The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-22, Page 911Dor Q 6 m fl t:a0Cxni oca Oor attO io11, V; mi1uesdlaa•. RBZ.1 m 22, 0 °P°DQn fi 11%)vvi ^. 1'141,11%1to, , ( u1i,11J111illy Nrw<,),.epe t i,l'9 (.11ilj,tte h `,s 1. ,' ,4140.4, 1'() Box 44(1, Luc know ()wart() NO(1 211() phony (fa 19) 528-2822 1.Ix (/i 1 e9) 52.1i 3:12 E.srubiLshetri 11173 Toni Thompson oan - AdvertLfl. Q.rrng MalliagClr Pat Livingston GeunerralJ1 Manager eir / Editor Phyllis Matthews 1f feint •- Front Office Joan Courtney Typasettter soma 54p1l015 k:atr5 :ativ:rret r Lot .d 12e-gul<ai $25.3 1111(1 1x"t.ige.arid (, `) I I yattltr4 4() r1U radius L(teat Senior $2.3.52 fin( 1 Hostage :anal ( • 5 7 1 within €o teal r:.aina, (Pat ut .are•;((4()',irli s) $26.68 dm 1 postage- and (; 5 T 1'•us igi► lir 1 ISA 8E10.00. Piddle .attons I15-511 rt-t;1str.tu(,55 n', 1,1/.4-1 7' held .at Lut know ( /want, 1_.1.,,51.4 13 .11Y, ! ,, '..f 7:;,7c1.‘. .W.. ,.atl.lr(rtei at to ‘ 411,&x' !return lxrstay;t gime ,itite't'(l) .are' lu be vent to 'I'1, Lw 1tnuw '.rt, (11,90.y. :' a, t tptael ,11 !fit , „n+9111t/1i this 111 tilt' 19(1(1 ui a 1`tx,l;ratllut l error tlu• pus •1 �: '.rte 97.,1, tf . .1,:'51', ! . !,t '., .i.4'5 tis ::11111,r4rthrt aith .1 rr,t95511.t4 .Uuw,u15 r lur 111411.11w t' 19111 11111 b4' 511.11g1'11 1 ' '.!.t ',z4a:: t ; 'hr mthtrtlserr,1-111 will tx• 11.14t1 dt lilt• app65,Lir talc' n Guest column ha Jt;nnu(rer \ aundQ r-metr I,an t I t. 5'51'5.. "f 'shell 1)1. Ir it f't•rte,.t ,pf1('rtunlil 1(1 thin} .it', .Iry .111 the ar'rrla- and (,dors Jr -in Ihl l4'• ..s ih.lt Man. ''1 u'. 1F' 1, r .'r 1r,SVd .'. titi•. rrhaF Iii the trip trO55 1 t\erton I 1 'i brio th1 . .'reek, there was a lei til .r 1 (11 rr,e'II • '.4( /11can ()Illy ).'et a '.h5ff �,1 1ri a rural area 1 he most pro- 51'.•1r,'-' ,J 1 54 ur.r. (manure No rnat- l.-r 'h'• rro'•Il I ',lterl ',fft'rldlrly, 11 trig 11 .'' ',f Ihc: ' ca', it 11 1,F'• the rmrll of frr',h cut ytrass, 1e,1 '1',ri t frail/.r: '',(ell [MY -,rd 11 all win h l •Jrt111 ,',4J ff,''ll it after the 11r,t (tit 1','• ' l,rl((y 1. e'•11 dirt ha', .a good f!n' f1 J5 (111' tlrra': (,f '1 ear ',irarlr'•1 ) there are few naturally LJrinr • rel' II' lel 111,• .'In1rr Srls,w, 1 ' .,It and .aid :111 h.,vr 115, • tr.< H 1 :,' ',rel , ',ll' that ",rel'• to mind t'rt'.'-II',f 'r1'„415,1,1,1h- v.11 1511,1,11'-''fti;su'.1 v - n 14 .� s t 11 t r L) s which I like• and the delicious smelt of smoke trout the chimney' art a house with a wood-hurntng Stove '1 he hest smells are definitely h(ue)d in warm weather Think shout the smell In tilt• .lir the morning atter a thunder .