The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-03-13, Page 85Pa 211*Forrn Program 0 tterich Taal & t E • 360 Cambridge Street, Goderich, Ontario N7A 2Z1 Telephone: (519) 524-2723 — Fax: (519) 524-1585 General IVIachlnIng 4 Repairs We INY1FARM MACHINERY mARCHL Res, 524-6490 J. CRAIG Re 524-9106 • BEHRNS,METAL •fABRIPA. 'Metal Flashing •Gaiv4z!iie 434•Colouf She4ring, 'Plasma Cutting 00re4killg, KURTSVILLE PH:(519)291 4136 . FAX: (51091-553 2 Tending the land for God , by Shelley McPhee Mist Ontario. He also sits on the CWO'Pork A small sign a the gate post 'Dutch immigrant farmers Committee. indicates that there's more to bought fertilizers and equipment "The CFFO is very active farming than looking after live- together and that how it was with the gOverninent,:" Jack stock and planting crOpS. born," says, noting that provincial (.1E0 may not mean nauch to Today the CFF0 is a broad meetings are held five times a the average passerby, but to based organization and does not year to set policies, and action Jack Drees it's a way of life. have denominational affilia- plans for government review. CFFO stands for the tion. "You get a broad perspective. Christian Farmers Federation of "As long as you believe in at provincial meetings, on many Ontario. -a 31300 tnembersilip the principles you can joino" topes like. environmental con- • rural organization that works to °Jack says. cerns„ NAFTA,- OMAFRA cuts, promote and protect farm inti.hr nllle organization is l'based on GRIP, NISA and lot severapces. estS.. . the conviction that the Holy "I think we make a differ- "As- a Christian 1 believe this Scriptures, as the infallible ence. Some government pro- grams like land stowatdship came from the CFFO." The Central Huron Association hosts several work- shops and meetings over the year. On • March 8 they sponsored • a daylong work- shop to exam- ine the gov- ,. erninept curs to the Ontario . Ministry of Agriculture Food and 'Rural Affairs (OMAFRA). John Markus, presi- dentc Finof f the Fa recent news • release said that the CFFO is questioning the C c)riarn° n Sense Revolution and the provincial government ! • 4 • •• .4.'WWV Equal opportunity for dependabilityand durability from Mid -Size, QuadrashtftTM and Powershift tractors. , , • • • . • . . . „ . ,. .. :::,A „..•,...,•:m.t., %„.0...„...„4 .,,,,bilp,p7iv •,.•• ....0.• , ,k:. ......, .„, .4.,..„. ,v.<4. ...i-apc.,%::,.,:s•--,,•.. :...ksz.m. ..., •••,, ..;.,:,:•P' s• ‘..',iief •kt▪ ' •<•. <Az. •••',,Y•xe. • . • • '0, • • urthers our.outreaob," Jack Word of God, is the supreme says. "There's more to faith than standard for all human life.' goillg to church and.* the COFFThe aFo works to pro- is .4 18 committed to family farming *note and apply Christian ideas operations - 9 * ours.b • Marg, liiswife t eedc'ahnidi their'ren • hr Bradley 10, helley,T, and 0140 4 °4414n1,80re a5:alcive • farni just west of Clinton. They run a far- rowing opera- tion• and cash crop corn, soy- beans, wheat „ and barley using no -till practices. This is a fam- • ily business:"" 'After Marg sees the' children off to the school bus she helps out in the barn. . Bradley is Also there on • Saturdays to • help make feed . riA00114helP scrap Jack and Marg Kroes and their children, Lorraine, cactteid°011isTAt •As devoted Shelley and Bradley. (Shelley McPhee Heist photo) 'of our recent Christians, the •„member think roes do not see a separation and principles to the solution of tank sessions vve asked our- between_their faith and their agricultural problems and to selves: what does common work. "Farming is a way of life promote the social and econom- sense mean? As we wentaround and a business for us.” - ic interest of its members." the table the list of synonyms "Cod put us on this land. It's Jack has been president of grew: integrity, trustworthiness, ad's land and we have to keep • the Central Huron Christian long-term, not justeconomics, • it in shape for the next genera- Farmers Association for more family values, honesty; fair to tion," Jack says. than five years. The local orga- ail sectors, affordable, sustain- • The CFFO was formed in nization has '69 active members 1955 and has 21 chapters in • as well as associate members. *turn to page 29A •, ' •'• • • f. , „ ' , . ' • , r,..f!!,•.; • , litter, beetles, mites, rodents.,..altrepre- sent potential losses' to producers. How can farm- ers effectively control these pests and protect the health of animals, personal health and the health of the environment? This topic will be the subject of the annual meeting and banquet for the Central Huron, Christian Farmers Association, to be held on Friday, March 29,‘ at 7 p.m. at the Clinton Christian Reformed Church Fellowship Hall, 243, Princess St., Clinton, • tr()1eats friendly Noted speaker and scientist, Dr. , Oord SurgeOner*-from the environmentalbiology deOartnient,at.the University of Guelph will speak on Environmental Friendly Pest Control, The, challenge is to provide safe, effective, cost-conscious control procedures to producers. Knowing you haire.,a problem, when to 'treat And how to' control options to match management is the key. For tickets or more information on CFFO, con- tact lack KretaS at 482-7361, " ; •