The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-15, Page 21,XQ P N Bassi wn. yoOr t isiG ass. Will train, OPIffiett d.o- Dot ru`i ti4 7j1j(??a�te,ryd�11`}`�A=nS�Ae9.QC��1c�0s'p1 ):.y��i�'(��pQQd tQ�/��$)' o. P.Q.B.ox 88, , Exeter, . Ontario, NOM *MO.' - 10,20co GOVERNMENT FUNDS. G©vernmont assiotance pro- grams information available. For yoUrr' new or existing business. Fake advantage of the goverment rnment Of mita and Ic ill% Lail 1O* 3815.O-20bo ' Do you want to achieve Financial Success the '90's? Phone Sharon 395-5713 29. Tenders 30. Em01. Wanted L00/4L Carpen- ter with many years ° ai- erase . i a axil ble far suaall, building project%i References available. Call Paul Martin 4'2 22 �'14R 10oc 3111 Service Directory MOVING cormplete moving services, local or long- distance for residential or commercial. Free estimates,- or do it yourself with our rental trucks and egUiprsi ant, Listowel Rental and Moving Systems. Fullyinsured and licensed.. 291=1202 or toil free 1=8004039-0890:. L-34tfar KINLOSS EXCAVATING and `Gravel. For your exca- vating needs, hi hoe, trim door and scraper available. ,C li Barry J hnstor 395- 5231.--18tfar 29 'Tenders The Huron County Board at Education invites tenders for GRASS CUTTING AT VARIOUS SCi1OOt:S Sealed tenders, properly identified, will be received priori() 12Z00 1100,1 on. Friday, may �1b 19 b the Plant Services Anitri 'cah HurunC nntyUoardofEducation; 103 Albert StrectClinton.ar. ki NOM ILO, for grass cutting at the foliowing'schools: Victoria Public School , Goderieh Robertson Memorial Public School. Goderich, Goderich Distract Collegiate Institute, Goderich Dropkslde Public School, R. R. #7, L,ucknow Hallett Central Public School, Londesboro -Norvick Central Public School, P. R. 41, (aortic Grey Central Public School, Ethel Usbooar¢ Central Pcfslie School, R. R. a #3, Exeter Tenzizn ¢boom a e available at ew schools listed above. I;ov , oP r r , der not necessaily occapted. R. Brown Chair fi et IV NT" • P . Carroll Director Ths Rum Covnty Board of EdncatLoD invites tenders for GORERiCill DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INWTI I UTE PHASE ill RENOVATIONS This is notice that this project is bedng tendo d to to ualified Getretad, Mechanical and Electrical Contractors, e Owner will only accept prices the Ititproved lest of Goriest Contractor. Subtrades and suppliersintereitediksupplyilig edeas to these General Cont: tors fat -the wdtkdithin project may receive a list of bidders front Ortmitt .IVIarklevitz Architect., 516 Huron Street StratfordL.`Ontario; (S 1.9) 211 9230. Deadline for submission of General Contractors' tendei is`f'htatsdeyy May 30,1 + at "I:00 p.tn oeftico ► 'flte limn County !lord otEdu tkbn, UU3 Albti tStretdiltton,' Oast +t' io, NOM ILO. nr&Whip 818 avaftable for.view)i1R at the office ofthe Architect; Grand 'V'tall Cnnstructio!t A,ssoclation and London Construction At soolatioa, It. nrw Chair ..r Motor 31 Sonfice. D1roatnry 5'a . N CKET C-. DINR NOW PiCKlN.O power for ins ,tune up, 'ill work guaranteed. We fix all makes of mowers and chain saws. Phone 520-$282 Dir 529-7130 residence. —17- 22x 17a22 AGNEW JE ELLEnV REPAIR watch, clock, j w- Mery Free estimates... Pickup and delivery �c/a be (',arrang'Fid. 008 Havelock fk Street, across from Medical Centre. Gall •52043532 or 8284940.