf, 1r.'ift Vit.; +a l 1 Elf 47. Cards of Thanks DA W SON i Vye',Ad like t1) thank every. one wi t<, atter cried 9944 coin' rmuritty siu✓Wer ori I(yes(1dy. May / 1 batik you for all 111e woe,deriui tyrftb they w411 d!l be very (.4sefu1 in our ri()rna A very special thank you t0 everyone who Orgd nr)erl this. bh(vwe( 1'(7441 kindness will always be renter9bered !hanks Oru.t again Merrbetil 21a/ 46. In Memoriam MATTHEW MAN n ic.!nrg memory of a dear husband Lather and grand- father Arthur who passed away. May 27 1993 faernembernng you is easy tide iso it everyday, R1(ss,ny you ,s a heartache 'rat re vet goes away - - Ic r an a- smile fGr every-. t., • rr,jr1G1'J0lr o_ -ft t►e sweetest mem- .• `''irj '•'r.Jicj 0109 hold yo.., were someone +;9.;,, rr :r. ,;there r', say r(,5 -r, with all 'Jur r4';3rl 'r ' ' J,''r; r 0rr•' today ;' .'1 arid tAarr„r; it:rry and J;.Jrriir. A7444,1 /✓ arid J4:-'» r: f•r1. 47. Cards of Thanks DAWSON/SJAARDA /1': /VI^,t to thank r; ✓(:ry',nr; ✓t' 'irl tr,r; :af:'J r,;,,ri y !Wit 11 1,) :4119:ri'1 °,Ur '.9 %.1'; .and '1')';. h •,t,r:r.i%al 49 %a' V y',' t', ‘.7 Orli: r c•a,9.91 r',;ak,: It tlappa;9 And t;',I nr:/I day l)i,,;ar+k•, ',n' -r; ;e'i;alr 1/I:,sir,(:tr. ;Ind I);1/id . 21;ar • MACDONALD 1%2rriily ',f the Ian: .t.4•1:,9•;.341:9 1A%a'.I)',rl;al'J ✓1',ul'j ll%1; T', drank our 91:I:a11✓(:; iar''1 trrr:r,rj; 1',41 1119:19 ';/tr,J,:i►hj( rluri9,J. :29'i l') ,r; .Of our l4',1)ct:r '•1,';',(1)1-1lls)rk'; tri J+;:ail loft iirlr) Id',t, 1/1:3+.919 n/419: 1'9;1)'1/ K.991':(9h991 :ir,'J 9).1; 1%9');4;> '91 19,9; 1'41(;:,Ly►(:91:111 • '(,1,IJfr, i, f1,:,r ' 1117rii i.,':1'1r sy, I (:tri 1.10? t)(114' 1t-,(;99; 2 1 / HUN.JER-FARIt1%41 /9: vii, .l'1 ilk(; tr, tt, iiik` f )t' • 119 1)aile;y, fir %ant 1119; ia.►n1,nl:arN:e; dt14:9 rj.,?Y1:.:4 lit('j !tit vt»t1 iii . K1(11.4 r'illit ;4991 Ow41ti +,449411 ll41)4:pl1ii1-b 1',? ihtlr !...2 96 of (,9)1r; dri!1 Yer?y /Wit;; /-.iv', 1', 11t; vvele,r,r(1rs rvd';J',9' and p:,4t((.rpati4,(J -miti(.h,a9ib :;ori 1') 9; (;ry'rrie; vvlir, at9! the, ►,v'3ut9tul ti,, ij Hurry (a,lt 2 1 WYLI.)S 1 rrc, 41111 trkt 141,, 11,499 49 my 14949+1/and tme9i 14j9 their disits phone (.41l5 !anis and 1I()1ft fb ai,rle,1 wao it, i,';�1,itii! and toor the deli +.ir,rJa treats . and food lir+ ught to the house sir11,� reform/rt.) 1ttitt+e .11 was d$I ytedtly af)1J 9 13tt (i lune - 21x CASSEL lilt (;asset tarnily would like t0 thank friends rieIglr 1)Ols arid relatives tot cards, visits phone (,ally and prayers whsle 1-.dmunlf was r9.I►ie li4afJltal and sirit,e re14,,4 ,i(y home A special thank you to those pruvi(ill transportation to -10100n or helping m9 any way Your thoughtfulness will alwayS' be rerrnernbered 21 x 47. Cards of Thanks MURRAY/STUTZMAN We would like to thank everyone for attending our stay and doe Special thanks to our wedding party, parents and all who helped in organizing and running the event Also a big thank you to Stuart Alton and Toni Andrew -Thanks again, Sherry and Dan --21,x MACDONALD The MacDonald family wish to express their sincere thanks for expressions of sympathy at the time of the passing of their SIslr:r -1(1 aw Margaret (Webster) rAacDo)n;alri of Walkerton and fr,r kindness shown not only -to 119(7tH but to her farm ily --21x , 48. Coming Events ANNIVERSARY SERVICES will t,1: held at the Kililr,urlh Presbyterian (.,hurrah on `)uriday, tAay 2€ ,. at t 1 a tri and h 1>! (n `)E)0d,11 r r', w111 1u.9 {'a',tr,l', (,,r,rrJ',n rid `)hirl! y MiJr.I)rj9;aid from Hamilton `;p1;r,I:al rriiJ',I�, f VOryon'.: welr,orru: '21/ - 2ND. ANNUAL MILEAGE CLUB •,1:1(trriy J119r; 1';1 Wolk, 909, 1)I1' : (if 9011 Hr;(Jlr,tor :it i',✓/9 I I;ill '$2 14:9: 1 '44,f)114: 1 •,t;ar►Ir'i'J Jon': 19) 21 I Resume Rule #4 (,uf,',,t 944 rrr't;t id, •;t1e70.11f% urvrr':t ✓iff y 0919 9(rr,4; !r',r 9 y td Of, ,ft 1,r'i,aftrq Ilu•rr ri ,iJ( (:, ern ;h 9 9944: +1+,!.infit;fel rel rn',a1 1 Jrl /(1 .1'; 44',4 10'41 ,.(499,29-1 • n,rf .1 {r /tcrdwl t rnl,luyr„•' (,It:./fly 1t,1;4, ll,t•, 9✓019.199'1e' jt +,1,rrtefil ' 1 •air' ' ,1f4/'.b'/1'11 both yr+ui �. ,t -':or + 9,491 Irttrt Hill ploy 1 U,9; 1 • 9 94.294,9 Nit;,Nit;• q(frr,19,r,tlra, ut 0,9; 41914'' ''1'' ",j' rte/ill, I 44.9 or, It 1,rr1 II 1 111111,91‘,7911f 1r, ,,19i,t lfrtl 49, 11119a ^.)ftty 1,4(4, ',r, y .194 .1114,41 Dv 11914 tor, 1 ''41rf, t,utvite 1,,,•9,u9'-1:hi ,il t,it,rt 4',1 l I fit /(1119')l'• -;<-r. yt-nf 41r1,4:141e41' 94 /9t 191 4910i I , 9 !l: ,#,, I,It&/vt@w wrrl,;lrvey :1,91ir .4' ",`/9i,9191'J 101.t',1 Student Betula AvaIahte 1 41',1 4'.r,(1 iC,1 ;t19il al,tpnrrllr,rlil ' all I !d Q'+)l,9✓/ 1. I1 n1rnan, & ASSoclat:eS t '111.';1 1) i/i'1%frtit?t r1!,91t;9(:11 I (519) 524-6617 l L • .! x..1.111. ., yniJ ,i,r 9 9)9911,211y 111vtlt-.rl 149 .ant(((i Ilii• • ANNUAL MEETING i,t 11(41 Chlldreu'ti Aida Society of Huron County tip Wednesday, May 29, 1996 el the Maltlelul b')lf lid 9 9,09919 y ( Fuel No(rlti Harbour I(ued (r99deneh ()warp) Businesk Meeting: 7:00 pin (;1)i -5I 51'1:AKf;1( Me 1 y9ili Eakin of 1 yiiir 1. atoll /5 AJSUt Iel9S W111 dlaeuse Iter liolelilla) merger leetw990 Huruu 4999 44( e 1 1,111194'19 Aid 4)111 letlea A a491 4.1 11919e will 14,IInw 48. Coming Events BINGO Godench .Knights of Columbus, 1 hursday, 7 p rn Columbus Centre, 390 Parson's Court, $3450 in prizes $1000 00 Jackpot must go •--'15tfar HUNTSVILLE LADIES SOFTBALL'S hosting 32 team tournament July 5 6, 7 Contact Wanda Lumley /05./87-0014 No carried players allowed $1000 prize money based on 32 --21bc • STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL l ucknow -Presbyterian Church 1 hursday, June 13 1 wo settings 5 p rn and 6 30 p m Tickets 1n ;)dvance ONLY at 1 Inlay Decorators 528-3434 Monday - friday 8 a to p rn , Saturday 8 a ;rti p rn -•1 9.24 RENEWAL SERVICE `apO9•gored by Crossroads r,t ($tiar1 (;entre Saturday, May 25, / 30 p m t.ucknuw Chrit,tan Sctlool, Highway 81,• 1 1/2 milt; cast of 1 ur:know i'hone 528 2436 11)! ,Int(1?l.n.atrun --20,21 ar STAG & DOE I orJay .Powell and Angela firlu:kl(:',, Saturday, May 25, 9 p rn 1 ;i In a1 the f 111,IeY r,orrlplex 20,21x SLOGAN/LOGO CONTEST 1•109 1 o(,kfiuw't, f 4011) 1)9411) day ,1 9911141 and win 41(1(9 1011 rola and 49:14lIi91 444 dieplay slid- rn April 1 / 1 ui:krlow 4;(;Iltllfa 1/ 71.0 MENTALIST 1119414 1 luhorlc.0n 1', i'''!''' my 1111/ puwur of 1.4794 Jt,t,tluta )11. 