The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-02-28, Page 17ud est replaces snopitc Scott and Myssi "estecott co-ordinated a successful Mud -Fest (Rather than snl -pitch) teurna ent on Saturday at 51, Dungannon Agriculture hall with eight temsl� :partci Rng. , "'A" "Vern _ champ was. the Vern "'ani nas"; with Chris ." dy coaching; rurtnerup was "D -D's" coached by Robert Woods. o s champs was A>t1utta Glenn'team the :Tart Pack" with the B ni errup- "The Hooligans" coached by Rene' Taylor. The Dungannon cGIT participated in the. World p' Vision Canada, 0 -hour Fan ne at the, horns of their leader Elizabeth Irvin. The Femine began on Friday at noon : and ended Saturday at 6 p.m.' During the interval the girls enjoyed a skin care. demonstration by a local cosmetician, played board games, watched movies and went bowling. Having birthday tea with Jim and Margaret Errington on Feb, 22 was 84 year young Dorothy Newbery and Walter from Paramoiu t, Twenty members and friends attendedthe smor- gasbord super at the Dungannon Senior Citizen entre last Wednesday. Louise Brindley°had the distinction of staying at the head table for seven out of 10 < gamesof euchre. 'Scoring : high. were Harold Johnstone, Tom Phillips,, Joe Courtney, Teresa Courtney. - and Deloris Culbert. ;'The double loon ui��nts �cieric The LCPS Science Fair will take place March 6. Several local judges will be interviewing the students and examining the projects, during the day. In the evening, everyone is invited to an open house in the gym from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. At approximately 8:15 students and projects that have been .chosen for the county' level will be announced. The primary classes cele- brated 100 days in school on, Feb. 14. Everyone brought in 100 things to share with the class; We had 100 marshmallows, 100 pennies, 100 stuffed ani- mals and even 100 hockey cards. We did lots, of activi- ties. Some students wanted: to bring 100 cats and dogs ° and others, wanted to bring 100 babies! We ended the daywith a huge e cake .;that g had 100 candles.. The Grade 5 and Grade rrad 4/5 class are doing a Language unit in the. Library .on on:, of Mrs. Black's " favorite topics - chocolate. Learning about the origin of chocolate, f . mapping the countries that: was won by' vel „n Phillips p and Ross He Ae lex lv cGt .. " andr�. �cry and SonNicholashave.. returned from spending two weeks with her arrents,_ p . Penny and. Fel Beasse, at Ste. I�ese du Lac, Manitoba. tt Rev. :Alex :joined them for one week's duration. While there Alexan..:ra's mother r celebrated her birthday ori Feb. 12. Coincidently,: Rev. Alexes mother birthday -was thesame day. A tele- .'phone ele- p f 1 ,� hone call to Mississauga gssissau a sufficed that occasion. The first Lenten Service at Donnybrook/Dungannon Churches was conducted by `12ev McGilvery on Sunday, Feb.25, A large -crowd attended the general,meeting of the Huron Bruce Branch, .. Canadian Diabetes Association in Goderich Feb. 19. Guest speaker was Grant Harman from the Banting Museum and Education Centre, London, Ontario, the birthplace of insulin 75 years agog Baffling House celebrates not only a great Canadian. discovery, but the life,'times. and career of A truly ' great, anadian. S,ir FredericlG. 1 anting,(1891 1941). The discovery • of insul n signified new hope for dia- betes 'sufferers the world over. Insulin is only a con- trol for diabetes not a cure.. Teresa Courtney accept- first- used. .;chocolate 'andd ,. sharing books dealing with the. topic, '.:allowed us: to " integrate the subjects of History, Geography and English into our unit.'' We think this will'be a Sweet Experience;:: Mrs. Hiller% class corn pl'eted the Tundra ABC book. This assignment tied in nicely with the unit they are studying: on the Inuit. "Project Lover" news With the help of parents, . students, and . , some Lucknow