The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-03-27, Page 7B1 th announces season's productions The, 1996 BlytI Festival season officially opens Jane 21 and runs until Aug. 31, It win feature " .a rine-up of music, :love,, comedy and drama on the main stage, with three world premieres and a fourth play which had its premiere on CaPe %teton' Island. The 1996 Season Supporter is du Mairier Arty. Parndatace livelt a e,lr„ Ieotive directed by pave Thompson, kicks off the 'season, previewing June 18.' This play eelebrate"s •the great touring radio show, The CXNX Barn Dane, Every Saturday night it was d iv broadcast lave, featuring local talent as well as future stars like Gordie Tapp and Tommy Hunter. Barndance Live! retire axes these times together with the colorful characters who made ir happen - Doc HN/ has n cr tackshan , Johnny latent, Earl Heywood, and Ernie King. Ma Belk Mabel by Cindy Cowan .opens Jun 26. In 1875, Alexander Graham Bell, inventory of the telephone, was hired to . teach his future wife Mabel Hubbard to speak. Although deaf, she was a high-spirit- ed woman with remarkable abilities. Their home, Beinn Bbreagh .in Baddeck, Nova Scotia, was a place of jgy2 frustration, heartbreak and triumph, as they built a lire together pursuing studies in air and water travel and; cre- atingenthusiasm o f r e>ll! >ns s , . libraries, schools, and the arts. Phis play, first performed , on Cape Breton Island by the Mulgrave. Road Co -Op Theatre, is the moving love story of two special people: Villa Eden, a zany come- dy by Colleen Curran, opens July 24. It is set in a, ramshackle bedand break- fast with a ditty warm- hearted proprietor who can't cook,: A' weekend rush of strange guests includes an obsessive archaeologist,a mysterious movie star trav- elling incognito, a budding architect and a set Of quarelling triplets; A. shock- ing death in the .midst of the fun raises the big question: was it murder or was p;t a mistake? Death by poison or death by dessert? Blyth ` audiences will fondly .. remember play- wright Curran's work from prevtous Blyth productions o'f Cake Walk and Local Talent. The fourth and final play which opens July 31 kis. Fireworks, a magical jour- 'fey eanney by:. Edmonton :play - • After four years of opera- tion, the Huron County 1.1IWAIDS Network has outgrown its old facilities, and has moved to a larger location: Rob Newman, media representativefor the orga- nization, rga:nization,s noted that one rea- sp;>r, for : the =move from Rattenbury Street East to the larger Albert Street location was "a larger client list, unfortunately." ;He added there was also a gen- • eral needfor 'more space, as the Network was working in cramped quarters in the pre., vious location. . Since .moving in January, Newman :said ,• the Network hasbeen waiting for better weather to host open house. :That open house has now been scheduled for Apr. 3. A special event in honor of volunteer s will be held 'at the new Network office on -Albert:. Street (former Les,. Ciseaux) from b to 7 p.m. Then, from "t` to 9, members of the public are invitedto visit theopen house, view '. the new surroundings and, have the,opportunity to win door ,prizes. Newrrian' noted that the public open house will be "just a ,little party to let the neighborhood know we've. moved, and we're bigger andbetter, and always look- ing foryolunteers.” Cancer can be beaten. OUVCER 1 out. r Sfubb EtitskyliotooktT fiedtord E ARE SERVICE #` i.B ►263-1 6r niece B ...•- �wwrrWirur�MlG+:r,ir�+llirm. N% 111.m. is, 1111. Bi s 11'1. \( 1. IO 1 \1sI 1 Bt)\11\c; tat Ril•. 1111s ‘'.1%1\ 1,? AT THE GODS ICS POWER & SALE SQUADRON'` BOAT PRO COUR April 3 a VHF RADIO COURSE April 17&24 May 1 & or more information ►.oAii Sot 'Ih LIO CLUB Lucknow Community Centre BI Sunday, March 310 1996 .$1000 Winner oyce Aftard; Lucknow Community Centre. opens at 6:30 p.m. Bin starts at nt. lr ritiotitteettieti Lui know ruedsdava Mare 27, — 'age 7 weight Oordoua Pormaan. This. is die ,story of a broken family held together by Wynn, anelderly woman. who .is the light of her hus- band's life, a solace to her son. and a life -line for her grandson Jamie, Fier death shatters their world but her vivid presence.. in memory lingers to guide them in their new lives. • The ''fireworks" in the play are an occasion of emotional tumult where. each character finds the courage to step into the future. The Blyth Festival Box Office opens April .1 for members only. The Box Office is open to the general public as of April. 15. Ticket prices range from $6 to $22.0: Money saving voucher packs are available now by calling the Box Office at 523-9300. LUCKNOW Your Hosts The Greig s Licenced under L1 B.0 528-3932 Play, Singing, Violin:Music and, many ere a nts Fridayi March 29th %...c. School 8:'. PM Adults '$34)0 - Students $2.. � Fa„ m tltr $10.00 Pre-School Free (Mom, toad & Children) Sponsored- by: Lucknow Agricultural Society L■...■ al s THEATRE KINCARDINE 396-3250 MAR. 29 & 80. at 7' P.M. MATINEE SAT. & SUN. 2 RMM. MAR. 29 & 30 at 9 RM, MAR 31. to APR, .4 at 8 PM i..,,.1, p.1.041,44.044. 4e4.•14.444.441 ii114 DO4R OPEN 5:30 P.M. BIND 1.:00 PM SHAR. 1,500 JACKPOT MUST GO! License > # MO68996 Lynn and Gayle toter ofAmberFley are pleased to announce the forthcomi Inarriage of their daughter Trina Margaret to Mr. Andrew Key of England on Mardi 30, '196. Te.reception will be held at the Lucknow Community Centre.. ,friends and: relatives please accept this as your invitation to tome and., plain our celeb tion. it A nil t �1 Doors open t $ O :P ill . at door e r r� a varix 0.0 Ava4a Ie frorr ail tos el , ei + r Dance to fol loran A `e Of l aj rlty card :ptinkered b : Lu know &: District i smen iu CENTRE 396