The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-03-06, Page 6Page 6 —1.tielinow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 6 199 • ONE \1.\\:11) Hu 1', \II \lour,' ' if 1 -MO -433-3284 LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE ,BINO0 Sanday, March 10/96 OPEN DATES March R1.8.15;22.29 Sat. 9 - 16 23 "'ONLY" CALL 528-3429 a.m. - $p.m. NEW SEOlitIOM SUITES 095.96 t4 over $27.itio,60 .•• • each: .. Select *?out: OUP - dispiy of ESS Ask B X SPRING SETS * e t ittittiture iiolvrii•totAo 3(ir-2308. ,.• Power of attorney simplified Tbe Subsite Decisions Act is not just another person the authority to Makper- , about planning ahead; it is also about bav- somal care decisions on, their behalf if they ing your affairs managed according to your, become mentally incapable. It only wishes, says Helen Johns, MPP for Huron.- becomes effective 1,V1101 the° peso. The Conservative government has car- becomes mentally incapable. - tied out its, eleetfon promise to restore to You do n t need a- lawyer to complete a families the power to make decisions ,on valid power of attorney. behalf of incapable relatives. Prior to this government's action, if a '. On Nov. 15, 1995, the government intro- person became incapable of acting co his duced the Advocacy, Consent and or her. own behalf and did not have a Substitute Decisions Statute Law, Continuing Power of Attorney, then the Amencnent, Act 1995., .This Act addresses gbvernment could step in and take (Charge a number of problems created under legis- of the persores affairs; This could happen lation passed by the formergovernmentt even though the incapable person had. feta—, - -For example„ the previous government ftves who could„make decisions on the per- ° created barriers to families who Wanted to son's behalf. • :act as substitute decisiOn-makers on behalf All that will change. Our .amendments of relatives who were iriatOble of acting call for a reasonable inquiry to be made on their own, Also, the previous govern- into whether there is an existing MOW'S 14iSlatioal allowed a government Continuing Power of Attorney, saki Johns official 'to step in when the person bad precedence over any government action. made a Continuing Power of Attompy. The bill also makes it clear that the goy - "Those laws made people feel that, even ernment .will. only assume control over a though they had a valid power of attorney person's affairs as a last resort, when people in place, the government,ciauki still inter- haye no one else to mike decisions on their vene in the substitute decision -Making behalf, in cases -where the. government has process'," says Johns. . assumed the role of decision -maker, it will "The amendments will miniinie the. role also now be easier for family members who of government in people's lives and will put come forward to replace the government. decision-making back where it belongs .4- flOwever,' where a 'person has not in :the hands of individual and'their fami- planned ahead, there are two ways that lies.'" families can. apply to become guardians; A continuing power of attorney for prop-, one is through the process of statutory erty is a legal. document -in which a, person guardianship, which is a non -court applica- gives someone else the legal authority t9 tion. The second is that a pe,rs,on can makelecisions about their finances if they always apply tocourt-to be appointed as a become unable to make ,those decisions- guardian. • • • themselves. Although a power of attorney Thelegislation also broadens the catego- may become effective the moment it is ry of family Members who Can qualify to 'signed, itis called continuing because it . be a substitute decision -maker and no an be used after the person who gave itis longer makes the requirement to post a .no longer mentally capablebond mandatory. The result is that it will A power of attorney for personal,care isnow be easier for family members or tnist. legal document in Which one person gives • •turn to page $ DO NOT PAY for... 12 MONTHS NO INTEREST - NO DOWN PAYMENT ...ALL FURNITURE ...ALL MATTRESSES ...ALL CARPETS ..ALL VINYL FLOORS uS • 0.A C ...ALL CERAMIC TILES _ALL HARDWARE FLOORS ...ALL AREA RUGS IIRONTEEO LOWEST PRICES OWEN SOUND Downtown 371 -2151 PORT ELGIN Furniture Boys 389 - 4454 IWIARTON Downtovm 534 - 3320 Welcome to The.Bruce County Journal! -This informative newsmagazine is published every 2 weeks and is delivered FREE to every home in. Bruce County from Sauble Beach south. If your current advertising isn't. quite doing the job or you need to , expand yOur chent base, the 'Journal is for you! Give one of ..our offices a call today! • • . ° rill. NOM • Deciding OnWhat To Plant This Spririgr? w 130 lel • ;*y.eKo4w04:41 • • A . 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