1 1. .M1911111 '.; `; I hutl'11ity, .1914441 O, / 'iO 1, tit All 0,1041,9;(,,(1:; Irl rt' niltiral f.uo9r.11 1 rix GIAN r' U1W I) HOOK SALE= nl 1(ty111 101 IIvaI, .1tn (c: 1, !) '4 (9 4 ), nl dalnl11' siun tint, .1499. 19(41u1iclrl re,a(Jirr(J pin $5; hook rluiluhlrls wt;I1.+,rrie 9,4111 (51,1)j 521 4'145 19 2744 - 6 t COMk.. AN() GO SHOWE'H 1111 I4' bt4Is1ly M0bt I, 1,riifr.. 10 1,4 01 '�nr9 Mundy on '-,att4(day, May :'414 tl1,144 1 '10 4 1' (49 dI the house (1f 1lohalld Wllylol.k' 0111 Wheeler `i1... 1119 know ve.(yorira wen ,.+,lm9 WALK ABOU r ( )ptinlislb of 1 iu.kri4)w want /94414 14) I)tIriy /09.94 feel ur ' IJIr;y1le-)irt9day, May 29, I nt,k9uw' (,( nipliex f logien;( 1 30 p tel $h family, $2 per b&Ji'4 2 1 al Intermediate Gymnastics !t yrs 9Yt t) Starting June 3 . for 4 weeks '15.00 1141rkf)t)w t'et►tral Public School 5 P.111 ti p,ut. info 5219-2143 48. Coming Events ANNIVERSARY SERVICE 'rinity United Church anniversary service ir-! Sunda', May 26, at 11 a rn Guest speaker Is Rev Bill Bresnahan Special music. by Mark and Dianne vanVeen of Elmwood Lunch to follow. Everyone welcome •-21 x SOUNDSATION Tickets going fast for the. 1996 Soundsatlon Spring Show Friday May 31 'and Saturday June 1 8 p m Tickets $1Q available at. ucknow Cut 8. Curl dr phone Debbie -at 357 3763 -.20,21 GARAGEJBAKE SALE & BBO Kintail Save the School Garage, f3ake Sale and 13130 May 25, 9.a rn Vendors welcome $10 lt'e , f or information cal -I 529- /652 or 529./288- or 395 5151 --21 COME & GO SHOWER lit ladies' I am hosting along with my friends i9 t:orne & Cao shower •for Sherry Murray, Sundlty, Jung- 2 from 1 • 4 p 09 f veryone welcome Barb Noss, /19 1 lavolo(;k- Si 21,22 132ND ANNIVERSARY t; halnterr' : l'r o;,bytes nen Church, Wl(lochuict4 /111 (olot)r:it9 its 1',129991 .4nn(v9;r r.i.lry May %. 11 a ni ,44x1 8 p 111 1199v >tovvn hl 1 inr.,ry (9Is I (9.(41 .W:hitt will he guest ',pr:,ikor A 4)40 9(441 group from K4144,4'0(11(119 ,i91(4 will provide rn'0or't: at the evening service ;;01(9,91 119041 will 'follow the owning ser. VI(u 1 v;e(yont; wt)l( mitt) Cr) 2'sr►t WEOC)ING ANNIVr FiSARY (;calcil,r<tlri lhr• '.",t1) wit:ti 1111(9 ,mi441(iN99,9ary 01 Mott...owl 194441 Win 1 oingt(1u May 2511), at I.11( k11OW /9 t)0G1111,t (.MI1111(r(Ill)/ (:914)9491 Y 1J1ci14c:m( r; Ir, 1194144 (g)ly gift Ilam( 44191 `) 1' tm lu t' 1 ittIna 9)1(.t94blia '20.2 lnx ()HANGEVILLI FII)DLE S f t`EIUANCE CAMP ,1(1144 i 5 20, 11911 ((1414 1'19I(a !It 111y01 `ii u11 Wu(a(la, .1(441/ Wdyinuulh, (,iliily 1 It ,inpso(i 9•(4)414(9 bill t 1191,11, i-'5 Iliva(lwdy, 411(dn(ytavllle,` ON 1.9W It 4, 1-,1 941 508.9 71 ht. S11001 PA111�Y Mur4doy, May 2/ at F1 p'it) ul 1194 W191te9 Clint 11 11449E t 4491 It, a(lnitasf(,m $7 f v11 /one watt 01110 `3IIo115u1ri(1 1,y 11d11 tioanl STAG AND DOE tol tAtivit 1 ullhei4 argil Ap(II Woods Walkd41014 11094141 i'alate, 141iiay, May 24, from ti p til 1(4 I a 449 1 tl,kels avaliabia al lite (lour_ 2 loc. - GARDEN PARTY , i 414111/ (Jolted 1;1904(,14 12a441ti9 F'aI ly, I uesday, ,.)tariti 4, at HI 001(1t1 Tullio, S9,,11001, 5 / p in Adults $/ 'i0 Children (0 10) $3 /b p1e4c:19uu1ers fled 21 22x