(151111. eedar, the smell of your hunts after the window's have been open all (lar, sheets that have hon dried on the e.lothes line, a new hook or a clean hahy A always, there's some had that must ftu a)onp with the good. Most could du without the smell in the air when a winter's worth of dog duo shows itself on the lawn, a damp haserment, hot asphalt or a nul so ('lean baby. This is the perfect time h til .,bout what it would be like wIIh41 l ',east' of smell Just imagine 11 you c ouldn't smell daffodils, huises, roast heel c o(klnp mi the oven, eft Apologies to (hose who suffer lroim allergifc+ d• this time of year L r' -1`k7 ♦r�F �1i1,+ 511 t,ki�aa'x t") k #lf "" - w` 2 . y 0 11 11 e ,U `' 4 I1 ',h J.1r111,1r ✓ 1(,1114' .veld '.91/1115".111111;.' ((5' 151' 11 ',1511.' .1 1111111151'( '51 '.',r, ' . Ari r'Yt Ilyd 1 / ;') .,i ill,- }5%l �Yr;arF 1 1 1 fit 515.-r Irl 1.',r1,1'755 ill' f.,itl',,1' tool, plat r 1. 1,4(1 ;11,P'•ar' ,1 III' i 5,t' ,15 Up.I.1',11.11 '1() ✓/ ilial /,a' 5') 1.S. '(✓1-11 , t til 51„• . l' r !, ),' r f'ir 5154 r ,1'J .1 511...5'd t}sat 111 �r151(1 1,1a� 'Al a /✓.114 (n4' .1551" 5151 111,1 .15 of 5 1':5 5t' irurDr fit (1) >utlit l'.551r„ 1/1 eft' Itt,rt .,1,11 11.11 Is /,',111'i /s 1111',411 5 11111 /', .,51'4, ' I5rn1, it t', alias sty :111(11'•11, s• .1'.•.1111 1,1s-51 ',n• thy appointed nlril► and had, Owls ape-' 1.1n11y 1heel They :,11 al(r1 .,.at .,net ':.5t 1*.;1, 1„-rf'ltff 4'-t appealed 1111 ' roved' Bail' liven d11tY1-d, 11 'Jya% .1 he/ •,‘ 1,, 15) .1(,,11,111 w5,td for 151,ttIt 111r- .11111(1'554 r r/,,': -1, rttrayr-d Iliac Ihr•y 1,5-",,li to pull Illy 1h1-.Ilrl .,1,,,:I A Ilion}( I Ise lm. ',i, .i',it511)' 111111r, w11Is rltlllll'.al',iI1, W.1', the vie Io► 01 Ihr 11.11IIt- oI ( ullodr11 111 I /'l(,, llututlr Int r ('hal Ile''. rli( 111y, 111r I )14 I- „I ( I l,uld, "141114 h(r" ('uollrr I.utd AIthou}.'h Ihr teal rr.t 1811 I: not ilea' wisy 1111- 1N1,111 ii-W(,t11 /iil1/ t, 110', 4 1)111( 11, 115( 511 ,1 e t,inpirlr .11141 ri1111a1 t.1': ;mI}! 1.1111814', lire 11.51, ": I lir "1(51115- III,11 rt " 11.11) -omit- in) 11ie'114 r 1811 Ills' wl,ld II';,Il't' 111 r V4't yday '1prri II t 1',lt 1 I1 Illi'\Is'll 11h,'tti) Mirr r reflection et, ,Q,nr policy '1111- 1 tit 15 now 'rnllnrl wilt 111111-' lradrl\' l ir11'4 .tttd tlpllnt'II' \II veto•(\ 11111 115' ',I}"set's, 411141 1115 lode Ihr •utt11111'\ ,I(hhl'\\ coal (s-Irt'hu110 nl)t1111r1 1141 1e.ttll,,it14'Il pult(o',r", 1 epee', '4111M d hr (11(,14 ;11 and ,u4' 1s'nit11tc•11 rdltrrel 1511 ,('Huth. \tl 1. .111511 (I.Illly Ili it•l liar,', welt 11 1114ikr a p111111 11,11 t• ,Heel(' 1111)4(4 l ;inti \(chid ,l l'i'bel 5 11.1114 r tit Ills 111'114111 1'4'1,1111411. 111111(15\ 1 (111\111111'1 t/si11t)1c11111\'411111 t's'li'1111;1119 111}5`11111\ 151111\ will I,,- Irir, Irll � (TWA A of .° Clean up that rubbish is the order from MOH 1 70 yeas; •N ago Many 27, 1926 dr►11a1► (said nao)dla a 111 r5'11 vitt' t,1 1 1' 1• I1"v✓ ,551 111. it (ij (,',tits( '1 1s, Ila, it all 1i11,1i`II 14 1155,15,1. 