The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-22, Page 23IPaae m Loettaon Seritlt ell. Wednesolay. 1`vlav 22. ll`ya
11123''0d SB•.offtt s`s roue >,':24,a,t119g �n9rdB6e.
�� pi1 "C ; P)mi'. • gvfle . o"' 11.7. a1,.el the Jr;
6: °!•ocF bevade tt,r spilt .a•ditain
�,d;g ,.'•C ".roti• ? I!•^:" 1 t'Ot' SrotSithecwea P r.
Jt,o 1'i eehat t• .ausBng
.1I; Br. the
4,Pp,c t• !.. I.a ,. 'ca.1';ate 14rJtill site
lPn:.'JIr1g �,y ,tt r, .y�edbd•.noP llPaNte Puellill
(>, er1. teT°cd 29Th has (Teen teNt2he the pH
Uue'gthht0„r-1,g bdifi:TE• ,!: °rtc: -t the 'ca.haie and
Pars. ort', hf r i1,, • ]i'ie hdudtBraF t.aPdk helt)re tr:tt Gras the site .Aril
-r st: tar fdtt been
Cr tests
h . ( r 1. 1'ldr,t
da. •, I),�':c }}11r1r1
smell hase oaltething to do
eo 1flh ea. h tither;. salt IKen
Hullte1 hoard member and
commissioner of Works
for (rtttierl.h
( oncsla)g.a-Rosers saes
it there is no pH lesel,
there's nu need for .h11, -
rine reported Posh!!
Jon t think fisc gal-
lons 4)1 .hi(Irllle w111 kill
c.ereth►rlg in a load of
lea.hate. said hoard
rnernher Bill ('arnuihan.
Reese of 1u.kersmlth
1' n1hir
"hit gallons of
.ti ,r4rle wori t e'en .lean
1! • i:lse Jn ':;1:dr(,111,rr
ide,i }h.nt.r
umes .Still a 1`r'rDhterra
"I•or a eOuplc 119 0¢',2(12
vet'. neeer hada problem
at (; derit.h Then in
January we have a prob-
lem I dont understand,'.
said Hunter
i'ostlll questioned
whether someone might be
dumping toxic substances
in the storm sewer near the
leachate lat►Irty
"No. the sewer is sepa-
rate from the stuns sewer.
The leae.hatc is at the end
of the line Nu one is
putting stuff in, said
(,ode^rich s works LW-11r111S-
He rep.irted that the only
tirric there is a strung smell
and 4 )m[lalnts is when
ckers i n h a
(Ir.'_ rrr:fns.:r rrlur,I.IPili
r, (,t )h,: h1,d-}fufon
l-Jr,,J!Ji Srt': 1 !),1}il.S,
13',41d r. t '.'.lih thr
»22r2 l'
l,•- 1 4,1 IT. 2,11hn,'
. 1' .r, 1,f,: .,, r 141,.
,:.1,(J 0,1.....r,m(', •,.41 ,, t'..,LTv,,, '.11.2(•:;4: , %:,,. ,J,,,,,, r•'r,,.a`,'„•,a cit:
;al t:,,, ,�.,, r, ,
> t uttr,�a J
t -r•,a r, via-* M•,,y; ! ori( (, k
t44e,o't .,t a ,,.,
1 C.,ratrvan Prirtttnq & �,dyertisIng Lucbnr3wd. Or t: 1 Q;jnafl,llenue 1i,he he
(r;1'1) 521-3,27.60 Fa, (1191 52;.1-3348 sII •
ism tinging swim maw mom slim MOM MIMI CORM �. Teeswater school
( (((
„.J 1 .11 1!,,
};)' do, i1,,
(/','J';r1' 1) .,rid In r,i114n1' :1
1,, ,. t1 .11,
1(:12 '- r
they are pumping Bearhate
at the facility
"Where does the mea-
sure of responsibility
end''" asked the landfill
site supervisor.