--18tfar HACKErr WELDING NOW MAKING adjustable farm gates 7 ft to 16 ft. Custom made heavy. Phone S29-3232 or 529- 7136 residence. --17-22x LAWN MOWING services students willing to mow lawns with'their own rn®wbr. Please call Conor or Dan. 52843406.4=19-21 Residintiall3iiveways geornmerdal'Parking Lots •Foulxlatian.Coating Fee Estimates •i ivevray lepairs Reg Brindley. Contractor *Plastering *Stucco d *Drywall *Textured Ceilings *Pargirig a specialty *Barns House VValis *Quick brick repair.' RI4#6 Goderich 519-529-7472 41 Years of Service Dave .Seabrook Excavatitig ®Gravel Top Soil 46, Fine Grading Large excavator trucks, loader, dozers Reasonable rates 5528-2047 5283144 Mobile 5244311 t R 5,;Lucknow c now Wsane, 314y 15, 1996 - liege 21 32v11�aaaby i f i CARiN(d. lady wishes. to babyett ` eekdayy her hotnG, olese to Luc now in Wiese Township. Mems o . _.p�(r]ov�Cj�i}}Cdf/�e�1c�..'P0. ry(n�(n1e Sherry )01111 ilicicEy ,CONsmciIOM LTD fieWhothesoodtages, ad , renov ors, . leiacernent &dpoirs, aKrn, li imtiimwoi�k, slid ng, farribuikt , reale j e, h oinsp t f'nirll=backhpe irk,. tubelite,&:darpgitOlfaldittg, Llormit Cvptintor 4111019741. 84, *Odra* or Roe, 5144961 5144501 Fiadbf666 for 2 and 4 year old hour home, noonsmakar, refer , once :regdared. Apply an writing. etatbn9 Wages expected [� too yy��Bex, 1{�2. Luo nOFWW'gNOQ 2110. —2©21. 33. Misc... FREE VICNQTAPE DANCE COURSES, Social, Country, Line—dancing, complete library listing of 500 dances. 1l� riteo CCanadO4A--merioa, 2019 Aylwin, Montreal U 1 W 3C4 or = ox 2065 C' • thwall Q ntario K6H 6N8.- -20bc 34. Personal DAY RETREATS Takea day' out of your Life, find out Who you are, what :,ekes you Tock. Enneagrarn Personality Profile, Temperament Analysis & Biofeedback per 6rbehure -524.5724 - 6ENM!LLER gat,. . aA Unique Psychic" • ADVICE ON ALL PROBLEMS Op LIFE, LOVE, MARRIAGE, BU$INESStt HEALTH` 'Maria, A Gifted Psychic. 1 pick up your vibrations'and read your outer aura, wiilkaip you unlock ' the troubieeins de, sod bring happiness and peace of mind come thromh 48 WEWNGTON HQ. SOM H OF GRAM°!' (519),6731710 31 « Service Directory YOiltr Dog's Ries( Friend GROOMING SERVICE Candice Farrerlli Professlonaily Trained Groomer 55. DIscosnt towards lst.Grooming Paws Kennel in Rervie (519) 395-4102 Pine River (519, 395-3$17 CARL SLOETJES Sales, Installation. Renovations ReplacementWindows &' Doors 6 ltitchen'Cabinlets. s Vanities s Cwt and, Linoleum • Rooting * Free Estimates B0 7 LUCKNOW 529=31.94. RiA6•H*VENS ELECTRIC. I *Residential *Farm , *Cornmernial E e tricat Contractors FR E;EST$MA?EB • i add Hayed, ILUCKNOW 828-;301 :rading of Lanes, within o 1 mile radius of ikmberley $ 4 for average size AnonMac 39504352 e YOU experiencing the, aftermath ofan abortian0arnotions'you oan4t Mot m _ . , e��lain� u'tt pc�st a�ortai wo i li Q@S . ivtrie�(11 ce traUMa in their iic/es. Call our 24. 0.' in4 0 oQ hr, heti Dieot,; 001�) 82$44T51 for confidential 'Supped. --War LOOKING FOR a female companion, approximately 8' . Appy in writing to Box 517, /Lu(�ckno * stating night and phone number. -20x :•°A cost wild' be Incurred. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Answers serving over 50. million readers and multi- talented psychiccs. Free astroohart with your $first. readingl Relationships, Future, Career. $2.090 min. 18 + 24 Notts 1-900-451 37 = u .=-20bc *A cost will be Incurred. CANADA'S MOST GIFTED.. psychics: have answers to your problems or questions - about health, love, relation- ship, .mney, luckynine b rs. $3.49/minute, 18+, 24 hours, 1,900-451-4336.-- 201x *A cost will be incurred. LIVE, ACCURATE, PRO- FESSIONAL PSYCHICS telt you:, where your future lies:, love, marriage, relation- ships, career, reunite you with loved ones. $2.75/minute, 1.900'4514 18+ : . ARE YOU A MAN WHO HAS sex with both men and •women? t Veld ' Iike to talk with you. Make yourself heard by taking -part in this U. of Toronto survey. It's anonymous and confiden- tial. Call for free from any- where in Ontario: 1-800.9- Bi -MAL E.--20bc ADOPTEES/BIRTH PAR- ENTS/FAMILY MEMBERS, Canada Wide National Registry and search assis- tance. 1-800-871-8477. Information line 1-800-871- 8477. -800-$71b8477. E-mail - ffcwnr r, gepr gian.netm-2Obc CREATIVE, FINANCIALLY SECURE young, couple can ffu°0 your baby's life with music, 12 cousins and lots of love. Judy 1-888-222-, 9487 (toll free). Legal and confidential.