businesses, the Grade, one class has.raised; enough ;money to send 100 school supply kits, to chil- dren ; in Malawi, Africa. On n a beautiful winter's 'day ay � last "; week, Mrs. Inwood's and, Mrs. I filler's classes travelled by bus to the Nature Centre, The stu- dents :snowshoe&,. played Inuit games and learned more about ° otrr°'Fine Feathered Friends." ed a donation to. the Annual Diabetes Fund Raising cam- .. paign from :Joy McKee, Goderich Lioness Club, that hosted the meeting. Christopher Hogan 18 - year -old son of Mildred Hogan of Quito, Ecuador and the late Raymond Hogan is spending three ,weeks vacation with his. grandparents, John and Rita (Hogan) Howard and faint- ly. arly. He is moving from house to house spending dme with his many relatives and fMends. Joe .and:Teresaourtne:.. y accompanied Marvin and Taney Scott to Burlington this past weekend. They visited with Betty Taylor and Charlie McLean, a for- mer neighbor and friend Lueknew who ' had a hip replacement inIanuary. Joe; and Teresa stayed over night at the home o their son Eric and Anna Courtney and fatly and enjoyed a visit with Joe's brother'Fred and his daugh- ter Theresa and Wayne Cornaclk, Marvinand Haney were overnight guests :atthe home, of their daughter Shirley and "effgn -s Dundas Dn, the way home they took a scenic route and vis- ited with Haney s parents in Listowel. Donna and Ian Porker of Bryanston visited on Sunday with Eldon and Mary Austin nd other friends inthis community.. enti iel, Wednesday, February Aga 1996 Fi age 17 v happenings Get well wishes go to Jim and Frau Farrell d Tiny Robertson who was 4 family visited Steve. and patient in wingha? Ruth Johnston :in Huron: Hospital and. to Deanna Heights on, Saturday. Scott who: was a patient in Helen Smith, Audrey and Kincardine flospital, Mary Elle. Trailer all of Happy 80 birthday to L on don.. 'visited Edna a Mari Thompson who cele- Stanley �n Ripley on the brated with several parties weekend, . last.week. Fran Farrell and Marlyn Jim Farrell and Donald Reid attended' the Women's Forster attended a Brace Institute District Directors County Federation of meeting in Pine River On in Tuesday. An old-fashioned quilt - Mg bee was . held at Anne McCosh's home .last week with several Purple . Grove Percival in Bervie, ladies busy stitching. John and Joyce Farrell returned from a one week trip to Calgary to visit Fred au►icl erllta Stlferd . Agriculture meeting . Dunkeld on .Monday. Gladys mold And Mary Vie• Kukoly recently visit- ed Bob and Marguerite Carmen Farrell visited on Saturday .at Melanie Halms. and +Chen=;E.nrreli was at. (ram Moullton`s tsb quirks, no nasty habits and it always wants toigo'the same places ou do. Sound too . good to be"true? Itgets better It comeswith ondihot # P rent l er Stei ► asse • Litre t yslteirr • Roads` Assiistancet So get down here soon. And .let us' ploy matchmaker, `Dila tle5;tb a.24•rnnnllt lea,a far d 1996 Jett« GC. 5• cad as de Gibed and includes frei ht: $1;400" town Pa mcnt $299 rpt month's a -meat and ,fundable seeuri .deposit of !0 'rcgdfretf 'at ,Cease lore olatn PD1, inisuranco, lieenre;,and bpplr"cable toxee' extra. Month` pa enb ,tout '$7,17 i,00, vet. Masa end;' Cessea' s . 0 r `icm cot « . n etc ess. o ' ar. Requires Wtr Credit tree. ' " t'avat :clod dealer :tri ami' rr; Dealer m ase r e ro�par. sebCdla"i �Q1 !k al/et-44000 ,. � d at« air d �., °� � Mcg ra app is .y. � 1sa� �p . d . JOe �� r;o ie �, Offer Claes' rest opttly tar dlescr; models. See dcaiet ar full detoiIs ,ttd puixCrnse zsp ban. Offer" a ds,.Ma 31,1996.. Supp1 �=aro liMileeh'Roadsida A ssistoo eel 4eos • r tsh . . tri o d t rl''mar .. «ate Maximum' 4- n is 4 It , 0 V. , .. reveded bl Prbfe,s.t3n«Ie ptslgrt� pp rrc , urn 2 m tC 0,i9(1U t11 19 att�waOcn. p up, strand, �atana t3'� 611a �tsr�odo, Na et true u c e en Highway.4, r mare information call 1.800-I)RI'( VW -. i -..x: