The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-15, Page 24Page 4— Cue
w'entinet;' `edl esda
The- Whitechurch,
UCW ladies met on May
1 at the home of Agnes
Farrier and enjoyed
dessert prior to the Beet-.
The topica Christian
Devel pmenti was .taken
br Janet Cook h , read
M ther's Prayer.
The .° scripture was
taken by Evelyn Gibb,.
Alice. Moore . d Pauline
.Mrs Cook read the
story ;ash lig with Delila,
followed by prayer.
Mrs. Cook then led in
a discussion oh
"Substitute" the decision
act, dealing with power
of attorney etc.
The rollcall was
answered with a poem
from your school days.
Bushell - McDonald.
Nina McDonald and
Edbert Bushell were unit-.
ed . in marriage .at the
Governor's Yn-n,.
Kincardine, on. April 20,
1996. The matron ..of
honor was Mildred'
Young, daughter ofJthe
bride, and George
Bushell, son of .the
grooms was the best man.,
The :bride's.. son, Gordon
McDonald, performed
the ceremony. During the.
signing of of ,_the register,
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm
McDonald sang G.
Promise Me. The guests.
were the immediate fami-
lies of the bride and
groom. A lovely dinner
was served and a social
time was enjoyed. The
happy couple are residing
at the groom's residence,
at R.R. 2, Holyrood..
.May 16,1996
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rr�er ho
Speetal 'guest it the
meeting : was Ro.
Wilathena Br w i from
Stratford, who used to be
minister at Whitechurch.
OV. Drown closed the
• meeting with payer
`the WbitOebrch '
Women's institute beld
. their' May arneet ng in .:the
form of a fin nighta..with,
Halon Currie as the con-
vener., A brief business
se Sion was held.
Four tables of .euchre
and one table of Lost
Heir was enjoyed. High
lady was Vera Falconer,
high white card Jean
Ro,sss l w lady Rosem y
Preiss,and low white
card was C„:thorine
.Saturday was another
busy day around
Lucknow. with the roar
hockey tournament at the
tennis courts' a soup and
$andwioh lunch, at noon
the Presbyterian
Church, and, a tea and
bake sale at the Legion in
the ..aftern • on. In' the
evening therewas a: stag
and `doe in the arena for
These workers look like they enjoy their jobs! Repair and finishing
work started last week onthe village's main street. Several areas of
the sidewalk had to be jack-hatnlmered. out and replaced. (Pat
Livingston photo)
due to the Victoria.Day
Holiday falling`an.
Monday, May 20th
.will be as follows:
Noon Friday May 17, 1996
Classifieds - Noon Friday May 17
Display Noon Friday May
an t2man and Snow
Visiting with Muriel
and Lloyd Moffat are her
sister Marjorie and her
husband Torch Roth, from
Lethbridge, Alberta.
From Friday until
Sunday they went to
Windsor Lnd attended the
wedding of MurielPs son,
Paul Curran and
Margaret Browne. Lloyd
stayed h,a;me to 1i ok after
. things hew.
Funeral services were
held •n Friday for Peg
MacDonald of Walken :sn
at MacKenzie and
McCreath's. She was a
sister-in-law of Leonard,
Fern and Kathleen
MacDonald, Rena
McNab and Don and
Gladys Robertson and
usedto live in Lucknow.
Rev. Bresnahan was
away on the weekend as
his mother had passed
away in Renfrew. Rev.
Cook took the . service at
the United Church in his
absence and the Sunday
School pupils provided
the sJpecci<.I music.
Austin and Mildred
' Loree spent last week in
'Listowel' with -their
grandchildrens, Jennifer,:
Jeff, and Matt while Bob.
and Debbie were holi-
daying in e Bahamas.
Friends and relatives
were srt, 'dened to hear of
the sudden death of
Ronald Passmore, on
Apr. 14 in Grand Forks,
B.C., in his 51st year.
Rn is the oldest son
of Elizabeth Passrnore
Millar (nee Stothers of
Port Perry and the late
Richard Passmore. He is
a grandson of the late Mr
and Mrs .Steve Stothers,
formerly of Lucknow.
His smother is a first
cousin of • Jean
Carruthers, an. d Mary
Bere of Goderich.
• Natural
• Natural.
• Garden
• Garde
1/2 mi; south of Lucknow
n past columns, pharmacy
Facts have delved into
some of the. problems
which affect the human body
and -how medicai, science has
advanced over the years to find
treatments for many of these
ailments. Not everyone suffers
from the ailments which have
been discussed. B1owever,, in
today's column, 1 v iii talk
about a problem which
everybody,�yat some time or'
another, suffers -- `flatulence or
gas'. There have been no
`rniracie or wonder drugs'
discovered for this sometimes
cmbarra$sing and sometimes
bothersome problem. But there
are . sole .productsavailable
which May help to ease the
situation. 'And therearo some
non-drugmethods which may
Watch what. you eat? The
primary cause flatulence is
the body's digestive system's
inability to absorb ..-certain
carbohydrates,. Everybody
knows that beans are definitely
gas producers! But there: are
many other foods which cause
ibis problem - everyone knows
which foods give them, gas and
which foods don't.
So, it is simply a rnaiter '►f
avoiding or reducing the intake.
of the ones that do.
If flatulence always seems s to
be : present after eating dairy
Pharmacy Facts.
Dave Pella% ilmbach !Pharmacy
products, it may indicate a
deficiency of the enzyme
lactase. This enzyme is needed
to digest lactose, the type of
sugar found in many dairy
products. If this is the case, a
physician should be seen to
evaluate the condition:
Excess fiber in the diet can
add to the problem. If your.
doctor has recommendedthat
you increase thefiber in your
.diet for health reasons„ 'reduce
the flatulence caused by fiber
by starting with a smallamount
and increase it gradually so the
bowel can become accustomed.
to it This will lessen the
amount of gas which your
body produces after a few
weeks everything should return
to normae'
A drug,' which in some
instances, lioips to provide
relief from excess gas is
"Simethicone.' It works by
dispersing and preventing the
formation of gas pockets in the
stomach and. intestines.
Simethicone is available alone
or is oftenfound, in
combination with antacids. It
can be purchased over-the-
counter in tablet form or as a
liquid. For infants suffering ”
from colic, it is available as a
solution and is administered by
mouth as drops. Another
product which recently became
available for this ailment is •
Beano.' It is an enzyme which
helps to prevent the formation::
of gas. A few drops of this
tasteless product are sprinkled
on the food before it is eaten.
Ask your pharmacist foradvice
on these products.
If after trying the above
methods and products, you are
still suffering from unwanted
gas or bloating, a visit to your
doctor may be in order to rule
out any underlying causes.
Your Lucknow
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