--20bo 360Announcement: encs ARENA DRIVE IN 95 Lottery draw winners on May 10, 1996 were: $500 - G.E. Bowland, Beaconsfield. Quebec; $300 o MHW Plumbing, Luckndw; $200 n Janet McPherson, .Luokndw. 2Qar KINSMEN CASH .Calendar winners,: May .a $60 Oran industride, Woodbridge; May 7 $50 dohh Rooney, Konnilw*rtf I May 8 $60 Jim • DeBoer9. Ludknow; May 9 $$0 Michael Bousquet, Eopanola; May, 10 $1O0 Murray Adams., . Whitechurch; May 11 $60 Arnold atothers, Nile; May 12 $50 Elmer & • Can S e1tk-er, I ipl y.. .40 .4 yea Announcements .. 137s Mo Jelge 'Pt& 2 'Mortgage Money Absolutely No Upfront Fees Availah asalow as, 005Os Interest • Persona L.ans - if you nualify, payments 6,611,/QaR9L blz ayrnunt s 5,00 $ 4'1.66 $10,0®® • $ 83.33 $15,000 $1.26.00 Consolidate, your debts Cdl, j19A'J-02111-840,36741932 AW. FUNDING INC. Auctions ,. CONSIGNMENT A1PTION SALE ,of Hoene Furnishings, Antiques, Olcycles, Boat, 3 Cars will be held at the Davidson Centre, Kincardine Friday, May 17 stenOn- at 5130 pm Rus•e91 Scett-Ripley, Kincardine Office interiors stook reduction sale, unclaimed items from O.P.P - bicycles, jewellery & misc. PARTIAL LIST living room;, dining roost, kitchen and bedroom furnishings; piano, doll, collection; dishes & glassware; tiffany lamp; appliances; computer' & computer units; office desk & chairs; new pictures (some signed); metal storage cabinets; air conditioner; garden and carpenter tools; garden tiller; lawn mowers; Berkey scales; Evinrude boat motor; 12° aluminum boat & oars; 1986 Ford `tempo with 80000 km; 1986 Ford Mustang; 1986 Mercury - Cougar -. all cars selling certified. Cars will be offered at approx. 7:30 p.m. .Other. interest! g 'Items. Listing subject to change without notice. TERMS. Cash/Cheque with 'proper I.D. night of sok). E. & O.E. AUCTIONEERS: Grant McDonald, RIpiey 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh, Toeswater392-6170 OICTHE COISSIFIDS Vail are co r bel y lu ted to attend the' ANNUAL MEETING Z4 the Children's Aid Society of Huron Co l on 2 'Wednesday, M.429, MS at the '• Maitland Gen Country Club North l a/rbour Road, • - Werth, Ontario Business Mee 1 to NO pi® GUEST SPEAKER: . Ms. Lynn Eakin of Lynn Eakin & Asseciates willl disacuss the potential merger between Huron . and Brune Children's Aid Societies. A social time will follow' 137s Mo Jelge 'Pt& 2 'Mortgage Money Absolutely No Upfront Fees Availah asalow as, 005Os Interest • Persona L.ans - if you nualify, payments 6,611,/QaR9L blz ayrnunt s 5,00 $ 4'1.66 $10,0®® • $ 83.33 $15,000 $1.26.00 Consolidate, your debts Cdl, j19A'J-02111-840,36741932 AW. FUNDING INC. Auctions ,. CONSIGNMENT A1PTION SALE ,of Hoene Furnishings, Antiques, Olcycles, Boat, 3 Cars will be held at the Davidson Centre, Kincardine Friday, May 17 stenOn- at 5130 pm Rus•e91 Scett-Ripley, Kincardine Office interiors stook reduction sale, unclaimed items from O.P.P - bicycles, jewellery & misc. PARTIAL LIST living room;, dining roost, kitchen and bedroom furnishings; piano, doll, collection; dishes & glassware; tiffany lamp; appliances; computer' & computer units; office desk & chairs; new pictures (some signed); metal storage cabinets; air conditioner; garden and carpenter tools; garden tiller; lawn mowers; Berkey scales; Evinrude boat motor; 12° aluminum boat & oars; 1986 Ford `tempo with 80000 km; 1986 Ford Mustang; 1986 Mercury - Cougar -. all cars selling certified. Cars will be offered at approx. 7:30 p.m. .Other. interest! g 'Items. Listing subject to change without notice. TERMS. Cash/Cheque with 'proper I.D. night of sok). E. & O.E. AUCTIONEERS: Grant McDonald, RIpiey 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh, Toeswater392-6170 OICTHE COISSIFIDS