The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-05-01, Page 12Page 12 lAt skit `N! �Seatlr<lel, W div s Snowbirds ar aok and Mary Famish Florida and lead Glenn have arrived here 110113 UtigClilletOtt from the sunny south. A volunteers apprecia- tion dinner was held at PillCoCieSt 'lanor Nursing Home, ,Jncknow last Wednesday, nesday, for about 4O piano pre- lude to dinner was supplied by Reverend . Sack a retired minister. humorist sit performed by Pat Porter and-, Trudy dy ]Form was enjoyed by all. Pins and pet cels' ira crib d "'Volunteers Our Brightest Stars" were given to vol- unteers. A Memorial Service was held. ob McCormick,a patient at they Alexandra :arise and General ospit.:Iq Goderich forsix days• was l"n alc�:t�sret he e.on 'Saturday. n Congratul ionsto 'obert . .and ar-`e lien. L _nnrh ' , on the birth their, son. Ari§ at the .St, Jos 4i s Health Centre„ Lond ,n weighingin a ; lbs:, 3 z. Bill Lalonde, ;a patient th Alexandra Marine and.. General. 6 aZ. ght is Pat and Bub 'On „ Martha and Pete Stew 't honored their parents at anniversary dinner i Kitc-he:; . era They presenter them with a painting, depicting a rural scene. The grandchildren,. including their `orgy great rar dsdn presented a plant filled oonter. a Friday evening, Legion members honored Irvine and Colleen at a social gathering attended by many friends. The former Peg_gy Young, who worked in the store and edy's bakery„ trav- elled from Staffa, to extend best wishes. She was ac cognpawied by husband. Crain Kerslake and family of foil"' Heather, Lynette, Ian and A14 To mark the 50 anniversary, the Legion present Rhe happy ,opuplle yo. l e'rs with a �cfloc�,ar�d �, �i�.�drlerl � �� �, _, Donald rr d Hele icholsn:eell& br ted their 35th wedding ahniversarryy. with ,a , fain., dinner' at, the °l iue . Fountain, Clinton. . On their, return 'homey they were Hos ital,. Goderirh has returned home. re'eted by. ;well w shers, A night 'of, on Moran; London is. spending.. *music was enjoyed, tim visiting his p Arent Alvin and Joyce. Dungannon folk extend sympatby to -:organ' and: other . amity mnefbets in. a former resident Mrs Dynes .(Edna) :. this area - ` Campbell, on the suddenpassingpf her April 'anniversaries and birthdays ` son Harold, , who was visitingfrom were recogn*ed' . at Dungannon Senior Kwidows, British Columbia: Citizens on Wednesday night whenlelp Sympathy to the former xsa elf - lowsbip was enjoyedover i.9 table of : Barbour, in the death of her husband euchre. Donald Montgome y, on April 23 in his Sliming honors was Dorothy Cuyler, 68th year. Gloria Pearson, Fred Kuras, "Mike" The , Barbe►ur family resided in the St. Helen's area. Isabell's.mother Sarah on Saturday the family of Irvine and (or better known as .Sadie)' is now in Colleen Fedy, .son Bob .and.. Kate, residence 'at HurotriLe.e, Brussels. Day a,t Bi0 izia was definitely elitE.EN day! Marcy classes were nnolved ire fi a ala Day activities 'and giVeil-wearing contest w as lewd for tta whole school. Jonathan nnigan and Jamie Ventland both w7o11 Jtta Iree lunch bags in the draw thatfollowed! The Pollution ,Solution Club analyzed every-,. aria's garbage after lunch and Warned r ed that 'recy- cling heeds some extra. .work - especially recy- cling ofin� paper, a d .d t: t- . taking food �� � the copThe1.. outer. Club will be l anni.h ;s �3 e. rt p� �yy a . , . � ,�y�a r� �s , reminder plays, posters and announcements,. ring one plans are underway. this ear wateb,for soethrn,a kside Broadcast little bit different! Brookside st idents are.. going to be 4emonstmt- ing different ways dance is part of our world, from folk dances to line dc lag! The Parent Advisory Council willal: be preparing a hot de rQ beeie befor0 thct 4ert,, so plan to. dome out for, an:. evening with the rocker. a ea unit'. a T the Sprang Concert, cm' `fie .t sdaX0 May2 The Teornputer Club. and the teacher -librarian at Brookside have , ben. working.diligently on our school s Internet Home a ee We have sele tions fora all the school clubs, o o Mm�natyrieard even student and teacher home pages. It features some very stunnin', backgrounds and graph - les. The students is t Brookside have donne the work by typing .in the HTML (H,yper Text Marla* Lae) comm rr tads in the notepad in Windows, Our WWW address . r 5���pf�q�� �p�7�� 41�ip1 :// �M 4y��a111'1tt o,�ped.edu, reookS,ideI or if fop don2t hive aeces to eFto, the ehaio end view k ha (Ed torso Andre*g Maty Amanda Drennan, Drennan, Charles Lyons and AutumnStephens) r�:..:and Mrs. Carl McCi ha ian. returned hone. cm 'Sunday. after. spending the winter. in Texas. Eileen Parker, .of. :Exeter, flee to Texas and; returned home with the, cClenaghans. They all attended a :. ]ruffle show in an'. Antonio, Texas, on their way home. They took three ��eee to sid 9g ht' see coming back. Iax rof "in ha , was a Sunday dinner guest with Agnes Farrier.., The village welcordnes,: Mr. an Mrs. Allan Pennington to the com- munity. om-mur ty. They moved in on the . weekend to. the Dave Springer house. You are the kind of Mother everygirl dreams of having We love you dearly, Happy Mother's Day! 'helvra and Es /e To: the'tnost understanding and loving Mother the world. We love your David, Pat '& Bill, m i ni your Mother' ( wordsless) include" Wednesday, May Oth., ► dli ' r : i ° - Monday, May -6th, 19961Noon