The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-02-21, Page 5Your last chance to be in h 'book" Dear editor: Residents of ..'est Ashfield Township have one last opportunity : to make an update on their. fates for .the West Ashfield Histn-ry Boob, We e accepting any .changes in writing. cup until Feb. 29. e would especially ask that those from Pott Albert take note, ' Books ordered and paid for in advance cost $35,. bile after publication. the they will $45 or mores depending on our costs.. Contact Marian Zinn, R.R. 2, Lucknow, NGC 2110, S28-3710, er myself, Mayme `? ilkins, R.R.. 3, Goderieb : 3X9, 395-3495. Muymc WJYim. Dungannon CGI fast for 30 hours The Dungannon CQIT will join other groups acrossthe province to help end poverty and suffering around the world. Over 10 Dungannon girls will pantie- ipate • in . World Vision Canada's 3 i Hour Famine on Feb. 23 and 24, while raising money to support World Vision's relief and development programs. Heather Irvin, one of the teens taking part, says the group will get together at her home. They plan 'to go bowling and watch. miviesl as a way of supporting each other while going without food.for 30hours. "It'll help keep our "mind's off eating," said heather. . Last .year, 100,000. Canadians took part in the 34 'Hour Famine" and. ,raised $1.87 million.. Funds will support development pro grams such as agricultural programs in Mozambique, AIDS awareness programs in Uganda and programs assisting needy kids here in Canada. 'The 30 Hour Famine also gives young . people a chance to identify with mil- lions of people around the world who face hunger daily. World. Vision is a Christian: humanitarian relief and .development organization which works in more than 100 countries, and more than 5,000. pro jects. = The Dungannon CGIT would .welcon e. your span- s0rship Call Elizabeth Irvin at 529-7594 if you would be interessted. The political scene -i 26 An.P's difficulties Miss Agnes McPhail, MP is reported as saying that, before voting on the amendment to the Speech from . the Throne, she will' consult the executive . of the organization in S.E. Grey, which elected her. The vote on Mr. Ivleighen's amendment will be a vote to put the government out or keep it in. Miss McPhail cannot approve of the atnendment, which is protectionists but neither does she like voting' in favor of the, King Government. She recognizes that to vote against the Government may mean its defeat, and an election, which,she says, the people do not want. So she is in "some- thing of a :quandry. Ourguess is that she will suggest to her -executive thatthey advise -her -to: support the Government.,. She thinks that .all parties and groups' in parliament should be :represented in the cabinet that is in the body: of men: to which the premier looks for advice and help. ''W!e are afraid that with" a° Liberal majority in control, the Conservative members of the Cabinet would feel that their advice was little heeded Miss: McPhail, however, is right on one point. She believes" that a government should not be driven, from office when defeated on mere question of policy. It should stick, and carry on getting through such legislation as will :receive the sanction of a majority inthe house, With the arrival of three or four parties with strong representation in parliament some such ,practice is necessary. Eighll'ayedS"hQurs and released. Bill, Diane 'and Barbara Carson were taken by, ambulance to Alexandra Donald Staples was Marine and General transported by air. annbu Hospital, Godoriclt., Diane lance to Victoria Hospital, . was later .transferred to London. His wife, Lourdes Victoria Hospital. Staples. 06) was taken by Cynthia Barzyk and,, Jean ambulance to inear'dine . Carson were not injured. Hospital, where she was Hwy 21 was• closed for treated, for ninon injuries labout three hoursr ; •frorn page 1 her sister, 20 -year-old Jean Carson, Of London, were passengers m the card Luckrauw Seagate mergeney feeding prowam up r Ontario deer were winter weather is causing emergency status for deer~ in s>rne part of the province. An emergency feeding program has been set up in the areas of Sault Ste. Made, North ay, Parry Sound, Bracebridge and Bancroft. Repeated snowfalls and unusually Bold temperaturesthis winter lbave deploted.the animals' fat reserves, whieli could result in high losses without emergency feeding. The inid. January thaw helped briefly to make the situation' less .criti- cal, however, recent snowfalls have again restricted deer movements. Wed aaes slay, February 21., 119 Page !ective; March 1 Sentin • 1 adlines are goon 'Monday serving Ludkno it and Area. for the art 20 Years Lr" ?d ? •t+' � N fru+` 4:#. *R BE Che rice w , Dote. is ,the price CONST RUCTION AND BUIL CFP PF 37 0 Cam i$freer` BUIWING $UPPUES C MONO Ou ped►'!. RESIDENTIAL 'COMMERCIAL AGlacULTURAL 6j tucknew NOG2