The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-22, Page 6s. OR_. 123 '%K. J1 WEDNESDAY, .%9iAlf• 22, 11996 65( 1N'Q•1(.LDES G.S.T. Ash leld sets mill rate, no in township portion - • • 1�_ -v, 14'.•1,1'. r• r ,re 141 `! 1!1�- • r ,. •,r t%:144,. 40, st...'4',4. :; �+;r,•, Hey ,pardner NV LTJ t 1 d' pa r I stim thin L) 11) Err -� e• tap 11 1)a •fla•ruroirer• 4,14 (l(V♦I11(µt4 11i'• wt•t•1,t.14(1 ((r a v 161 61111 )'((4(1 Iltrtt' al tlir 14,111 ti atlnu:ll \4't•'.It•In Ilrl".lt'(1 4144 the tit 6444(w and I)4',II It 1 ( haulber 141 (•tllnlnt•tt t• I hl'It' ', p'4)4444' 14, ht. `,t,rlll•t61111p' Ica (•`44))(11(• 1611', yt':t1, 141)11) lay(' t (at h 1!tic,. It! a 1411:11 hu',1n4`,i 1:111 ant) I(wt1 W14ir p'ar:tyt' 11,1(.4 .44 444'44)4 I.t1.t• r 411,14.e ' .lturt6.lN I11 a rt•Irlti.l al.lp't• (.0)4.64 )ruff) the Spurts ('4.11114)1ett hum 10 ,! n! t( •1 1i n4. Al's( II the '6)(1(1 ('trlttlll(\ ((WIC .Ili irt•e )ulny rltlel'lruln 14) a 111 414 11(101) 1(r (host. '. JI►f:p' but 6,'s wh( %N,tn( It) ride 1,111 In the 4'atltlle 1. `el } um. w III p't't .1 p',Intirt :11 thy ht'?t (1lt•4'4,itl t uw puke I (1 y cal s,.incl ,'I!Itit•I .11 the 4 tltl►t•'t *if II) .1 111 .11 the Sp, Ups • • 'tIJll'4t 1(4 page ttt it)) q'„D g o .� - l z L! e r y • o;✓ al err) OPP 6©ZusCI erg q3-bizehrinents 4 1. 1 , 41: I.i,.1: .1(141 ( ,( .110) i•itti Wttt'i 141 1jU14i 41 !i,4. !' 'I;4t 14111,1 J,!)l, !hi 1,1.1;j1t 41 y '11' ( 4i4s•t I 1 411 '!4114 t 46ft It 1111,';j,_ j, i,•;' lir;it 344),.1 4. 114 4'41d)Il t,! 'Ili( 4 4 4 • 4 ,: .41,..4 .1 illy !Jot t. (4. 14 I4 I; 1)li4i ').4.u; 41 1.4, y)age• 2 • !., ,1., 4.11 144t f.11.1 4it 1:4-4..e.!. Yr r'4. , ,' 4,1 , II.4 I i he: (..arl1rira,,n-:xt 1,4ejr11e dl.lr k daycare: ,were, 461r111e e1 wi4'. ;lift (_7f1e,k ttt,ae� :x�*d 6 L , :xrrrt ';tepply M:xrtirt'b a;ya, wera, wide;. with (Jertrltfet Vatrl(ia;rrrt'er photo) New sch oo 6,'' /1' 4.1 11:a1117r1 4 •'1';1.1 rt.i.•'',i:';r •,1 1i +4;,. ,,41.1 , ►t 4.,1,1 A 1,4 1 .J i 44,14 I t, 1% 11J, t ( )n1l/f y 441 I1 1,( s( lit , h 41 lh(. 114'W 1411'11:1 .).4144`•'1 -f y • 4111444 I)` 4141 4 t l ;1:111 h(ii Ir, 4 J14.h S1 h'),;) 611' 111 . 4 (1',1,111 1 h( • 6)0J44i llil: djlt"'' 4.'f its'jy',Il(u anti t Iil)I( ? 11)► Iht rl(•'w dri'rl",1 y t'iui ( 1)`' 1 1)(,61, y ..dy` II AC lit )►Ilt J41'i at)f1)111Jin( J11y IIJa 141 dj/jpt141t4. 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