Hunter said the leachate
holding tank in (iodcrich
would he physically
cleaned in the next few
weeks which maay•solve
the problem. One hoard
member speculated that
maybe some bacterial cul-
ture in die tank is reacting
with the leachate to cause
the strong Iurnes.
Hunter reported that in
the past the leachate from
the landfill site had a "pea
green ((dour" hut, now was
"I think we have to do
mals: work un what's caus-
ing it. Why is there a smell
now anti not before," he
The MIHLS hoard passed
a ,notion to authorize
Conestoga -Rovers and
Associates to find the root
cause of the leachate
With the agreement of
the hoard, Hunter arranged
a trip to the leachate hold-
ing site for members to sec
the set --up and where fume
problems were happening.
1ror)) 1:v that the hoard
overreaoe(i or) ihc,c two
stern', and felt the hoard
h))uld he ad'i ,ed 1(l the
f(:c11r,', (11 thi, (uI1r,
.1.11(•21 ;1 IC114'r it) I-tlt'
1I.S },u;,rd Ir(11(2
1 1, b' r rr,itff1?' i ,)l;il!
p4)1,,' (,'I 1.11(
(( 122' r 1111',u,'fi h 'r. •, (i 1
,-(pt ,11 11,1• 1')}12( • 1:11,
n' 41 1,n, ' tIn;r 1.111 Il Ih'
r, -.(,1,411',(2 /. 1 2(1.1)1).
111( (H.111 11;112.) hau14'r
112- 1,1 111( 1111(1
.11' 11 hr 11)uk Ihr luh .1112.
1/(1::(1114', r o2,1ta( for heti 11(1
1)roldern Wr: re (Ju)n;,
',urns: 2,f 111', vital, for nus}t
mg. • said ('arnu(hen
The present Icalthaie
hauler is 'doss
Pannahcckcr of RR 5
222' supervisor 1•rank
['will! said 1',ra2,111112 kcr
wa',t, l Pa•,h12,1' Jur culler
r,1 Iht , hen;,(•', }int he had
In Ow pa':i 2 uli111I,,inrd that
th' 141211 22 144 41 12, 1124122,221
the h'.1, hate had illi rr,2'.1'd
1114 2• ,I 1111(( w,1'. 12211 111 1111•
hill' I(, ihr 1111121114;' 1,1111'
Ori(- 1(4112(; lIl 'ltl}'f '„1121
I11,21 In Ihr rt, 1' Ili (II ;111
1.2) v11 '.11111, 21,1'
lnont•.y Ihr hoard spent on
thew 2 haJugr', would well
utl',('t the t o',2 ,,l a possi
hie lawsuit.
"'}'his hoard asked
Conestoga Rovers Ior
(lire( tion on 1I1C4. • prof,
Icins They told us this
was illegal (the way the
(tut k was unloading
Ira( hate) Wt' li 11, 1' to
unload (0er .1 shill pad.''
said hoard 111(•11111('1 lCrn
Itllrlll'l r' 111121111',',11411(•2 (11
W(11k,, 1('1 (iutlt•rI( It
112 aid 11,2. 11111111111}'
own('!, would ',l4. 1111 )(•t
it 21 1l \' 11,2(1 11) I'y
boot Jut a I' trap Ile
1.1221 Iht' K1(1)'hls 111
('ulunlhus 1'1,14.4' Oct.')
worldrr 1.11" (on',Itic21111'
2111' situ:itioti
a't wt!1'.4i,,t 4'. '..41)+1.,,2'( t. It ,d.,dlRr t1, 4C alhst a„rre, .Crt
/linvrti.ana I
Fu Q Guarantee on
r, Attresses and
match n box.sprin
�lbiKY, irtterl(1r,12,,4rai4 r;>llts
(stood el tats (.►,Lire Perlrri'te(
of t1a' ttitsmt:(ress
wins $1,000
•• /;:12' r ',d( red
1f' -:,'.r1 ')' h',',l
tb I rf(il) 2'22 ;1 ( lint'-•-.2,1•iOrl+
r., 41 12'1 (,r''/ 1:f(J1'
11 art }1, ;1111, and Illy V
1't rip -2(;r'-,
'1' 21-(1 1f, art 2,,1(1 til'"
✓+Inth flr' 11221 112 2hi-
i-th'- Pi (2 ( ' , 1, i t- , t
111' < r,rnk.,1 -' } Ji' nr(-'d
1114 f,t, y :12,41
1:4lJ r , 1.221141(4 ,, 11,, ' ufr,''
1112 ielttl .) rl;drd,r for Oft
11t1 /1''i'J?1/ 411111,1 /fly 41
F,'•Jf;>.' 14 l 4.1111'
'111 11O'•,11-1', ;null ''liirl', 104
hall( 21 r 1l„ l'1(1'.
