The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-03-13, Page 79Paco 22A44oirm Prowl its A HET- No AKE TWO EACfl MORN/NG FOR ALL DAY RELIEF 224,' We carry over . 100 work shoe styles in 125.. different sees andwidtbs to fit both your feet and your Job. Let us, we you a Red Wing prescription for all -day foot comfort. Stop in soon! 1044 c 8'1x16 8.13 11 _ . EE LEE 5.12W.. 0. 611 .614 •014 • 8+12 Family Shoes 519491-4750 and Clothing.:. } .. Ont. MONDAYS 165.Walace�Avenue N , .._is` .towel , O "CANADA'S LARGEST DEALER OP PRESCRIPTION ORTHOPEDIC. FOOTWEARR • LYNN L OVY R 1 FARM SYSTEMS LTE. RR #1 KINCARDINE, ONT. (AMBERLEY) 395-2615 411,, JAMESWAY JAMES''VU'A: -{Baler) filo Unload rs, Feeders, Conte ark, Electronic Scales,�!. Nesseth Manure Purlps i.� ..Manure Equipment Cutter• " eau.. !%*CTUR ± u..o. dr U N Cleaners, Chain >'and Cable• Freestall Cleaners, Replacement Chain - all types, Underground Transfer .Systems, • LiquidLitKiki.Manore Agitators...and .Pumps .(PTO ° & Electric).:.` Liquid, Spreaders. Injectors BSM, Ltd: The :Leader in All Types of HOG and DAIRY. Confinement Equipment IlliESTEEL Grain Bins, Feed Tanks. Stir- rotor Drying Bins, Superb Continuous Grain Dryers OARmAnc) FARMA1IC. Feed Processing Equipment by RalpbbPearce Its the farming industry, it's. not 'hard -`to find a skeptic. l specially where one's money is concerned and .el en more so when the governno at becomes involved, Yet the Net Income Stabilization Account ([5A,) is one government -sanctioned sav- ings vehicle that can effectively double •a producer's money. According to Ted Oke, Business Manage- ment Advisor with the °.AFRA office in Essex County, NISA's the best way for a farmer to double his income : without putting up.a second` mail . box. Now that• the govern- went has eliminated the account's feed co -effi- cient, hog sales are 100 per cent eligible; no extra calculating and no confu- sion. The foes' have been redesigned and simplified, And tax advisers and pro- ducers have become more -familiar With ° the program. Oke . addressed' the , Southwestern • Ontario Pork .. Conference in Ridgetown earlier `this year and relayed the . benefits .of VISA, and hove, with elimination of the. 55 per cent feed co -efficient, producers are matched, dollar for dollar by federal and provin- cial governments. Working with standards of es cen $115000 in annual sales and $15,000 in costs, the Eligible Net les would be $100,000. Wit esystem, that figure woad have automatically been reduced to_ $55,000 ($100,000 x 55 per coat feed co- efficient), From there, the ENS would .be multiplied by 3 per cent (base eontribution • rate) for a VISA `deposit of $14.650, account balance of b,). Factored into ,a five- or 10- year pbn and using 27 per cent taxation for this example, that $b,OOOa at an *annual interest rate of 9 per cent on the farmer's account and *6 per cent on the government's money, would grow Into $37p500% or $31,425 after-tax. That's more than dou- ble the farmer's investment of $15,000 over 5 years. In, an . RRSP that same $ :5,000 ($4,110 gross•. deposit with 27 per cent taxation $3,), invest- ed at *5.98 per cent would yield $24,578 or $17,940 after taxes. At the end of 10 years, the amounts would be $74,961 (after 27 per cent taxation) for N 1SA and $41,910. for an RRSP at the satne•tax rate. If there's a drawback to the NISA plan, it's that RRSP deposits• are tax deductible and a method of loweririg taxable it come. MA's deposits haven't that clout, Still, . said •Oke,. the numbers are enticing. And NISA also comes with a non matchable 20 per cent of eligible sales deposit which can -be carried_ forward for five years, Oke alio insisted :that producers with Their money in the Consolidated Revenue Fund or CRF in`innipeg trans- fer.it to theinancial institution •turn to page 23A snatched by the government (2 per cent federal, 1 per cent provincial) for'$3,300, Under .the new system, 'ENS is the ftill $100,000 for a contri- bution of $3,000 (ENS •x 3 per .cent plus the government matching contribution for a total SUDENGA: Computerized deed Processing Systems lower , A r!.�. �let�it.',Rapnd ��Bale Chopper/B o s,, 9 Motorkodl, Feed Carts, Bedding.. 'Choppers,;Rollers, Hammermills, Augers, Computerized TMFt Mixing. LUCK/NOW:, Stationary And :Mobile MR Mixers ' 'e Do 'he Complete-J+b Eyen The Wiring CLINTON, WINGHAM AREA CALL: JOHN THOMPSON, Sales Rep. 357-2018 o erl l 'shade trees willprevent •the sun a s: r m +dere sly• ea In the. et l' idin C r e see E' Iar";., a selection of shade trees. frau.. tt. - el+ In the :fir visit.