The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-03-27, Page 10Fuge 11.0 .,Luekttaw Sentinel, Weil resday, Mar elk ,. 996 Infant & Children$sClothing to. size 16.:: FOO ISH PRICE DAYS April 11 April 6 Cutthe beck of Cards' and receive 10%4028% OFF your total punches& pip-p(excluding Sale. itens). oil s Mon' #.!sung9;304:30 Sat 9:30-5:00 closed Ouod Prtday 801-2O73 248 Dtithain Stn. Walkertan m nom was — 'rte . nos ■■w NMI ate:- I,. BUSINESS PRINTING Toxic fumes seeping fro holding facility • by David Scott The til -Huron Landfill Site (MHLS) Board is tak- ing action aftert* xic fumes n fro its leachate holding facility: at Parsons Court .in Goder'ich, recently seeped into neighbouring buildings= Readies taken by Ken. ,Hunter' Commissioner of Works for Goderich and;' Pollution Control : Plant Supervisor Duane .forth on March 12 after complaints were received from the Knights, of Colnrnbbs hall and Sunceast Enterprises, 11. revealed high levels of toxic fumes, likely hydrogen sul- I fide. At 10 parts per million (ppm), the maximum allow- gaable limit for exposure to tn hydrogen sulfide is 10 min- i' utes. Thea toxic fumes were greater than' tthe meter could read (over 100 ppm), says Hunter. "It could have been 1,000 (ppm). I don'tknpw,�' Hydrogen Sulfide is a colourless, flammable gas with a characteristic odour mW 'L ,COMPUTER . INVOICES, CHEQUES, STATEMENTS, LET rERFIEADSa LABELS °G I Call for.our Free:Cetrloguel +. pr y /!si • snftk►erer comp hkte.f rms etc. C iwnn printing & Advertising Lucknow,� Qnt. 1` - (519) 528-273' fax: (5'19) 528-3848 of rotten asgs detectable sit concentrations;o 0.02 ppm. Higher toxic concentrations can rapidly deaden sense -of ' smell, according to occupa- tional ccupa tional hazard information AMU NOM MIN 1.10. � 10.1. NNS 111" "MI. -.N1 � eti*Ostorpications, 11.11;#3*, Goderich On Highway 06 at. AffiberlOy 519-395-4672 sfes veno deed eai aNeat ke*e? Der, yare wawa ees `ivaetaa 'oce.4i. teecftface ate. Nc ve age ,izate49. .4e d.c 'woe a ra 4emeK . ' kms ,tot ¢c d�.ceaa ?, rid rite. d!o c4w' e�Jnao.9k�yQu t//isi*.cc wow? o ?� �(� // • 1 I • $9 . d e it e�yl.{�.Yy��/�. O&M .ICS res eyed *72.00 opt eae4gdd#uecG VVV as Iedecte etlefr.4.4e ? fattest 4.ifessaseattais. pa* «ae 'WFe is sy , 26 aad 2r, ft* wide. teleittamee egokietratiao,�u ed.,' mac 'fed eaddatt,_frt,f1441466€&N uta a 4e o `*35.00 opt etc ipme korai. and o i4 $25.00 tot leek aaCe 'Kat l 10e kaut aae r 23 yea4 exiceitteseee 7eleeoseeeemweeeeteewe ezfro esee i.c tfotk 144eited4i. cud !.edkeeseticet « rfi,Cteat euA?. acrd aavcuariE id Gfccateetat to We,. e€Q4tlijet.. 2Itldeeta to **vete r19. d ideeMedr 444. a yaeemc de u,,e, e e 4eeateate, aged ettatalkp .at' use, eetlttc'e *atm. c . ath' . cid — e e ~fe...leek . ' eaFll We look forward to!ming of service tto. rent Come get your picture taken with the Easter Bunny at. from the Huron County Health :Unit: "Concentrations of .500- 1,000 ppm cause. rapid unconsciousness and death • through respiratory paraly- sis, states industry litera tore As well; methane read- ings 'weree above the allow- able combustible level in two locations including the Knights of Columbus ball which read 17 per cent. "I attended the site and found that, the ,building was - indeed full otieaclate smell. We •opened : a cleanout in the building and the odour coming out of it was unbelievable," stated 'Hunter in his report to, the board. Leachate is liquid created by ruiuwat'I!Mehl falls onto the la' ti and $oaks into the w% a and enters tiling which flows. into a holding facility at the:. Hu1mesville sine: An S, 0 -gallon tanker truek Owned by Ross Jannubecker • 'of RR 5 Goderich regularly hauls, the leachate, It's taken to the leachate facility at .?arson's Court and pumped into a manhole. The facility is large Though tel hold a cou- ple of truckloadsof leachate, said Hater in an interview. It L then metered and slowly released into the reg ular se -wage system in .. Goderich. "There's a little tiny pump that pumps it out at ,10 gallons a minute so then it doesn't overload anything. It goes intodthe (sewage treatment) plant slowly. Leachate and regu- lar sewage are basically the same, except leachate is ,,much stronger. The