( (infix-tttlo r)
1 h'- '✓/lra)Ilnr' 11,1„• '1,.1'.
1).11 1'1( 11';12 O.4., 1 -10
(-24221(-'•. 'J/''J1- 1(-('-2'/(11
1;12' V 1)lur'2ofr
11',rl;1t'-1,1 S.I (111(1 1', liut
nr'r. 'tor t!tip
, rlul'111111-112 for Ihr ',1 hotit
I hi', 71.21( ( 11.1114'11;14 -
hi - P1 0;: ',('U'p)' 2 1 (1011
a f 1". plat r ' 3 .4 I u i (Li j1,
111(11- 1 .12 1'()I 1 1'.1x'121
( AV'/ ( (-rlttt-
Hunter wins Hill
award for de±cation
to hroornhafl
1 hl" 1 (14,1.,21t) NA/
11'.1111 /'(11141 I'tkr 14)
4 oll}'I,22!)1.124' S114110
1111111r1 (111 I4-1 C.1‘111..
1114• 1 y 11111
Nlrn2ut1.1I /1w,ui1 fut
Ho- Infill IIIrrittlie2
1N1111 1'• (110 11111',!
dr(;►( ,t11'r1 (11 1(22,1,111
`)1-14.1I,i w.)'. 11►1
',1.1111'6 will, flu'
l,l)llur .111(1 1.r('p't
11OVily (414 Apt if I t
.1t the annual
lir I I)ai►tlarrt
,int) .Iw.12!I night
Twin Stet MARE )
312 T� cc PTE
/� e,� $ 376 5th' CASW
Double Sep $ 399
Queen Set g 449
King Set . ; 599,
tt'Qut your used set,
reg ard.tss of i -o ndrtion
(When you put(:hawse any
1.04e (4 these Matt.res:t stets )
•(J4a4y,JVirag belles and 'Lerma cll.
,I($ extity 4.(. Bra;$ onto
berturtl Sr
emori s
1 iol itmr, ';I ',.111,1 flint
1„2i1,' J/32-7121.ry',11L'))1l11i,t (1 )1).,1241
,,t,:litu'e buys
514 ( r{tj4 St
389 4454
•R, irommifR2'� ydars' •1,i sbiel,f, it) ki,i/P.OceO AaAYTKI i'i'A_ rr_sfAct,(gy
1'4,1 1)1',1'
1111'1! 1J1.122OJ1
I .J11
881 M2344
.1 ;SOO 4234 Eit1,04
A 1
•1Vew InllJ412Ii i telephone to data 11Iew21e. litto111eoa
i eeidetltlel
•7elt•11ht,be art 111 Ja41 u1(,,vea whin lone 111 Itiodilb
•tte.palie 111 V( l('o, t'w411ebb 1,hs,1see
•I' hJltl1u1,e. 4111 elle paging b ateiva
•(:si ,ti1lnig be/ ea• iII( I(U1I'11g trai1111l1! ,21141 ayalrnl dt:olEl,
'i'iifu )ale 1(141 ibleb (,illy j) -S(, 1.111 for the. 11)01 11lgul and
$4. i f1(I ft,/ eat ), /Mill I'd,al hued'
We are the affordable allerraralive 911 the delephurae 1-unalllatyl
Afrnnber eye ;OM 4072 1 t4&184 224D 2202