1115111. Olt it. 1,.11 F /,1149 .11111 it, ttl,ft (,111 1,',t/7l r 4 It W1111 Ott 4 ttittl111! 1,1 VV ,nii11 1 115 .1014 1 1,111, ,11111 11J1,1/1`ti 114. 1,1(15 .1 1111 11.14 1 I" 11111,111 15 Oh)) lid 1,,•14 1 ',l di( I/)i )11 0 he ad',t p t)Zt atlas alb 55)51 ;Ild 11',:'s .s - s (1111 and ft, •1, i, 5111,;., ,1 • Il, •(1u1o,< 1 11-4 11 (51 1"14 11, Is 1411514 1st 1)t'• ( / 51.1 1e al 54,5 .15551 115 1 1 151114 ti,l• .141 /,111, ' ')1111,41 Iti1,- ,il 'i.) 1'1V,, s „i f 1.• 11,t Iht1,2: ,91' .•tit , I,sI I',1 11 1'/ f w 1111 „1 ',t I.1_ ,,, 1 ',t 15'.11 t,,I,, i. 1.1 1114,'1( ,1111) :•t /I4 ) I5,ii11 11 (4„141,,, I. ( , I,,, , , (1111111- at 1,rrl r 'L / `O 11, 1,1 0e01lt19 aalay(,tre 1,1,,11- v/515 Ijt !114 111,,1'11111 fol 1114, I')/r, t'5 .s.'.11 I's, •-t'Is III , .i 1(5 / ( 11 1)1. k 111 1,15 .1 t'5 115 511) t 111114 111, SO yt'a1f1'N alit() .Mals/ 29, 11946 5*551 1cs Daa' 1 )1511' 1. ltdir, d,u11!J1tr1 1W➢I .11111 1V11' Willi,tlll lathy ,II Hid .total 15 .1 un•1f1151 411 lilt' Womlrn•`, ( 10II1 ).'t I iDsltlitll )!1.111u•ratinl! t 1,115- who will I4 t r iV4' 111511 4 1111114 ,111dl ( 1,111'414 1511,411 111s11 1111 I'I isI,iy 5 VSrlln ' 1 ),lin well ,11'11 154 I1'1 tilt 1ti4111111's'il 1l5111lt Y ,1w,1111 11,1 -(ilk i, a) 11111 911111 un,d 1111 11,11111115'55 1,11/4 ,l DS Q '0aa01 dee ala0 0au'0aodla0 1115 1 Ill k ,iii 1V '11 )'l ( lies 111,511' II, , 41(411)1+1114 1,11111 14, 1154 Wmltrhtene 111,5(51 I,II I4, ,,, .'5-'5 511 1 ,Iuilll,inti till, 411 Ihc Ih15 s k 114 lu'u5 151 III( rlt' w hitt-1111,d 0 0ae- a'a11de►a 9k*Da0 It y Its. 1111 al 1,151. 111 any 111111 dim I,\. -' iital5)5 151 x.11151,11 y 5 (14,11)!11 111 115 11 11115 II a e w 5111115111)! t,t,1,) 1114 ', a 11) 11 til 1111' 1 IIIIi1Ie1111i1y 11i' 14 111 414 1111 tl 1151 ,it ilea) l , of ,l ew {lill{1111)! 111111 11 411(1 `.aI, ('5 plow mit 1 hr k 011511154 (11111 (11 a 5 %11111111111_ 111'511 111 1 lit 145541w would lir a mato tiudeitakmt( but this ha, 11(11 /daunt 141 115 i11 the past (mil .s15111 11111 IIII11 H 5 y ealrs al 144 Maly 27, R9811 a 555550 a aaOws•tt• i alt' '$1'449121:5,I nt'I -, in the tl 1 1141411111% �1m5111511 1.0,itt,ttht'55 41.'55 11111 11511.51 ',(511 is t ltsss.t1',1n41 keisi 1 Ns.I1'SI 1i1t11ist,lmat s1} hit s145151, Tats, 51 1.1 '10 in (slt tIgs 5 1'11 4 ttilililliillly 1ik Ilk Init '551 ('11411•, l , „00x00 fiJ? 1114 ilnl(h'llu•nlltt5oss lit tilt) '; ' ,lit„ 1114 t 41115 ,1111111 5y 514 155 11,111 1144 41151y 14,115 a 111541545110 5 115 4 ( 4115 a 4 111141 5 i 111(_'111 141 541111 ,*111111 11111 11 ill gum ,1((15 5 (11 91514 11 ,11119 511111 (1115 11 1 1,515 555 144 51151 5114951 11151,11 15 5111115 1/155155 1 119111114! 1 11 4. 11114511E11 tlllt'II5 .151 1 .Ill, ,5 114511 511115 11 111 (111 11 115 1115