compo- nents,are the same." t t' • ° The11�Hby theLS is used towns Of Seaforth, •Clinton and .Goderich, Villages. of Lucknow and Bayfield, and -townships of Goderich, Tuckersmith and'Colborne. The board has been `told by their engineering firrn, Conestoga 'Rovers of 'Waterloo, to addlime lime to the leachate truck to lower the :H: for a temporary splu- tioin "Thais could be a 'very serious matter ,if we cannot solve this problem and' itis certainly; anunacceptable situation to have the leachate smell in the build- ings," stated Hunter in his report to the board. "It's important we don't cause .our neighbours any 'problems," he said. • "If :the Knights. Columbus had a function that day, they'd have to can- pel," said MHLS board chair Laurie Cox, Reeve - of Goderich Township. However, the • board doesn't want to use lime a a perrnanelrt'.i olutien. Site Supervisor Prank Posttll ;s'aitk the lime is settling in. annabecker's tanker, - 9 f we start playing around with lime we will skewer the results for Conestoga Rovers," . said Cox. " Porth also said it's not a good idea to use lime over the long tern:. "The more chemicals ,you put in you compound the problem. A mechanical solution is better than chem- ica1 said Hunter. He said. he will suggest to Conestoga Rovers that} they put a trap on the dine. that runs from their building to the street. As for the cause of the high toxic. levels Hunter says hedoesn't know whether there's a change in the leachate or it's because they're hauling more. Hunter has suggested to the "owners of buildings where .fumes were present to fill the sewer traps up with' water. In ' one building, linoleum covered the floor - drains Which were dry. They're since been opened and filled with water. Hunter explained in an interview how the toxic fumes travelled to neigh= bearing :buildings, n 'from main It goes � the sewer up the little ewer pipes .to the buildings. It runs uphill and: perhaps some .of the fumes might pe lighter than., air, it rums up these pipes and get inside the. pipes. in the buildings, As long .as . ally the traps are. full (of water) there's no way the fumes can get from the sewer into the building. But obviously some of, the traps were empty: They're . floor traps, they never get any water put in them." In a separate patter, the MHLS received complaints from the leachate hauler that it takes too long to empty the load at the leachate transfer facility . "The (four -inch) pipe into the facility is not large enough to allow the load to beunloaded as quickly as the truck is capable of unloading . it," stated Hunter's report. The board passed a motion to have Conestoga Rovers investigate further into the leachate problem: and prepare a report; and prepare a plan to modify the unloading pipe SO thecon- tractor can' unload at a quicker rate. The engineer must pre- pare a plan for the leachate loading because itwill require a change to the land- fill's certificate of approval and will reflect in the next leachate hauling tender, according to Hunter Hair and Photography Studio • 611 Campbell Bt. (beside Becker's) LU CKN OW Friday March 2,; 4 pm aturday March pot 8 - 4 pm Sitting fee $10.00 .00 includes 6: poses with Easter & Spring themes. "Look extra special . Come `early and get your hair curled for $6.00 (pre -washed anddried necessary). Appointments appreciated. 528-2043 AA , ed AP ri. Thurs. Mar 29 = Apr. 4 pm nitely Sat & Sun.. Mat, 2pm All Mats Seats $4.00 wrh rd tor* fuss Mr, Holland's Oftu ENDS THURSDAY.' i:.' r•1.. iiO)�s i•Ic tt Fri.-Thurs. Mar. 29. Apr, 4 .rte ' ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS BEST'IC U R �IEST ACTIESS�Emma•fihompson iIrttAHtmm 1hoimpson MiTS0011INGACI SS.ifttelteki IST O1ICINA%t SCOf'�P bn iD, fr IHOWCOMMG lE 16151'Ii fl I0 l 0101.11. EN . T:SENSI BILI TY: 5p . a Nit>i , PARENTAL GUIDANCE LONG DISTANCE? CALL 1.8OQ-255-3438 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO ti• • Sharon Askes .and her Ken: McDonald, ` looked: over.owedding invitations during the bri ll: 'T..' open house .at the 'sports complex last Sunday. Papa Richard Askes checks out the ride array a0 well. Several business people.combined fordes to: put on the show pat t iOil ston. � hoto) t n p